
Mortal Gods...

In a war-torn society in the year 20XX, humanity is locked in a desperate battle against the relentless Seki, a vicious extraterrestrial species that appeared from space. Their struggle seemed futile until The Pinnacle, a mysterious entity, emerged, granting humans the ability to commune with gods and gain divine strength, shifting the tide of war. Following the war, the world experienced a profound metamorphosis as enigmatic beings began to materialize one by one, their origins and intentions concealed in secrecy. In response to the emergence of these enigmatic beings, people have harnessed the power of the gods to combat them, ensuring that the world is not overrun by these mysterious creatures. In this evolved world Uni, an orphan who endured a life of hardship, remains untouched by divine blessings. However, on his sixteenth birthday, Uni's life takes a dramatic turn, filled with uncertainty and undisclosed consequences, leaving it unclear whether this transformation will bring fortune or peril. Discord: milkygxzy Business email: milkygxzy@gmail.com

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29 Chs

Night Guardian

As they turned around, Uni and Moon saw the thought to be dead CC, now slowly rising from the ground. However that wasn't all, in the midst of rising up, it's body was shaking profusely, and that's when the oddly protruding arm the CC had, suddenly disappeared, being replaced by four arms sticking out from the side. 

Frozen in place, both Uni and Moon had no clue how to react. But that's when Moon tapped his gauntlets together, shaking his fear away as he said, "Looks like this bastard didn't have enough!"

The CC remained motionless after growing the four new arms and a new head, however although it remained stationary, the CC seemed to gain a new level of intimidation, even making Moon hesitate for a moment, before finally going in.

Acting swiftly, Moon was once again surrounded by crackling lightning before disappearing from sight. Having survived a near-fatal headshot, he had learned to target the creature's heart as a more effective strategy. However, upon reappearing in front of the CC, Moon's attack was easily blocked by the creature, which seemed to anticipate his move. The CC grabbed him by the neck and tightened its grip, prompting Moon to gasp out, "What... the hell... are you?"

Determined not to give in, Moon realized that his arms were still free. He used his gauntlet to strike the CC's face, hoping to inflict damage. To his frustration, the creature didn't seem affected.

Realizing the dire situation, Moon resorted to a barrage of punches and kicks. But instead of deterring the CC, this seemed to make it even angrier. The creature then grabbed each of Moon's limbs, threatening to tear him apart. "ARGHHHHH!!"

Watching this whole scene unfold, Uni knew if he didn't do anything Moon would die, not that he would care too much if that did happen, but Uni knew that after the CC was done with Moon it'd come to him. 'I guess this is my chance to be on the frontlines...." Uni's determination triggered a transformation. His sleeves melted away as his hand began to emit a bright orange glow, which extended to the Jingu. "I hope this training pays off..."


During the past few weeks, Uni's routine had expanded beyond his Bojutsu training with Stray and gym workouts with Green. He dedicated a significant portion of his time to understanding his MOJO, the Phoenix Pyre. His aim was to better control this ability, and through his persistent efforts, he made some noteworthy discoveries.

One key observation was that only the Jingu would take on the fiery color of his hands upon contact. Everything else he touched underwent a melting-like transformation due to his MOJO's heat. This raised questions about the unique properties of the Jingu that allowed it to withstand the intense heat he generated. Despite this, Uni didn't dwell on it for long.

He also found that the effect of his MOJO on his arms had a time limit. The fiery glow would gradually fade, returning his arms to their normal state after about five minutes.

Moreover, Uni learned that he couldn't use his MOJO continuously. After the fiery hue disappeared from his hands, he had to wait for around ten minutes before he could activate it again.


Back in the present, Uni knew the little time he had, so he had to keep his movements brief, but purposeful. Seeing as how the CC was distracted by Moon, Uni used the forest as cover sneaking up behind the CC. As Moon's screams intensified, Uni inched closer to the back of the creature before finally getting close enough for attack.

Rushing from behind, Uni zoomed forward, getting a clean hit at the back of its head. However the hit did more than what Uni expected, sending the CC back at bit, letting go of Moon in the process. Going to check on him, Uni said, " You Ok? C'mon get up, you have to get to cover quickly." Uni was about to put Moon's arm over his shoulder, however he quickly realized that it would be impossible with the Phoenix Pyre still activated.

Slowly getting up, Moon was getting his bearings back as he retorted, "Shut it dumbass.... who said I needed your help? I could've done this on my own..." Not wanting to waste time, Uni swiftly replied, "Look, I don't know why you hate me so much, and frankly I don't care. But right now isn't the time to be arguing about it! Now if you wanna help me fight this thing, then let's go."

Taking a calming breath, Uni readied himself for the next round. The CC, previously down, was back up, its anger more palpable than before. Observing how Moon had attacked head-on, Uni recognized the need for strategy. To have a chance at victory, he had to catch the CC off guard.

With quick thinking, Uni formulated a plan. Instead of a direct charge, he threw the Jingu straight at the CC's central eye. This unexpected move briefly stunned the creature, providing a crucial opening. Acting swiftly, Uni closed the distance, retrieved the Jingu, and delivered a powerful swing that sliced off one of the CC's arms.

The CC's pained cries filled the air as it screeched in agony, but Uni remained focused. He pressed forward, undeterred by the creature's suffering. He closed the gap again, readying himself for another strike.

However, the CC had a surprise in store. It abruptly stood up and slammed its hand onto the ground with immense force, causing the floor to shake and crack. Uni struggled to maintain his balance amidst the chaos. At that moment, the CC took advantage of Uni's vulnerability. It lunged at him, aiming to pound him into the ground. But just before impact, something intervened, redirecting the CC's trajectory. The creature was sent flying, its attack thwarted by an unseen force.

The ground trembled as the aftermath of the intervention reverberated. Looking up from the floor, Uni saw Moon standing over him. "Don't think of this as me helping your dumbass... but clearly we can't do this alone. So get the fuck up, and let's defeat this bastard!" With a cheeky smile, Uni lifted himself up, before turning to the CC who was also getting up and said, "Let's flank him. You go right and I'll go left." Although annoyed with being told what to do, Moon conceited and agreed.

Positioned strategically, they sprang into action simultaneously. The CC found itself caught off guard as they appeared on opposite sides in an instant. Faced with a dilemma, the creature tried to use its arms to grab them both, but Uni swiftly disrupted its plan. He hurled the Jingu once again at the CC's eye, forcing it to lose sight of him.

Seizing the opportunity, Moon struck with precision. His fists landed powerful blows on either side of the CC's head, the force of the impact resonating through the air. The CC's confusion was evident—there was no visible attacker, only the unmistakable evidence of blows connecting.

In a rapid and calculated move, Moon shifted his position to evade the CC's grasping attempts. Yet, as Moon avoided the creature's clutches, Uni emerged atop the CC's back. He climbed determinedly, his objective clear: to use the Jingu to either choke the CC into submission or burn through its neck. The CC's screeches echoed, a testament to the effectiveness of Uni's audacious action. At the same time, Moon maintained his assault. Seeing the CC momentarily distracted, he pummeled the creature's chest with a series of forceful punches, capitalizing on the opportunity presented.

However, the CC's efforts to regain control were thwarted. Uni's movements were agile and evasive, his form slipping away from the CC's attempts to grasp him. The intense heat radiating from Uni's arms made any contact unbearable for the creature. The CC's attempts to reclaim dominance met unwavering resistance. As Uni maintained his grip on the creature's neck, the battle surged to a peak of intensity.

Glancing down, Uni noticed the fading color on his arms, signaling the dwindling of his Phoenix Pyre's power. Holding the Jingu tighter, he focused all his strength on choking the CC before his ability waned. Simultaneously, Moon's punch to the CC's stomach weakened the creature gradually, wearing it down until it eventually collapsed. Swiftly sidestepping, Uni avoided being crushed by the falling CC and landed safely. Breathing heavily, he and Moon took a moment to recover from the intense struggle.

Before they could fully rest, Uni approached the fallen CC with the Jingu in hand. In a grim display, he repeatedly stomped on the creature's head until it was beyond recognition. Amidst this brutal conclusion, a message appeared before Uni

{ Tier II Leviathan Night Guardian, has perished. }

{ Your inner flame burns brighter. }