
MHA: Gasu Gasu


Justieif · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs



10 chapters made a week with 1 chapter being released every 2 days

If I have time I'll do a massive release only on special occasions of course and I'll also probably being doing holiday specials


I will be making a discord server once we hit 50 fully released chapters so stay tuned


The story will follow Mha all the way to the current manga and yes it will not only follow it because I do also want my character to not be a side character as some judges may say in the comments so do not worry I will be working on how he acts and how I would like to change the plot but I will not spoil anything

If I ever go missing that's possibly because I'm sick or I'm just tired


There will be abilities from other anime verses I plan on using, hence the title meaning "Gas-Gas Fruit" and I will be using my characters appearance from Tokyo Revengers

Also let me know if you have any suggestions I would really appreciate it


See now the thing is on my other fanfics many of you would like to see progress further it's kinda hard to just a plot without being too mixed up and I also tend to think about you guys when I write my fan novel so jdk yet but dw ill think of something soon enough and I guess that's it

Bye bye now!!