
MHA; Purple Charge

Due to his financial circumstances, and his distance from the UA Academy, Fulan was forced to enter the nearest academy in the hope of becoming a professional hero. But the director of that academy realized that Fulan's presence in that place did not suit him. A person with his talent should study in an academy like UA. For this reason, Fulan had a golden opportunity to transfer to UA, but the events of the sports festival were about to begin...

soha_rou · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
28 Chs

The Purple Hero is coming.

1. Everything narrated in this novel is fictional, and has no relation to reality in any way.

2. Everything in this novel (except the main character) was written by Kōhei Horikoshi, and this is nothing more than a fanfic.


"Was this the only possible outcome, Midoriya?"

In a gloomy, dark scene, a young man with purple hair and eyes of the same color uttered these words while the wind was playing with his hair left and right. Ten meters away from him, there was a young man with green hair, Midoriya Izuku, who was wearing almost torn clothes that had some small scratches and were slightly dirty. He answered calmly in this state;

"This is the only solution, Fulan. With your strength, you won't be able to keep up. This is a battle too big for you to keep up with."

They were both standing on top of a huge, empty building, an empty scene and all that could be heard was the sound of the wind and the sound of their conversation. Even the weather was cloudy as if it was about to rain.

The purple haired boy closed his eyes, as some small purple sparks of electricity passed around his face and disappeared quickly, then he opened his glowing purple eyes and said;

"They have placed all their hopes on my shoulders, wanting me to return you to the academy today. And this is what I will do, even by force..."

Midoriya's veins quickly glowed red, as he said;

"Unlike the other students, I specifically won't be able to escape from you because of your speed. That's exactly why… Fulan, I will make my way through defeating you!"

[ One For All ~ Full Cowling ~ 60%!! ]



This was a scene at a time when the symbol of peace was broken. All the events go back to that day when a transfer student joined the academy a year ago...




'Hero, the name that most children, and even adults, dream of having. In games that take place during recess periods in schools, or with neighborhood children on holidays, children compete to get the role of the "hero" in the games, while we consider that the person who gets the role of the "villain" is unlucky.

I am no different from those children. I have always had the same dream. Our vibrant society loves heroes so much, they even get more fame than actors and athletes.

It all started for me when I was playing with my neighborhood friends. That was the place where I used my ability and discovered its secrets. But with time, the difference in talent between me and the other children began to appear, as playing with them began to become boring, and they also began to avoid playing with me;

"A talented person like you should not exist among us. You make our dream of becoming heroes seem impossible compared to you. Stop being so boastful about your ability..."

It's just that the big difference between our abilities started to become bigger the more I started getting used to using my ability. For this reason, I ended up being expelled from the "Heroes and Villains" games, the games that I initially enjoyed with the children of our neighborhood and my classmates at school.

One day they even asked me to play the villain alone, and even though they numbered more than seven children, they were unable to win;

"How can seven heroes fail to stop one villain?"

"Yes, this is absurd. Fulan, you are ruining the fun of the game. Sorry but... I don't want to play with you anymore."

I do not know whether being deliberately defeated would have preserved the bonhomie that existed between us, but all of this was the beginning of real change.

Sometimes the friends that surround us are not the best ones to have us, perhaps there is a better place that suits each of us.

That's right, a place where rare talents gather, a place where I can use my ability comfortably and without having to hold it back, a place that will make me take a step closer to becoming a professional hero. And this place is...'

These were his thoughts as he stood smiling in front of the UA Hero Academy gate.

He was wearing a white shirt, very dark green pants, and white sneakers. He has messy purple hair, and purple eyes that look like crystals, with white skin and lively features.

This young man is Fulan, 15 years old, and he is now about to take his first step towards an adventurous life.

'It's very quiet, I expected the best hero academy in Japan to be noisier.'

As Fulan was walking down the road to enter the academy building, he was feeling a little nervous because the place was very quiet.

Fulan quickly took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and its title, in bold black font, was "Application for transfer from the academy."

Fulan looked at that paper and then said in a low tone as he approached the stairs:

"I was supposed to get here at eight, I hope this guy named Aizawa isn't too difficult, the worst thing I could start with is getting reprimanded on my first day..."

After climbing the stairs, he reached the third floor where the first-year classes were located, and began looking for the class in which he would study starting today.

Fulan did not stop searching until he found a sign reading "Class 1-A." As he felt a little nervous before he opened the door, because behind that door there was a teacher and students he knew nothing about.

After swallowing, he put his hand on the doorknob and pushed it slowly.

The students' eyes quickly moved to see an unfamiliar face, and since all eyes were on Fulan, he felt a little confused, but he suppressed his nervousness.

Before Fulan stepped into the classroom, Teacher Aizawa looked at him, who was explaining something before Fulan entered, then he said;

"Don't you know that it is polite to knock on the door first before opening it?"

Folan finally moved his eyes to see the class teacher, Aizawa, who was strangely wrapped in bandages, as if he had been burned or had multiple injuries.

The teacher's bandaged appearance made Fulan silent for a moment, and during that silence, Teacher Aizawa noticed that Fulan was holding a piece of paper in his hand.

Aizawa kept looking at that paper, and when Fulan realized the situation, a slight smile appeared on his face and he said after gently closing the door and entering fully into the classroom;

"I am Fulan Nanimo, I came here by order of the principal of Saikono Academy. He urged me to continue my studies at UA Academy, and he also told me that he had spoken with you and the principal of UA Academy so that I would not face any problems."

When Teacher Aizawa heard this, he extended his bandaged hand to Fulan, saying;

"Show me that paper."

Fulan handed the paper to Master Aizawa, and these were his thoughts as he read it;

'I was already waiting for him to come today, but he's a full hour late. According to the principal of Saikono Academy, this boy has overwhelming talent compared to the rest of the students at that academy. Being in such a place would only make his talent rot and never develop. In my entire career, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation. UA is the capital of talent, but I have never received a request like this before. What kind of abilities does this boy have that would make the Academy Director himself request special permission for him to enter UA Academy?'

Immediately after Aizawa finished reading that paper, he looked at the rest of the students and said;

"As you heard him, his name is Fulan Nanimo, and starting from today he will be your classmate. He was actually a student in one of the hero academies, meaning that he passed the entrance exam to that academy, so do not look at him as ii he's someone who has been accepted through intermediary, he deserves a place among you."

While all the students were calmly looking at Fulan as a new classmate, Bakugo who was sitting in the last seat, said in an arrogant tone;

"This class is already full enough, what's the point of adding more insects?"

Fulan did not expect to receive direct criticism like this, and it was not him who answered, but Teacher Aizawa, as he looked at Bakugo and said calmly;

"Maybe this insect has better talent than yours, because this is the first time I've seen a student transfer from one academy to another in the middle of the school year. This wouldn't have happened if he was just an insect."

Bakugo looked at Fulan, his red eyes full of hatred and enthusiasm, then said with a smile;

"More talented than me? This better be true, otherwise I will feel very disappointed about this academy accepting students without holding a special exam like the one we took."

The feelings of the rest of the students were not much different from Bakugo's feelings, as they were all people who had passed the entrance exam, which was difficult, and it would be unfair for someone to join the academy through intermediary.

But what the students do not know is that Fulan is in the same rank as the students who were accepted into the academy by recommendation.

Among the recommended students are Todoroki Shoto and Yaoyorozu Momo, and Fulan can be considered just as talented as these two.

After a short silence, Teacher Aizawa handed the paper back to Fulan, saying in a calm tone;

"In any case, you were late coming to the academy by a full hour. This lateness could cost many lives on the battlefield when you are a professional hero. I will ignore it just this time. Let's put that aside, the number of seats in the class is 20, so we need one more."

Immediately after these words, Teacher Aizawa moved his eyes to look at the class representative, Tenya Iida, who quickly stood up and said after he started walking towards the classroom door;

"I'll get one quickly."

Fulan looked blankly at Iida's back as he left the room, thinking he was being treated well enough. And while they were waiting for Iida to return to class, Teacher Aizawa said after looking at the students;

"Okay, let's continue talking about the UA Sports Festival..."