
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Huyền huyễn
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116 Chs

The Cheating Begins.

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


After telling all the people about high rank cultivation method on Areum and Choi Jun Song smile and wait.

He is waiting for the time that surrounding people kill Areum and took the cultivation method. But there were no movement from surrounding people.

On the contrary to that, he felt rage of people on him and he turn back and looks.

He saw many people were looking at him with anger, he did not understand why?.


Many people here were not stupid that, who do not know about a treasure on Moesat?

After looking at Moesat fighting before and they knew Moesat got some kind of treasure like that.

And they were not stupid like 10 people before who tired to rob in daylight and got killed by Moesat group.

Moreover, if they try to rob in the middle of people and they all know that they would be chased and killed by these many people.

So, they all, who knew about the treasure on Moesat were quietly waiting for the right time, but now these stupid two men announced it about the treasure on Moesat.

And that would make many more people knew about the treasure and now the situation would be more harder to rob and run away from many people.

For this reason they got angry with this two guys and their anger is ragging inside them. And they wanted to kill this two guys but they knew that this two guys would soon be dead bodies, so they did not make a move on them.


Both Choi Jun Song and Yong Ji Woo knew their situation is not good but they still could not think straight 'why these people were not moving.'

Anyway they could not wait until these people move, so they try to look for a way to escape.

And they found four children are defencelessly standing behind them.

As they were in horrifying situation and their mind were also in the mess, so they could not think straight again.

If it is in a normal situation, they would think why is this four children were not afraid of fighting and staying in the fighting range?


But now they decided to capture these four children as a hostage. They both looks at each other and jump toward Moesat.

Moesat charge his energy in his fist with double power but he did not move.

Areum is in within 10 m range, and all of their family member could move at least 10m/s in short range movement. They could at least change 3 body positions in one second within 10 m.

If it is long range run and they could run more than 60m/s.


Without changing Metgiktran form, Areum catch up with these two men and slashes down three times each on the two men bodies.

Both men fall down on the ground but they have not die yet.

With Areum anger, she would not going to kill them in right away.

She remember the day that she had to run with her hand cut and her day of desperation and losing hope for her future.


She wanted to cut more on the two men before she kill them, so she stand near two men and rise up her katana.

"Noona, wait, don't kill them yet."

Moesat told her and he took out red blood ring, blood demon ring. And he store two living men into the ring.

Actually, he put them into the item bag. And they went back to registration area.


And they took all the goblins quests because they were in same area. And they also took some subjugated quests around that area.

After that they register for their quests. And Moesat used his name to register for highest points challenge.

There were all together eight people register for this competition, four from Yonan, three from Seolleon, and last one is from a big strong mercenary group.


Yonan country group,

Han Sin, Yonan Royal Dragon sect disciple.

Si Jing, Jung Ko and Lang En all came from big sects of Yonan.


Seolleon, country group,

Long Ya, (14th prince, who got slave document of Moesat.)

Beak Ju Sing from Heaven Edge supported by Beak big family and Heaven Edge sect.

And Moesat,

The last one is Kig Lu Kung.

Most of them are at Metal Core mid stage(4,5,6), they were sort of genius of younger generation under thirty years old age.

But actually they were just register with their name and there were many other were supported them from behind.


At the bet shop, Moesat got lowest possibility to win and Kig Lu Kung got second lowest.

If Kig Lu Kung win at highest point challenge and the winner got two time of bet money but,

Bet on Moesat even got ten time for winning the bet money.

There were many people waiting for Moesat to go out and many hunters will try to hunt Moesat.

So, who would bet on Moesat would lose their bet for 90% or more.


And many elder of two sect(CF and BC) have to guard their base and guard against enemies weapon ability stage warriors.

There were seven weapon ability stage enemies warriors would be station at the base Goon City.

All elder from Blood Cliff sect and most elder from Cloud Field sect would be staying at there too.

Only some elders from Cloud Field sect would go and guard younger disciple group, so there is no one guard for Moesat group.


Enemies did not know their situation exactly, but they could guess some, and if Cloud field sect elders did not guard the younger disciples group, there would be more of the disciples would die in this event.

Moesat group have not got enough manpower, for that reason Moesat is attracting many of these people with treasure and they also have many other motive to lure these people too.


One thousand gold for registration or betting fee for top points challenge event, and Moesat bet four hundred gold at the bet shop.

And one hundred gold for food and other necessity.

Moesat wanted to sell out grade two medicine pills to public but if their enemies got it and their friend life would be in more danger. So he could not sell any.


The competition event would start after three day and it would take 3 months long, and they needed to take every beast body around the heart area, as a prove of their killing head count.

So many disciples would need to come back to show these bodies to referee after their storage ring is full but the eight people, who were in most points competition, have a big storage ring for sure.


But many people left the Goon City and they went into the forest after Moesat bet on his name.

Only the main disciples group, who were register for this event left in Goon City, as they would be fail if they went into the forest before the event.


Moesat group could not find Yang Che after they captured two men, but they did not have too much grudge with Yang Che so they did not try to find him properly.

Moesat only took Yang Che ring but the one who killed Yang Che was the curse.


Choi Jun Song and Yong Ji Woo die after they gave out information about Ko Kang Sun family.

The information said Ko Kang Sun die while running to another country and no more news for his family.

Life is not a definite plot that enemies would wait until MC come for revenge, they were just same like a passenger on a train.


In the event day morning,

Many referee checks the head count of all disciples and let them go into the forest.

There were many trash talking at the group meting place but no one start to fight, because they knew many of them would die in this event.

BC and CF disciples group go to only one area, so that they could help each other. And all the elders could guard them properly.

They knew that this event is danger but there were no safe place in cultivation world and they also needs experience, so they decided to go.

Moesat family go in different way.


After five mile into the forest, Moesat went back into the item bag and item bag is carried by Lu Lu.

While Lu Lu is carrying that item bag, they found out many things.


Blood Ring was given to Enna, but it is not bind with Enna because Moesat needed to check items in that ring. That ring should be fill up with emergency supplies for Enna if they were separate to each other.

Nana got a sun moon crest on her left arm, and she could carry the item bag.

They found out that, there is a weight of item bag on both Lu Lu and Nana if they carry it. They could only carry it around 50 mile away if they used all of their strength.


And They also found out that, the item bag could use in the blood ring storage space but Moesat could not go into the item bag in the blood ring space.

And invisible building could not take out inside of the Blood ring storage space.

But blood ring could be used in the item bag or the invisible building.


Areum tried to carry Lu Lu who was carrying the item bag and she also felt the weight of item bag.

So that they need to chang their plan, before Moesat would keep refining the energies spheres inside of the bag but Moesat could not do it now.

In the dangerous situation, everyone needed to be at full energy to fight with enemies.

Their plan now is... go quickly and camp at a place for rest, and the resting time would be long for Moesat.

They will use Moesat Metgiktran dragon form to travel faster. And they would guard while Moesat is resting in the item bag.


There were long mountain range and deep forest, many things were cover by trees and bushes.

Moesat flew just over the tree top with the high speed, he sometime went down into the forest to train his control on his flying ability.

While flying,

"Ambush at two miles ahead."

Lu Lu give out warning.

Lu Lu could see two and half miles in straight line, even if it is blocking her normal version or human naked eye.

Moesat could only see one mile ahead.


So they stop their flying and camp at a safe place for rest and discussion.

They saw thirty people, two weapon forming stage, and 10 Metal Core peak stage. The rest are at high Metal Core stage.

10 of them are at front toward Moesat group direction and 15 people in the middle and 5 at the back.

Lu Lu saw 10 normal traps and 4 energy traps on the ground around these ambush people.


Moesat group need to discuss about these people.

They don't know who are these people, as Lu Lu could not see their face from X-ray version.

Or Moesat group don't know what are these people doing here. These people may be waiting for them or may be waiting for other.


In many novel, MC exactly know there were enemies trap or MC was already in the enemies traps.

But what would these MC do if they do not know?


Should they just do like that????

"Hello, are you all waiting for me? Is these traps are for me?"

Is that MC go out and ask these people, would it sort the problem?


Or just go near to see these people face? If MC could not see them and what would MC do?

Even if MC saw these people faces and he did not know who they are and what he should do next?

Should MC evade these people and leave them alone?


And there is same problem for Army on earth.

If they saw an ambush, and these ambushed people were wearing normal native cloths, different race of these people faces make the army confuse.

And the army positions is in dangerous place, if these ambush people know about the army arrived and attack on the army and the army would lost all of their men.

Army needed to quickly kill all of these people to save their own lives, as they could not go back or they could not advance.

What would they do?
