
Chapter 7

Both Alex and Logan started to work on the project as fast as they could because Alex have to go on shopping with Gloria while Logan was also thinking to meet his only other friend except Alex, Jhonny.

During their conversation, Logan also gave her suggestions about her dress to which Alex replied by nodding her head without lifting it from the book and this was also not expected by Logan because according to him when he will say to Alex which colour suits her the best her question should be 'Why do you care which colour suits me.' but here she is nodding and Logan was very surprised by this.

Then he thought that in the show Alex didn't want to wear a dress because she thought she is not beautiful as Hailey or her best friends but here she is going to buy a new dress and Logan thought,' Is this because of our conversation from earlier.'

A smile made its way to Logan's face and Alex noticed this and asked," Why are you smiling like an idiot?"

Logan comes out of his thoughts and said," Oh I was just happy that I will see Jhonny today and we will hang out together."

Alex asked," That guy with messy hair and clothes with weird behaviour who sits next to you?"

Logan nodded and said," Yeah, that one and he is not weird, he is just like your brother, Luke."

Alex looked out of the window and saw Luke jumping in underwear with a box on his head and said," You have a point."

Logan smiled and get back to his work, soon both of them finished everything and Logan packed all his stuff and asked Alex," Hey Alex so now that we are friends, will you give me your number?"

Alex looked at Logan for a sec before writing something on a chit and said," this is my number but call only if you have anything important."

Logan smiled and thought,' Talking to you is also very important for me.'

Logan then went to Claire and said," Mrs Dunphy, I would like to invite your family for dinner at my house."

Claire was surprised and tried to decline but Logan made a deal with Alfred that he will give his best efforts so he said with his brightest smile," I know that you are feeling awkward about coming to my house but Alex helped me a lot with this project and doing it with someone who doesn't understand anything with so much work at the office would have been a lot of pressure so please accept this invitation as my gratitude."

Claire seeing his smile and hearing his words subconsciously nodded and Logan smiled and give her a signed card and asked," When will you be comfortable coming?"

Claire replied," This Sunday will be good."

Logan said while passing by a shocked Alex," See you on Sunday."

Logan left Dunphy's house and went to Jhonny's house where he saw Jhonny sitting in his backyard with his dog Logan asked him," Hey buddy, how are doing?"

Johnny nodded and said," Pretty good, I was going shopping for new clothes, do you care to join."

Logan thought for a sec and nodded," yeah, I didn't have anything to do for today so going to the mall with you will be a good idea."

Johnny nodded and went inside to change his wet shirt and come out. Both of them went to the mall in Logan's car and Logan saw Gloria parking her Car.

Logan raised his eyebrows for a sec but shrugged his shoulders and went to the mall with Johnny beside him.

Johnny said with a smile," oh Logan, you will be mad hearing this but I am suddenly feeling hungry right now so first we will go to KFC."

Logan facepalmed and asked," I asked you at so many restaurants on our way here if you want to eat something but you declined and now you are saying you want to eat KFC!!!"

Johnny just nodded and said," Ok let's go, I swear that if you weren't my only male friend I would have thrown you from the top of my office building."

Johnny laughed and said," Haha, fortunately, it is true that you're a loner and I am your only ma... *He realized something* what do you mean by only 'Male' friend."

Logan smiled and said," Of course, I also become friends with Alex Dunphy from our science class."

Johnny asked," That nerd, with whom you have to do the project this summer vacation."

Logan frowned and said," She is not a nerd by the way and yeah, we become friends and I also invited her family for dinner this Sunday."

Johnny opened his mouth but didn't say anything and kept walking, Logan also follow him with a smile on his face.


Thanks for reading.😊

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