
MHA: Superman

I have always wondered what the world of MHA will be with the world first symbol of hope. So I present to you Clark Kent son of former American number 1 pro hero Omni man (Jonathan Kent) and number 2 pro hero Priestess (Martha Kent). Will he live up to his father's achievement or will he surpass it and rise up to become the World Symbol Of Hope. NOTE 1: I am not a writer I just want to try this out and learn because I have 2 fanfic on my mind I really want to write but can't because I want it to be good so please leave helpful reviews to help me NOTE 2: I don't have a laptop it got stolen so since I don't have money to buy a new one I will be writing on my phone so if you see any grammatical error please let me know English is my second language though I use English for me day to day life nobody is above mistake

Kelvin_Ade · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
7 Chs

Chapter 5: growing up 2


So I changed my writing style in my previous chapter, so when I get time I will fix the first 3 chapters, as usual, please write a comment, and add it to your library.

and I want to say a special thank you to DannithRay217 for being the first person to gift my fanfic a power stone and also to Sabastine_Martinez_4590 and Ange_L_B.


" I am sure you will become the best journalist in the world Jimmy but I want to be a hero when I grow up like all might"

"all-who! Who is he?" I was shocked when he said that but then we are in America and all might is a hero in japan, so I can understand why he didn't know uncle toshinori.

"hahaha Clark looks at your face, I was just messing with you, of course, I know who all might is he is the number hero of Japan. Remember I said that I was going to become the world's best journalist, hahaha,"

"hmph I will not talk with you again," I said facing the window so he could not see my embarrassed face.

"Hahaha ok I am sorry I was just joking but your face was funny though. He apologized while trying painfully not to laugh.

"ok but there is nothing wrong with my face anyway is all might your favorite hero too?" I asked eagerly as I glance at him.

"nope he is my fourth, Omni man is my first although he is retired now all of his heroic feats and achievements are epic I read he was the number 1 pro hero for forty years before stepping down and giving the position to his protege Star and Stripe"

Jimmy then went on and on about dads heroic feats, especially how villains across America feared him, unlike all might.

I laughed a bit before wondering how dad wi react when he finds out that my new friend is a stan of his "so who are your top two and three then" I inquired

"ho! That's a tough one, it's between Priestess and Star and Stripe but I'll say Star and Stripe is my third because she is the number one hero and Omni man's Protege moreover, she is very strong that she took down some S-rank villains by herself so that makes Priestess my number two hero, although she is likewise strong it is her healing ability that makes her indispensable and she saved the lives of countless heroes and civilians"

Jimmy could not stop talking and even said it was his life mission to find mom and dad to interview them so he could make his lucky break, fortunately for me the teacher walked in.

"Hello class my name is Mrs. Karen I am your class teacher since not everyone has awakened their quirks we just do normal roll calls, so kids when I call out your name you say present, let me see Paul Waller, Juice World, Koby Bryant....."

_____________________________________ ___

Kent farm.

Clark Kent


Today Is such a lovely day the sun is glistening and the sweet winds of spring are blowing all around above all today is my birthday I will finally be 4 years old I am so excited because uncle toshinori, aunt Cathleen, uncle dave and Melissa are coming over, and I have a surprise for them, I awakened my quirks last month.

Flashback to 1 month ago

I was dropped off at school by mom as usual, when I entered I noticed that Jimmy was already in his seat so I went to my seat so I can seat and also great him, but then I noticed that the chairs were somehow lighter than before and somehow weak because when tried to seat it broke and I ended up seating on the floor then my classmates started laughing but it was so loud that I had to cover my ears.

"Clark, are you ok?" Jimmy was the only one concerned about me while the other were still laughing.

"Everything is too loud" I replied to Jimmy then I turned towards him and all I see were his bones and muscles I was so scared because this was all new but I knew why this was happening it seemed that I have unlocked my quirks but I can't control it.

"Clark listen to me concentrate on my voices block the others and close your eyes I am going to get help" he immediately left to get help since he figure out what was happening

it was then my classmates realized something was wrong so they all kept quiet but I can still hear the sounds of everything miles away including the air that was breathed into their lungs too, the blood pumping in their veins I could even see the process with my eyes.

" Please make it stop!" I was in pain because of the overload of information before I knew it my eyes lit up red and very hot including my hands, I felt that I can shut heat blast from my eyes and hands.

" calm down, calm down control yourself" I repeated to myself out loud as I was starting to lose control mom came rushing through.

"come on my precious calm down mommy is here tell me what's wrong," she asked In a soothing tone.

"mom I can't control it the world is so big it's like I can hear everything I can see everything," I said in a panicked tone.

"Since the world is too big make it small, Clark honey just on my voice and pretend it is an island out in the ocean, can you see it?"

"I can see it" I replied

"Good now swim towards it, sweetie," she said in a patient tone

My quirks start to calm down and my sense returned to normal mom immediately pulled me into a big hug.

"mom I was scared I would hurt someone"

"Don't worry I am here, and your dad and I will help you learn how to wield your quirks" come on let's go home and test your quirks so we know which quirk it is, and don't forget to thank Jimmy" we were leaving the school when I say, Jimmy and the classroom teacher.

The teacher spoke with my mom and I went to speak with Jimmy

"thank you, Jimmy, for your help but how did you know I needed help immediately"

"well as a future world-renowned journalist, I have to have the ability to read people. Moreover, I have experienced something similar and less painful, so you know" I was speechless after hearing him praise himself first before saying the real reason.

" Anyway Mr. World-renowned Journalist, thank you, and looks like my mom and Mrs. Karen are done talking so goodbye," I said while I went to meet mom. It turns out I was given 3 days break from a school


Did you, Guy know that Superman has a new power in a recent comic issue, Superman even said it himself saying he I a stronger than he has ever been. You guys can check out on YouTube go to the Variant Comics and check out the resent video on the channel
