
MHA: Superman

I have always wondered what the world of MHA will be with the world first symbol of hope. So I present to you Clark Kent son of former American number 1 pro hero Omni man (Jonathan Kent) and number 2 pro hero Priestess (Martha Kent). Will he live up to his father's achievement or will he surpass it and rise up to become the World Symbol Of Hope. NOTE 1: I am not a writer I just want to try this out and learn because I have 2 fanfic on my mind I really want to write but can't because I want it to be good so please leave helpful reviews to help me NOTE 2: I don't have a laptop it got stolen so since I don't have money to buy a new one I will be writing on my phone so if you see any grammatical error please let me know English is my second language though I use English for me day to day life nobody is above mistake

Kelvin_Ade · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Birth of a miracle

So it's chapter 3 all ready god writing is hard. please write a comment in this chapter telling me about your thoughts. I was going to make my MC a reincarnator but that doesn't sit well with me, anyways guys enjoy


David POV: I shivered after hearing the last thing Jon said before ending the call. I then remembered why America was the second peaceful country after Japan and number one before all might hero in Japan.

All might While being a hero has inspired many heroes and people alike including Jon himself after interning at Omni man agency for 3 years to step forward break out of his shell, with His acts of always protects and saves innocent people with a huge smile.

The habit of smiling which all might said was ingrained to him by his mentor, Nana Shimura who was once a friend of Jon and Martha.

he reminded Jon what she always believed in and taught him that the ones who smile are the ones who are the strongest.

but before that Omni man was not just the symbol of peace to the mass especially the villains to them he was a symbol of fear. the hero that with just his appearance made villain shit their pants. because when Omni man catches up on villains they don't go back complete with the beat down he delivers on villains making most villain in America change their way after an encounter with him.

after all might became Omni man sidekick he changed a little bit no scratch that a tiny little bit because unfortunately for the villains now they have to watch Omni man beat the evilness out of them while smiling.

shaking my head I look down and see I need a shower and after that maybe have lunch baby Melissa and spend more father daughter bonding time with her, before sister Martha sends me to Jesus .


Jonathan Kent POV: I just woke up I had the most wonderful dream, in the dream Martha told me she was pregnant and we are expecting a child, opening my eyes when the sunlight hit my eyes I wish I could go back to the dream that was when I felt Martha moved her Head.

good morning my love she said with her voice sounding very sexy today.

looking down at my chest to look at her then I saw the most beautiful woman in the world with her long red hair that looks like the sun to her fiery red eyes to her perfect nose to a juicy lips that any man will die for to her fair face to perfect unblemished skin. she really looked like a sun priest.

good morning to you too my beautiful goodness I said before planting a kiss on her lip. come on stop it she said but she was really happy with my compliment. then I told her about my dream. she then looked at me as if I was sick or something.

it not a dream she said looking straight into my eyes before giggling she then said I can't believe the great Omni man was in a mild denial.

hey I said of course I remembered it was just to good to be true but I am happy that it was not just a dream so happy I then showered her with kisses.

Martha Kent: seeing my husband being 100 times more happy just brings joy to my heart. hey stop kissing me I said. hmm Jon said you really want me to stop.

no of course not, but don't forget you have an appointment Cathleen today so you need to shower and suit up for your meetings I'll go and make breakfast for us to eat come on go ahead.

no I don't want to go I just want to stay here like this he whine like a big baby. come on the great sexy Omni man has work to do I told him. he loves it when I say that.

ok I will go now but when I return you are going to let me show you just how great and sexy I Omni man am hehehehe he laughed like a pervert while working to the bathroom. I just rolled my eyes at him.

Jon POV: after I have taken a shower and had my breakfast together with Martha I left home and I flew to the hero agency where Star and Stripe should be right now when I got to the building I saw her in the gym floor as always so I flew right through the the balcony surprising her greatly.

hahaha look how you almost jumped when you saw me I hahaha how are you little Cathleen. hooo!!! uncle Jon you do this every time and am not little anymore she said grumpily and flexing her muscles to prove the point that she's not little anymore.

putting my hand on her shoulder I said I know you are now a grown woman and a very powerful one at that but to me and especially Martha you will still be little Cathleen.

anyway I came here to give you good news I was cut short by her before I could complete what I wanted to say

Aunt Martha is pregnant she said. how did you know David called me this morning since someone forgot to tell me yesterday she said looking at me angrily since I did not tell yesterday.

I am so sorry I wanted to tell you yesterday but you were not in your agency, I was told stoping an illegal nuclear factory and I wanted to meet with you and tell you the good news in person because we need to talk.

I am so happy, Star said I will have to visit aunt Martha soon. I know and she will love that but we have something to do. we she asked yeah we I replied her I think it's time for me to hand over the mantle to you.

she was surprised then she said I don't think am ready and america still needs Omni man and I still need your guidance.

no I said shaking my head america don't need me anymore when they have you, your quirk New order is very strong and you know how to wield it very well. Star and Stripe let me tell you this you are very strong and capable hero and you have been ready for some time now. more over your toshinori also said you are ready. I said teasingly.

she blushed a little when I said that. I then continued and am not dieing Cathleen if you need me you can call you know I can fly any were around the world pretty fast.

she nods her head and then said what should I do, she was waiting for my answer. well we should.....


Hero times News:

One week later: breaking news america number 3 pro hero Star and Stripe just stopped a commercial plane from crashing just minutes ago.

for a week now Star and Stripe as been stoping so many crimes and also done rescue mission and patrols around america

it been 3 weeks since since Star and Stripe has been actively partaking in countless heroic missions from rescuing a cat from a tree to stoping over 30 A-rank villain, 2 S-rank villain when she collaborated with Omni man and S-rank villain doom knight by herself. she also saved and rescued people from accident to natural disasters like floor, landslide, tsunami....

breaking news people of America number 1 pro hero Omni man was seen removing his cape and handing over to the pro hero Star and Stripe making her the new 1 hero. Omni man looked at Star and Stripe and said YOUR TIME IS NOW....

flashback end.....


Jon still pacing around the hallway of the super private hero hospital so no one knows about their children at all.

while Jon was pacing around all might, David and Cathleen arrived at the same time Jon did not even notice them until all might said I AM HERE IN THE HOSPITAL. which made all the made the passing nurse and doctor to took at him like a farm animal. scratching his head all might apologized for shouting in the hospital.

we all laughed relieving the tension a little bit. then they asked about Martha and if the baby is out yet? before I answered the doctor came out and saying Congratulations Mr Kent your wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Jon POV: before the doctor finished speaking, I rushed into the delivery room where Martha was in then I saw them even after delivering our child she still looks beautiful.

Martha looked at and said do you want to hold him? can I? I ask. of course he his you son then she hand our son to me. holding him in my hands, my son, my legacy and our miracle.

while cradling him in my hands my wife said what name did you choose. I smiled and said Clark she was surprised because that was her maiden name. she smiled and said thank you. you don't have to thank me honey I am your husband after all.

then looked at my son and said your name will be Clark Joseph Kent. then the Sun rised up as if acknowledging my son.....


(and done it took me 6 hours to write this down so let me know what you think and please add to your library. thank you)