
MHA: Superman

I have always wondered what the world of MHA will be with the world first symbol of hope. So I present to you Clark Kent son of former American number 1 pro hero Omni man (Jonathan Kent) and number 2 pro hero Priestess (Martha Kent). Will he live up to his father's achievement or will he surpass it and rise up to become the World Symbol Of Hope. NOTE 1: I am not a writer I just want to try this out and learn because I have 2 fanfic on my mind I really want to write but can't because I want it to be good so please leave helpful reviews to help me NOTE 2: I don't have a laptop it got stolen so since I don't have money to buy a new one I will be writing on my phone so if you see any grammatical error please let me know English is my second language though I use English for me day to day life nobody is above mistake

Kelvin_Ade · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Growing up 1


Hi, guys thank you for reading my work and leaving comments I appreciate it. and just so you guys know my MC is not biological Kryptonian he just inherited in the quirk of both his parents Omni man and Priestess AKA Jonathan and Martha Kent which gives him "Kryptonian-like" capabilities and also no crossovers.

please leave a comment and add it to your library.


County Road 607, Brownwood, TX, USA

Kent farm

Martha Kent


'How time flies' I was reminiscing while I was making breakfast "Clark honey, you have to hurry up down here to eat breakfast or you will be late for your first day at school" I urged him to hurry up while I set the table.

I waited a while but I heard no reply from him, I sigh softly then I left the kitchen and went to his room. "Clark honey are you in there?", while I asking Clark, I heard Jon coming into the house and it looks like he is heading towards Clark's room.

"Mm-hmm" Clark responded. before I could talk to my son, Jon placed his hand on my shoulder and then gave he gave me a reassuring nod then he leaned towards the door and opened it so we could enter.

His room was the same as usual with the wallpaper pictures of four of his favorite heroes: All Might, Stars and Stripe, Priestess which is me, and Omni man which is Jon, who is currently making his way to Clark who sulking by the side of his bed.

"hey champ what the matter?" Jon calmly asked while I was standing by the door.

"I don't want to go to school" he answered. "why?"

"what if they don't like me?, and I already know my numbers and alphabet why don't you just teach me at home" Clark responded while looking at the floor a little bit nervous.

"Clark listen to me you are a very kind and smart boy am sure everyone will like you at your school and your mother and I want you to go to school so you can make more friends since Melissa just went back home"

"dad, are you sure that they will like me and want to be friends with me?" he nervously asked

"yes my little champion I am very sure and you don't need to be nervous remember that your uncle toshinori always says you should always smile no matter what PLUS ULTRA"

Jon even did the all-might hero pose and I immediately took a picture of him which he later gave me the stink eye. We all laugh together.

"Ok dad let's go downstairs and eat our breakfast, and mom I am sorry for not answering you when you called can you please come together with dad when you drop me off at school today" he grabbed his dad's hand while he looked at me me, eager for me to give him an answer.

"of course, sweetie mommy and daddy will go with you so you don't have to worry"

" yay! Let's hurry up then" we left his room then we head to the dining room, he was holding my and Jon's hands. I smiled at his antics.

'I can't believe it's all almost four years since our little miracle was born, I and Jon agreed to move into his family's farm in the countryside where we can raise Clark without any disturbance, especially when he gets his quirks, although we don't know who's quirk he will inherit, but since we but have super sense, it will be difficult for Clark if he awakens his quirks in the bustling City we stay in. when he awakens his quirks and has some control we are moving to the I-Island were I got a job offer and Jon could do some hero work and Clark and Melissa can play with each other '.


Brownwood preschool.

Clark kent.


After saying goodbye to mom and dad, I was directed to my new classroom, when I entered the classroom, there were already kids around my age seated in different parts of the class, I looked around for a vacant seat, and then I found one by the window I immediately picked that seat and I sat down.

Then the rays of sunlight coming from the window landed on my body I immediately felt refreshed. lately, I found out that I feel really good whenever I am in the sunlight during the day and I am very calm under the moonlight at night.

Mom said it may be because of her quirk and I might inherit her quirk.

"hey hey hey boy with black hair" I turned around and I saw a boy with red hair looking at me. " are you talking to me" I enquired from him.

"yes I am talking to you what's your name?" he asked me.

"My name is Clark Kent" I answered him.

"cool name, my name is Jimmy Olsen by the way let's be friends," he said while extending his hand, and I shook his hand, it turns out he was like me nervous about making friends and also about school.

"so what you quirk Clark," he asked with a smug face.

"I don't know yet I have not had my fourth-year birthday yet but my birthday is in 2 months so I will know soon, have you awakened your quirk?"

"You look big for your age I thought you were five years old anyway I have awakened my quirk" he replied proudly

"what quirk is it" I was very curious

"well, Clark my quirk is called Media which gives me the ability to film with my eyes and record Audio with my ears it also gives me zoom vision in my eyes and a small microphone in my ears for better audio. And can create disks with my hands after I record"

After hearing him I immediately asked," now that you got your quirk what did you want to become in this future?"

"I want to be a world-renowned journalist what about you Clark"

" I am sure you will become the best journalist Jimmy and I want to be a hero like all might"

"all-who! Who is he?"....