
Milady, Your Identity Please!!?

She is a spy who always hid her real identity in front of everyone that she meets. She may be an assistant. She may be a businesswoman. She may be a student. She may come in anyway possible in front of you but you cannot recognize her the second time you meet her. However she may come, everything is a mask that covers her real identity which is something very mysterious. He is an emperor of the Entertainment Industry but that was just his stress-buster from being the real Emperor of many Industries that were under his name. While acting in his film, he suddenly came across his first love who was supposed to be a poor scholarship student during their school times, now acting as an assistant to his co-star with her real age changed. Why? He didn’t care. He lost her once but wouldn’t the second time. She avoided him but he used the people around her to get more closer. She changed the identity again but he recognized her again too. “So what if you change your identity? You were mine and you would always be mine. The only identity with which I will see you as is my wife.” Read the story to find how she manipulates everyone around her to get her task done while he does everything to get her to his side. A combination of sweet romance, mystery, action, comedy and everything else you need would be presented with a beautifully decorated platter. *** Talk to me (author), interact with fellow readers, catch a glimpse of sprinkled spoilers and most importantly BASH THE LAZY AUTHOR and force her for more updates by joining the discord server: https://discord.gg/k66qXaWMuD *** P.S.: The cover do not belong to me. I'll remove it if said to me... *** Want to energize this pitiful author with a cup of coffee? Provide a coffee here: ko-fi.com/leorote

Leorote · Thành thị
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413 Chs


Of course he is different.

'He is the only man on whom I ever developed feelings for.'

That would be the answer that Shao Rong would give if Bingwen asks her the question. Would she answer that to him directly or not is another matter in the whole though.

Once the shot was ready, Bingwen went to shoot his scene while Shao Rong followed him out and stood beside Sis Xiao to watch the shooting. Everyone's eyes stood on the scene being acted while Shao Rong never turned her eyes from the face of the man that sat beside the director.

His focus was clearly on the screen that stood before the young director.

He never changed. His eyes were the same. His nose, his lips, his chin, everything about him remained the same. The only exception was his age which brought a mature air around him.

Otherwise, he looked the same when he was in high school. His concentration at work while looking at the screen was the same as when he was listening to the class.

After the break between the scenes, the director rewinded the shot scene to look through it. Weimin joined him in looking through it. Once in a while they spoke with each other.

Looking at Weimin giving suggestions sincerely to the director, Shao Rong went back to the days of their high school. But it was her in the place of the director listening to him.

She remembered the gentleness with which he cleared her doubts regarding her studies. He never taught anything to others except her. But now, looking at him explaining something to others made her feel something. So what if he was a male? She just couldn't accept it that easily.

Is she that replaceable in his heart?

Shao Rong bent her head to hide her sadness from everyone.

That is when, Weimin turned to look at her direction and turned back when she was about to look at him. No one noticed what went through his mind at that moment.

He pursed his lips into a straight line and lowered his eyes to look at his hands that just turned into fists. He cleared his mind after a second and continued looking at the screen again to watch the ongoing scene with his blank eyes.

'Come back to your senses,' Shao Rong scolded herself to forget about Weimin.

While she was still in her daze, it is already time to complete today's shoot and to leave for the day. She did not leave her place while everyone left to change their costumes and came out to leave.

Sister Xiao found her standing still in her previous place and came to push her along to leave with her hands.

When she was moved suddenly, Shao Rong came back to her senses and smiled at Sis Xiao and followed her to move out.

As they were near their car, another car came and stood in front of theirs. A man came out from its driver's seat and Shao Rong found him familiar.

He turned his head and looked at Shao Rong and his lips turned into a polite smile. She immediately remembered him as the man who negotiated her little fight with a man on the beach the day before.

She smiled back at him and he came near her and spoke, "Hello, miss, we meet again. You, here?"

"Hello. Yeah, I'm an assistant for Bingwen. What are you doing here?"

"It's a coincidence. I'm an assistant for Weimin," he replied.

As soon as she heard Weimin's name, Shao Rong's smile froze but recovered soon.

As they chatted for a few seconds, Weimin came out and looked at them with a frown on his face.

"Boss," Weimin's assistant greeted him and opened the car door for him.

As Weimin nodded at him and moved towards his car, he heard his assistant speaking, "Bye, Miss Rong. Let's meet again."

Weimin stopped in his tracks and looked at Shao Rong who smiled and said a bye to his assistant.

When she looked at Weimin, she caught his gaze and smiled at him and spoke, "Goodbye, Ho…..Brother Weimin." She choked a little on her words.

His eyes darkened for a moment while he stiffly gave a nod at her and sat inside his car. The loud bang on the car door shocked everyone standing outside the car.

'I promise. I'll call you Honey for the rest of our lives.���

Looks like she broke her promise today.