
MHA: Rupture

A teenager gets reincarnated as Katsuki Bakugo’s half-brother with a cooler quirk. They share the same mother but different father. And in this fanfic, Mitsuki has an explosion quirk and Masuru has the sweat quirk.

astrofluid · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

So Do I

It wasn't ideal, no. Usually, when teachers and students had a 1 on 1, they never did need to give their all. After all, they were children and still didn't fully grasp the full essence of their quirks. Yet this boy pushed him to such a point. It wasn't like fighting an examinee but rather an experienced fighter, from the way he used his quirk with efficiency.

"So, your thoughts? We've all already made our decisions from the footage." Immediately he was asked as he walked into the staff room.

"The answer's pretty obvious, isn't it?" Vlad answered with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Great so everyone agrees except for one." Nezu informed as he turned his head towards a skinny blonde haired man who looked to be drowning in a shirt 5 sizes bigger than him. His face distorted and etched in deep, seemingly unpleasant, thought.

"Ya know, All Might, I never expected you of all people to be someone that judges based on blood." Came the gentle voice of an attractive women with dark blue hair, clad in a skin tight body suit, capturing her figure in all of it's beauty.

"It's not that simple, Midnight. I wish it were but it's not and never will be. Fracture is a man of mystery; to you he may seem like 'that one villain that disappeared off the face of the earth' but there's things you don't know. Stuff even I don't know of, believe it or not." An unfamiliar harshness built up in his tone as he attempted to get across his reasoning.

"You said it yourself, it's been what, 16 years since he was last seen. I don't know what's got you so worked up, it's clear the apples fallen far from the tree. His son's applying for UA hero school, if you haven't notic-"

Vlad's defense for the boy was interrupted by All Might as his voice became louder, "I have noticed. And that's the problem." In quick realization of his tone, he looked down with a sigh. "I'm sorry but my decision still stands."

"Are you trying to say the boy applying for UA with a quirk as strong as his that can rescue many people is a bad thing?" Aizawa asked with a dumbfounded face from the corner of the room. He decided to intercept in the heated discussion to call out All Might's idiocy.

"I've said too much already."

"Yes, you've said plenty indeed. The decision stands 9-1 in favor for Toshiro Hitsugaya to become a student." Nezu acting as a mediator decided to end the argument, "Let's end that here and get on with the practical exams for the standard examinees."

In obedience, everybody got up from their seated positions and walked out of the room but not before throwing silent glances at each other in confusion and the shared thought of how could applying to UA ever be a 'bad thing'.

All that were left in the room were the principle and All might, himself.

"Your distrust is still as strong as ever Yagi."

"I have my reasons."

"And that you do. But so do I." The last part said in a gentle whisper yet Toshinori still heard it loud and clear.


"Lightwork." Toshiro muttered to himself as he waled out of the exam hall. It was finally the end of the day and the standard applicants have probably finished their practical exam right about now.

"Tell me about it." Hearing this he turnt round and saw a boy around his height with a bulky body, opposing his lean stature. Although he'd never seen the guy in his life, he recognized him as that one guy who had a strong wind quirk. The boy extended his hand and greeted with, "Inasa Yoarashi."

Accepting the handshake, Toshiro returned the greeting with, "Toshiro Hitsugaya."


"Looks like your prediction was correct, Mr E."

"When have I ever been wrong, my love."


Short chapter because it felt right.