
MHA: Rupture

A teenager gets reincarnated as Katsuki Bakugo’s half-brother with a cooler quirk. They share the same mother but different father. And in this fanfic, Mitsuki has an explosion quirk and Masuru has the sweat quirk.

astrofluid · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Time’s Up

On the pavement of a street bustling with early morning activity, two blonde haired boys walked along side each other in quiet contemplation, music being blasted in their shared earphones. The chaotic sound of buzzes and beeps were tuned out and the only sound that was known to the boys were their own thoughts.

"Yo Suki." The taller boy said taking out his shared earphone, "You know what your exam is going to be on, right?"

"Some guy on reddit said it's just some stupid robots. Pretty easy for us." The spiked haired boy responded with his palm crackling with small explosions and a smirk gracing his face.

"Lucky, I couldn't find any info on the recommendation exam whatsoever."

"Oh yeah, forgot you were taking that exam. Did she not give any hints, I mean surely the hero who recommended you should at least tell you what your up against?"

"Nah." Toshiro answered with a shrug and a nonchalant look, "It's cool though, i'll be fine."


"This year's line up sure does look interesting, a lot of potential on our screens today." A strange creature commented excitedly.

"Any to watch out for?" asked a bulky, muscular man with curiosity lingering in his deep voice.

"There's Shoto Todoroki, son of No.2 pro-hero Endeavor. Quirk, half-hot half-cold. Then theres Katsuki Bakugo, alleged child prodigy. Quirk, Explosion. And also Toshiro Hitsugaya, who unlocked his qui-"

Water spluttered out of a thin blonde-haired man's mouth as his eyes went wide in shock. "Did you say Hitsugaya?"

"As in Hitsugaya? The villain?"

"Yes he is the son of the villain, Fracture. Fortunately, he has no ties to the man other than blood. The boy has never met him and his mother made sure of it."

After hearing this the room became thick with tension and quiet contemplation replaced the earlier sound of gasps and whispers. A black haired man sitting in a chair adorned a wary expression on his face as he sat in thought.

"Well, the background check?" He questioned as the chimera signalled for a blonde woman to come forward. In her hand, she held a clipboard with information on all the candidates and she quickly flipped to the topic of discussion.

"Well, let's see," she started, "He unlocked his quirk on the day he turned three and according to his teachers, 'there wasn't a time where he wasn't using it.' He's a grade A student and although being labelled an introvert, he is loved by his peers." She flipped a page and continued to read, " His quirk is Rupture which is a combination of his mother's quirk Burst and his father's quirk Shockwave. He is the half-brother of Katsuki Bakugo, another examinee, and he will be taking the recommendation exam."

"Who recommended him?" The skinny blonde-haired man's interest present in his tone.

"No.5 Pro-Hero, Mirko." Principle Nezu decided to answer with a cryptic look on his face. "So the real question is, which one of you will be fighting him?"

"Fight him?"

"I've decided to change the recommendation exam. Each contestant will face a teacher in a 1 on 1 battle, thought it'd be more interesting." His lips turnt into an upturned smile whilst he glanced over the room at the teachers.

Energy focused on his feet in a small volume as he looked towards his opponent in careful analysis. Waiting for the signal to be fired was killing him. Excitement was rattling his bones as he was ready to showcase his strength. Yet his smile wasn't shared by the nonchalant look of his opponent on the other side of the empty room who just stared blankly at him.

A loud noise blared from a speaker in the top corner of the room and upon hearing it shot off from his position on the ground and burst into a flight, making his way to his opponent.

A thick colorless wave of energy was emitted from his feet and in a fraction of a second he reached his target and moved into a flying sidekick. Yet expectedly, he flew over the target and watched as his opponent bended with their back now parallel to the floor like a limbo dancer.

Still in the air over him, he extended his hand and emitted an energy blast from it, only to meet a solid wall of blood.

'Of course that wouldn't work. Would be disappointed if it did.' He thought to himself as he regained his footing onto the ground and watched Vlad King stand upright again, unaffected.

With no time to waste, Vlad ran towards the examinee with blood dancing around his fingers before sending it into three precise blood bullets aiming for Toshiro's abdomen. With a small blast from his right foot he jumped into the air, letting the blood bullets fly under him and embed themselves into the wall.

Vlad King saw this as his chance and sped towards Toshiro's airbourne body in a blitz as he threw his hand back and covered it in solidified blood. Upon seeing the upcoming danger, the blond haired boy blasted himself upwards with his hands and watched as a blood coated arm attacked his previous position.

Being a few meters above his opponent, Toshiro decided to hold his hand upwards and blast himself downwards, in an aim to kick Vlad however blood grabbed around his foot and threw him against the wall at the other side of the room.

He landed with his back against the wall and had no time to think as a barrage of blood bullets were fired his way. Holding his hand towards the coming forth attack, he let out a blast that destroyed the incoming threat and arose from his spot.

'Alright, I think it's nearly time to end this.' Vlad thought to himself. 'The kid is strong though, I'll give him his props.'

With this thought, he charged towards the examinee at an insane speed, ready to end the fight.

Toshiro saw this and steadied himself. 'I'll wait till he gets into my reach then I'll do it.'

Inches away from the target, Vlad let blood flow from his back and was ready to trap the boy in solidified blood. Seeing this, Toshiro began his defense, minutely exerty energy out of his bare feet and controlling the energy to blast out in a clockwise direction.

Suddenly, he broke out into a rapid spin, like a tornado, as air built up around his spinning state and all that could be seen were the colors of blonde and purple. Unable to stop his momentum, Vlad made contact with the spinning tornado and was blasted back to the other side of the room with his back hitting the wall at a deadly force.

'It worked!' Toshiro thought in excitement. This attack was all built up upon a leap of faith as it only ever worked once before this point.

Upon seeing Vlad's pained state, he took his chance and focused energy on his hands, blasting towards his opponent but then found himself unable to move. Looking down at his legs, he found them blanketed in rock-hard blood. Discharging a blast from his feet the blood broke, however it was too late as a kick connected to his cheek then a fist connected to his stomach, sending him staggering back a few steps.

Swiftly, he regained his footing and used a blast to leap over his opponent, gaining distance. With the newfound distance, he held out his hand and was ready for another move of his but was interrupted by the same blaring noise from before.

"Times Up"