
MHA:-Glitch In Reality

What would happen if Izuku tried to commit suicide after being bullied and neglected by the people he loved. But he didn't die, he awakened a quirk, a quirk so powerful that it wouldn't be wrong to say it is the strongest quirk ever. Now with a Cynical and Psychopathic personality, he is out for blood, and shake the very foundation of hero society. Stick around to find out what he does and how he does. This is my first time writing a fic, so I am open to constrictive criticism, and would love to know the areas where I can improve myself, while also would love to know what you like about my fic, so that i can work to improve it so that it becomes identity of my fics through which people can find out that these are my fics NOTE:- THIS IS AU... DON'T TRY TO COMPARE IT TO THE CANON...ANY CHARACTERS DIFFERENT FROM CANON ARE DONE BASED ON CREATIVE LIBERTY...AND I HAVE NO INTEREST IN TOLERATING ANYONE WHO WISHES TO COMPARE THEM TO CANON WARNING:- IT CONTAINS LOTS OF GORE, VIOLENCE, RAPE, AND ALL OTHER SORTS OF EXTREME DARK SHIT, SO READ IT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION, AND THIS FIC IS A REALISTIC FIC AND WILL ALSO HIGHTLIGHT THE REALITY OF THE SOCIETY SO THIS FIC IS NOT FOR FAINT OF HEARTS. Support me through:- Paypal:- https://www.paypal.me/SVora02 Patreon:- https://patreon.com/EmperorNumix

Numix · Tranh châm biếm
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158 Chs

Chapter 23:- Power Of Knowledge

[A/N:- Since 100 powerstones goal is achieved here is a bonus chapter as promised

If you wish to read more advance chapters here is the link to my Patreon:-


"The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely." - Edward O. Wilson

While this was happening in Yagi residency.

Izuku Yagi who had stayed at Giran's place last night was now walking along with Giran to meet one of the big shots of the underworld.

"So how far is this place that we are going?" Asked Izuku.

"We have arrived, just 5 more minutes." Said Giran.

After 5 minutes they arrived in front of a shabby-looking bar.

"Do all evil organizations need to have their headquarters in shabby worn-out places?" asked Izuku.

"It's very cliche, you know," Izuku continued

"Do you have any better ideas?" Asked Giran.

"Yes, why not have a base in some sophisticated area like in the middle of the city, in one of the skyscrapers?" said Izuku.

"Why, so that we get caught from the get go?" Asked Giran as he thought how absurd Izuku's idea was.

"Tsk, Tsk, you don't understand, in this day and age, everything depends on how well you can use deception to your advantage," said Izuku.

"What do you mean?" asked Giran.

"Use deception to your advantage, how well can you fool the heroes, have you heard the saying, "No one finds the lost thing at their home?" asked Izuku

Giran shook his head in denial.

"According to it, if there is something lost, they will search for it everywhere but not at their home, and that's where the lost thing is found generally, so if you are going to have a front for your evil organizations then why not have it in the middle of the city, make your brand value such that if ever doubt falls on you, the police station is swarmed by people saying that the police is wrong.

And if it's in the middle of the city, even the pro heroes won't doubt you guys that easily as they would think who would be stupid enough to have a base of operations for their villain organization in the middle of the city.

Yet you pull it off, you have a base of operations in the middle of the city that way even if you get caught, the media will blame the heroes who couldn't track down the villains who were working right under their noses.

And as far as I am concerned if I were in your place, I would make my front business so genuine and real that if the pros want to have a look inside they would need to get a warrant from the police commissioner, and if they try to misuse their powers I tarnish their names using my power and influence in such a way that the heroes who were cocky enough to enter my estate would have to publicly apologize to me and promise not to repeat this kinds of things again.

And obviously use the money to buy the top officials, and if they are too righteous, who am I, a villain, I will just kidnap their loved ones and tell him to obey like an obedient dog if he wants his family alive, and if he is alone then I'll make sure to use the people and officials ready to get corrupted to frame the honest official in such a case that he is fired from it.

And by doing all this, I will create a show of power as well as show the world I'm not someone to mess with, and after that even if they have some evidence against me they wouldn't dare to enter my estate let alone question me, that way I will have my office in the middle of the city yet no one will question me, and the opposite is what you guys do, you guys keep your base in such a place where it gets obvious even for common people to tell that here some illegal or bad thing is going on just by the atmosphere around the building" Finished Izuku.

"_" Giran was silent.

He was thinking, 'Damn, have I gone senile or what, why didn't I think of this, I have been in the underworld for more than the age this kid has been alive for, yet I received such an amazing idea from him, the way he explained of saving himself in all the possibilities, he made me look like I was someone who was living under the rock all this time.'

"What, thinking why didn't you think of this?" Asked Izuku with a smirk.

"How do you know?" Asked Giran thinking he had some mind related quirk as he had never shown what quirk he had.

"No need to get surprised, isn't it obvious that with the amount of money and influence you have along with your network in the underworld, if you had thought of this then you would have already applied it, and I wouldn't have to look for you in the outskirts of the town in a run-down building." Said Izuku as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Heroes aren't the only ones who have quirks you know, villains do too, and I have researched villains as well, so did I do for underworld lt as well, and you know what, all you people of the underworld have bases in rundown areas and outskirts of the town where heroes rarely come, but that's where you are wrong, agreed heroes might not come there frequently, but when they do, the first places they target are these rundown places, and what happens after that, villains need to relocate in hurry and in that hurry, they leave behind clues which help the heroes to find out about the villains even sooner.

That's not all, if you have a base in the middle of a densely populated city where heroes frequently patrol, then you can easily keep an eye out for the heroes and even track down their routine and daily activities and can easily conduct tasks of the underworld within the blind spots left by the heroes." Finished Izuku.

"_" Giran was silent again, but he remembered something as he asked, "How do you know the bases of villains, and members of the underworld, as far as I remember, no one would be dumb enough to put the location of their base on the dark web, let alone anywhere else as well."

"It's simple, I just looked at the villains and the areas where they attack, if he is a serial offender who has been causing crimes every now and then, then he is mostly affiliated with some organisation, and would cause chaos within the 30 minute radius of the base of operations as he would have idea of all the ways to reach his base without getting caught if things go south, and it's a pattern followed by almost all small times villains unless they have some kind of teleportation quirk with which they can cause trouble in Mustafa while having base in Tokyo or Kyushu, once i know the area of offence, then I looked at the past records to see if there has been similar acts caused by him in nearby areas and how fast did he escape, after which as i said I'll look at all the rundown areas within the 30 minute radius, and see if I can find any kinds of footages of a villain sitting near these run down areas and boom, I'll have the location of base of operations of that said villains with the accuracy of it being correct being almost 80-90%." Explained Izuku

"_" Giran was pale, it was as if the years he spent running away and surviving in the underworld were for nothing, Izuku here who just decided to join the underworld taught him things that even the veterans wouldn't think of.

"You sure you are a kid and aren't a member of any organization in the underworld?" Asked Giran.

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