
Mortal Gods...

In a war-torn society in the year 20XX, humanity is locked in a desperate battle against the relentless Seki, a vicious extraterrestrial species that appeared from space. Their struggle seemed futile until The Pinnacle, a mysterious entity, emerged, granting humans the ability to commune with gods and gain divine strength, shifting the tide of war. Following the war, the world experienced a profound metamorphosis as enigmatic beings began to materialize one by one, their origins and intentions concealed in secrecy. In response to the emergence of these enigmatic beings, people have harnessed the power of the gods to combat them, ensuring that the world is not overrun by these mysterious creatures. In this evolved world Uni, an orphan who endured a life of hardship, remains untouched by divine blessings. However, on his sixteenth birthday, Uni's life takes a dramatic turn, filled with uncertainty and undisclosed consequences, leaving it unclear whether this transformation will bring fortune or peril. Discord: milkygxzy Business email: milkygxzy@gmail.com

M1LKY6ZY · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Strange Duo

Strange duo"... A Nocra." Uni repeated in confusion. "Exactly, a Nocra. It's a sprit-type CC that can manipulate their surrounds and create illusions that feel real, but not everything in these illusion are created to a tea. There are some things that remain inconsistent, like the missing air I mentioned before. But our real bodies are out in the real world right now."

Getting a bit hopeful, Uni said, "So does that mean, that someone could've walked into the Reinforced Training Room and saw us laying on the floor and got help?" Shaking his head, Moon replied, "If only it were that simple, but no. When a Nocras takes someone to one of their realms, in order so no one suspects nothing, they essentially make our bodies similar to ghosts. No one can see us, touch us, or interact with us in anyway. It's like we disappeared."

Instantly getting dishearten, Uni was about to let out a deep sigh, however not before Moon continued and said, "But hey, dumbass, don't lose hope, their is a way to get out of here." After hearing Moon insult him again, Uni got up with the Jingu in hand, ready to attack, not even listening to the rest of his sentence. However once Uni raised the Jingu to strike, Moon pointed to the west and said, "Look over there. You see that, I think that's our ticket home." Slightly lowering the staff, and looking in the distance, Uni was able to see a large structure that resembled a traditional castle, surrounded by a lake with a bridge near the entrance that was need to get across. Looking back at Moon, Uni retorted, "How is that supposed to help us get out?"

With a smirk, Moon said, "Well if you knew how Nocras worked, you'd know what all you have to do is defeated the creator of the world, then said world will start to crumble, setting us free. And In most cases Nocras don't go past Beast rank.. So if you wanna waste more time asking question, then that's on you, but I'll be going if you don't mind." As he walked away, Uni was evidently annoyed by all his little comments, but no matter how annoying it was, Uni realized Moon did know more about their current predicament then him, so it'd best to follow.

'It's easy I just have to swallow my pride..... no matter how much how much I wanna beat his ass. Thinking back on it, I still don't know what this dudes gripe with me is... and I just noticed, he told me to that I was wasting time, but when I was trying to figure what the hell was happening, what did he do... act like nothing was wrong!!! And I'm the one wasting time!!'

While Uni was starting to get annoyed at Moon's very existence, he was walking a bit further ahead unaware at any of the cruses currently being thrown at him. Seeking to regain his composure, Uni took a thorough look around before focusing on the path ahead. The environment had transformed dramatically. The sky had taken on a deep crimson shade, and the once-green foliage had turned entirely black, casting an eerie aura over the scene.

Feeling unsettled by the strange surroundings, Uni tried to quell his discomfort by closing his eyes briefly and taking a deep breath. However, his moment of calm was abruptly interrupted when he accidentally collided with Moon.

Opening his eyes, Uni prepared to voice his irritation, but the apprehensive expression on Moon's face made him pause. Rising to his feet, Uni followed Moon's gaze, revealing a bizarre and grotesque creature. The creature shared similarities with a minotaur, but its features were distorted and unnatural. It had three legs and a single arm protruding oddly from its chest. Its face was adorned with three eyes, with one in the center and the others positioned on its cheeks. Standing at an imposing height of around ten feet, it was a disturbing sight.

Suppressing a feeling of revulsion, Uni managed to keep from retching and swallowed hard. Moving closer to Moon, Uni whispered, "Is that the Nocra?" Moon's swift headshake conveyed a negative response. "No, it's not. In the worlds shaped by Nocras, creatures like this are added challenges. The strength of this creature gives us a clue about the Nocra's power who created this world. Stay here; I'm going to assess the situation." As if in response to Moon's intention, an otherworldly light formed around his hands, coalescing into a pair of jagged gauntlets. Uni examined them, noting their jagged design and sharp claw-like appendages, reminiscent of a tiger's paws.

Moving swiftly, Uni observed as Moon covered a distance of at least 4 meters in a single step. Moon's attack was aimed at the creature's stomach, and it seemed to land almost successfully. However, the creature effortlessly blocked the strike with one hand. Recognizing the futility of a frontal assault, Moon retreated briefly before launching himself into the air, targeting one of the eyes on the creature's cheek.

The attack hit its mark, and as soon as Moon touched the ground, he rushed to a nearby tree and used it as a platform to launch himself again. This time, he struck the creature's other eye. With two of its eyes incapacitated, Moon realized it was time for the final blow.

Uni's attention was drawn to the extraordinary display of power as Moon's body became enveloped in lightning-like energy. In the blink of an eye, Moon vanished from view, leaving only the creature standing. Uni's gaze remained locked on the spot, and then Moon reappeared, holding the creature's head in his hands. "That was easier than I expected. Probably no need to worry too much about whoever created this place. Chances are, they aren't much stronger than this creature," Moon remarked casually. As he crushed the creature's head, a cascade of unsettling substances spilled out.

Uni was left speechless by the astonishing spectacle. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of self-consciousness, sidelined like a child. Still, he had to acknowledge the impressive display before him. 'It's not that surprising, considering what I witnessed when I first arrived at the academy. That fight between Ari and Moon caused actual damage to the school. Moon being the son of Orion and Pandora, this level of prowess is to be expected... Although the creature looked imposing, I thought it would offer more of a challenge...'

Moon's face oozed with insufferable smugness as he invaded Uni's personal space, his demeanor practically shouting arrogance. "Did you see how effortlessly I dealt with that thing? Didn't even break a sweat. But then again, understanding competence might be a bit beyond your grasp, huh? Quite a shame for you dumbass. But look, I'll be nice, You can just hang back here while I take care of the Nocra and free us. To be honest, whether you're here or not, it probably won't make much difference. So, what's your decision?"

Uni's anger simmered, gradually intensifying until it felt like the air itself was heating up, fueled by his frustration. But before he could retort, a bone-chilling growl sliced through the air, emerging from some distant, hidden corner. The sound slithered into their immediate environment, casting a menacing veil of dread over the situation. It was the sort of sound that made your heart race and your instincts scream for caution, a lurking presence that sent a shiver down your spine and left you feeling utterly vulnerable. Turning around to see the threat, what they saw could only he described as terrifying...