
Mortal Gods...

In a war-torn society in the year 20XX, humanity is locked in a desperate battle against the relentless Seki, a vicious extraterrestrial species that appeared from space. Their struggle seemed futile until The Pinnacle, a mysterious entity, emerged, granting humans the ability to commune with gods and gain divine strength, shifting the tide of war. Following the war, the world experienced a profound metamorphosis as enigmatic beings began to materialize one by one, their origins and intentions concealed in secrecy. In response to the emergence of these enigmatic beings, people have harnessed the power of the gods to combat them, ensuring that the world is not overrun by these mysterious creatures. In this evolved world Uni, an orphan who endured a life of hardship, remains untouched by divine blessings. However, on his sixteenth birthday, Uni's life takes a dramatic turn, filled with uncertainty and undisclosed consequences, leaving it unclear whether this transformation will bring fortune or peril. Discord: milkygxzy Business email: milkygxzy@gmail.com

M1LKY6ZY · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Back in reality, Pandora and Orion hurried down a spiral staircase, each clutching a pair of shoes. Their faces were tense with urgency as they descended quickly. Reaching the staircase's bottom, they confronted a massive steel door that loomed before them. Orion turned to Pandora, his impatience evident. "I told you to make sure he knows we're coming. We can't waste time like this."

Just as Pandora was about to respond, a rush of wind signaled the doors' slow opening. Amidst the widening gap, a diminutive figure emerged, using a cane for support. Orion wasted no time, hurrying through the entrance and addressing the figure. "Nefarious! It's urgent. We need you to help us locate two boys who disappeared earlier today!"

"Could you assist me in getting back to the table, Dora?" Nefarious asked with a smile. Pandora nodded, carefully lifting Nefarious and carrying him to a nearby table where Orion stood.

Gently placing Nefarious on the table, Pandora stepped back. With the air of someone accustomed to this routine, Nefarious settled into a seat before turning his attention to Orion. His request was simple: "Pass me the items." Orion swiftly handed over the pairs of shoes to Nefarious.

"Now, what are the names of the students?" Nefarious inquired. Without delay, Pandora and Orion provided the names of Uni and Moon. Their nervous pacing betrayed their concern—concern not only for their students' well-being but also for their son's safety, which weighed even more heavily on their minds.

Taking a deep breath, Nefarious made contact with the shoes, and that's when his eyes rolled back and his head shot up. This lasted for about a minute before he stopped, and he began heavily breathing.

"Dora, pass me some water please..." Swiftly going to grab one and handing it to him, Nefarious drank the whole thing before saying, " Those boys... are at school. They're still in the Reinforced Training Room." As he said this, Pandora and Orion had felt their hearts calm down a bit.

Continuing what he was saying, Nefarious said, "This most likely means we're dealing with Nocras, so I think you two could calm down. As the headmasters you know we've had many cases like this that result in them coming back tomorrow. And In most cases Nocras only go up to Beast rank, so there's no need for concern. If your son is involved, those boys will have no problem getting out by the end of the day."

Listening to Nefarious, Pandora and Orion slowly became less worried, but still there was a level of concern that wouldn't go away.

Picking up the pairs of shoes they brought, they slowly made their way out with a smile and thanking Nefarious for his time. But once the door closed, Orion and Pandora gazed at each other before Pandora, "I want to relax but my heart won't let me."

Putting his hand on her head, Orion said, "I understand what you mean, but we can't think like that. No matter how much he hates us, that's our son, and you know his ability. But with him, he also has Uni by his side, although he's new, that kid with that kind of weapon, I think they'll be alright. In the meantime, let's unlock the school, I'm sure the students are pretty worried right now."

Smiling at Orions words, Pandora bumped his shoulder before they both walked back up the stairs.

Behind the imposing steel doors, Nefarious sat on the table, his hand gently rubbing his chin as he contemplated the situation. "Those boys... Nocras have always been a nuisance, showing up randomly and causing more annoyance than real trouble. Even though they're weak, they manage to create a disturbance. But when I used my MOJO { Scanner }, I sensed something different. There's an element I can't quite identify. I hope it's nothing serious."

Meanwhile, beyond the city's borders, a scene played out in the heart of the forest. Three individuals navigated the woods, their attire strikingly out of place amidst the natural surroundings. Among them were two young women and a man, each possessing their own distinct characteristics.

Sara, with her flowing blonde hair, expressed her discontent with a hint of exasperation, "I still don't get why we're wearing these uncomfortable clothes. They're really not helping us blend in." She exclaimed while holding her shoulders. In contrast, the other girl's slightly reddish hair seemed to complement her composed demeanor, "Sara, we're after an artifact. This is the last relic we need for the ritual. If everything goes smoothly, it should be a quick in-and-out job."

Sara's sigh lingered, accompanied by a roll of her eyes, her discomfort evident. "I understand the logic, Flo. But these clothes are just so suffocating. Leo, could you give us an estimate of when we might reach our destination? It feels like we've been walking forever."

Walking just behind the girls, Leo's glasses caught the light as he spoke, his hands casually nestled in his pockets.

Meeting Sara's gaze, Leo replied, "Sara, it's only been an hour. As for our expected arrival time, it remains uncertain. It could be a week, perhaps even three. Nevertheless, once we secure the relic, our efforts will undoubtedly prove worthwhile. Patience is key."

Absolutely frozen, Sara almost passed out. "It can't have been just an hour! And did you seriously say three weeks? This is ridiculous. I'll just use my abilities." But her defiant words were cut short as both Leo and Flo's expressions underwent a drastic shift. In an instant, they had closed in on Sara, restraining her.

The shift was immediate, as Leo's features radiated an intimidating and chilling aura, an embodiment of palpable danger. "Are you out of your mind? You nearly compromised the entire mission! Do you have any comprehension of how meticulously we've planned for this? I don't care how long it takes, we're going to reach our destination. So, swallow your complaints and keep moving."

As Leo's scathing words echoed, the air around them seemed to grow heavy, suffused with a tense energy. Locking eyes with him, Sara felt a shiver course through her body. When he finally released her, she nodded vigorously, her voice barely above a whisper as she promised not to repeat her actions.

As they resumed walking, Sara's trembling persisted, a testament to the fear she had just experienced. Leo's voice cut through the unease, "Now, let's continue our journey, shall we?" His words held an eerie edge, a reminder of the formidable force that he embodied.

Glancing at Leo from the side, Flo also shivers down her spine. Slapping her face a bit, snapping out of the fear, Flo thought, 'That guy... never fails to put fear in me. Even looking at him now, it feels like he had some sort of aura surrounding him at all times.. I'm glad we're on the same side.