
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Yang Che!!!

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


Moesat already got back 1000 gold(800 gold from food and 200 from medicine) and he now got more than 1500 gold. And there will be more if he sold out his medicine to the public.

He also got some money from many dead people too. He did not even care a bit about 100 gold now.

With his power, money are coming in easily…


But the real treasure trove for him is Xiao Lu, every knowledge that she absorbed and that become many treasure.

In the item bag, they wait for sometime and they have not register for the competition yet.

"Xiao Lu, my treasure, what do you want?"

Moesat hold Lu Lu with both hand in the middle of air and asks.

"Food, sweet."

Lu Lu answered while eating.

"Food and sweet are already a lot. But I will buy more when we got into the city."

Moesat replied.

"Dad, Enna wants food and sweet too."

Lu Lu pointed to Enna who was eating and Enna tentacles are waving in the air.

Moesat picked up Enna with one hand and rise her to same level at Lu Lu and tell her,

"OK..OK… I will buy a lot, but don't eat like Lu Lu, she would not going become a fat girl but you are."

While Moesat was telling Enna not to become a fat girl and someone kicked his leg from behind,




Moesat looked back and he saw Nana, so he asked why…

But he could not end his words because he saw Nana is also eating.

"Heeeheehe….A child needed to eat a lot, only that they would grow up well."

Moesat changed his statement.

And he saw Areum is eating too.


"Any thing else, you want Xiao Lu?"

Moesat tried to change other people attention.


Lu Lu shouted..


"OK… let fly."

Moesat changed Metgiktran form..

Lu Lu and Enna got on the back of Moesat dragon form and Nana also jumped on Moesat back too.

Moesat starts run and when he got speed, he fly into the air, and he fly in the air with many positions.


Lu Lu shouted,

Moesat speed up his wings and fly with all his might.


Moesat dragon body is same size as his human body, except his long and strong tail.

So that Areum does not have place to sit down on him. She could stand on Moesat dragon form but at the time when Moesat flew at high speed and she could not stand still.


Registering place is at the half base inn and Goon city guild is now open at the same place too.

Previously, these two princes tried to kick out many taverns, food shops and many people from the inn but now they changed their mind.

They now understand how good is a food shop and tavern near to them.


Moesat and two sects disciples were now registering and trying to take the job too.

If someone took the job or a quest and kill the beast, that make they got more profit from it, that is called as one stone could hit three birds.

If they did not take the job and even if they finished the quest, they would not get a reward for the quest finished.


There were many people at the big ground area of the half inn, and many tables and many warriors are staying there. They were drinking, smoking, talking in loud voice, laughing and fighting.

They were only fighting like a normal people, if not they would be kick out from the inn because the inn would collapse if they really fight at there, even if the inn was made of iron, level 2 hardness.

The plain surface in front of the inn is now for fighting place, and whoever wanted to fight, they could fight here and they also have a betting shop right beside of it.


Moesat family were looking at every quest and checking it on the map.

They saw many quests of one same kind, they saw one same kind of beasts and these beasts were formed as a small group by group.

And many people despises this kind of beast killing quests,

Moesat group read these quests and they found that, all these beasts killing quests are similar to each other.


Quest information...

One or two weapon ability stage beast is leading the group of 100 around same beasts and they got many Metal Core stages.

But the quest level is national threat level and giving a good reward for each group.

Even with good reward, many warriors were avoiding it.


The quest is to kill….


It is said that, Goblins were raiding on many villages and capturing many women and men.

And the quest is so simple, it is only need to kill all the Goblins.

The information said that, many women would suicide from shame after all of the goblins die. Nothing mention about men.

While reading the quest information, Moesat confused more and more…

"Why don't we need to save the captured women?

And why would they suicide after we killed all goblins beast?

Why don't they suicide before?

And why do they wants to suicide?"

Moesat asked but he did not ask directly to someone, he just talk out loud.


There were many people around Moesat and after they heard what Moesat said and they smiled, some even laugh out loud.

Moesat face frown and looked at back, and he wanted to know why these people are laughing at him?


"There were always many real informations were hidden in many quest."

A man stood up and said it, who was sitting near by table.

Moesat looked at that man and…

"Ohh...Mr. Hai Jin. How are you? And do you know the real information?"

Lu Lu right away remember who that man is, so that Moesat could directly call that man name.

Hai Jin was the one who run off with them from Chico Birds raid at first time and who successfully ran away without scratch.


"That right, I will explain it to you."

and Hai Jin explained,

"These beasts are womaniser, Opps… sorry.. I was wrong, they were not just Womaniser but also Maniser too."

Many men who are sitting around near them got feeling of shiver in their ass and…

"Ekkkk...Hai Jin tell the information properly, don't mess up like that.."

One of Hai Jin associated shout at him.

Moesat is just in confusing state and watching them without saying a thing.


"My fault, my fault….I will explain again."

Hai Jin said and he continue.

"These beasts are like human, they have both male and female. Male beasts capture women and female beasts captured men."

"And they make sex between them, many human male were killed if female goblin do not like them but human female were kept alive. Because women were not only used for sex but also for breeding too."


Moesat got more new unknown knowledge….

"Why female goblins do not like human male after they captured them?"

Hai Jin got a problem now, he thought for how to explain female did not like male after sex!!!!


But he got an idea and he lie.

"Because these men are ugly."


Moesat found a loot hole.

"If ugly, why did female goblins captured them from the beginning?"


Hai Jin got a big problem now…

"This is not the main point, it is not!!! the main point is many male die and female were kept. OK?"

Hai Jin tried to change the topic.

Moesat listened that and he thought that is right…

"OK, so what happen to these human female?"


Hai Jin continue..

"For breeding, these women were provided with good place and food, and they are having sex most of the time."

"To make it simple, some women thought it as they are in the sex-heaven."

"After you killed all of the Goblins, some women went to another group of goblins, some women quietly went away without showing their face. And this is same for captured men too."

"So, the best way to say is, they all suicide, and think as all of them as the dead people, that would be the best for all of us."

Hai Jin stopped his explained but he found Moesat is in confused,

"What is womaniser? What is sex? Or what is sex-heaven?"

Moesat started to ask again what he did not understand.


Hai Jin felt a premonition is coming and he was thinking how to continue.

"Womaniser is like Yang Che. Do you remember him? He always chased after women."

Someone from Blood Cliff older male disciple tried to explain.

"About the sex and sex-heaven, you will understand when you grow up."

That older disciple tried to stop the explaining.


Moesat tilt his head and think, but no one is explaining anymore.

"OK, Got it, Yang Che's brothers and sisters are capturing women and man. Needed to terminate these Yang Che's sibling."

Moesat reaches his own understanding.

Now everyone around him let out long sigh, no one wanted to explain more.

"Thank you, Hai Jin."

Moesat thank Hai Jin and..

"No problem..."

After saying that Hai Jin leave quickly away from Moesat. He told himself that he would never explain about this again.


Moesat group continue looking for more jobs information,

"Dad, look at that.."

Lu Lu pointed at a poster,

That quest is for killing a man eating monster.


The job information is...

'''There were a monster that is eating human in many city. Before people assumed that monster is in disguise as a human form and finally they got a witness…

And they got a picture of the man eating monster. The picture is drew but not too much accurate.

The picture face is human face….


"Dad, that picture is look like Yang Che."

Lu Lu said it and..

"Ya, it is really look like Yang Che but Yang Che is dead for a long time by now?"


And they continue look for more information,

At that time Moesat felt someone is watching at him with killing intent.

So, he turn back and search,


Moesat shouted and all of Moesat group, including both sect disciples, turn back look at where Moesat was looking.

But they found nothing. So they looked back at Moesat and all of them turn back to information board and look for their job.


"What did you see?"

Nana asked to Moesat.

"I think, I saw Yang Che but it is just a blink of an eye, so I am not sure. I must be mistake because of that Yang Che's sibling and man eating monster picture, we said before." and he continue...

"And if it is real Yang Che… How could he walk in the crowd of people?"

Moesat told her. So, Nana thought and said..

"Even if it is a blink of an eye, warrior eyes were many time sharper than normal, especially your eyes. I think you really saw Yang Che...Let go and check it."

Nana replied with her calculation.

But before they act…


"Choi Jun Song, Yong Ji Woo."

Areum shouted in anger and she jump off to one direction.

Moesat looked at Areum but he a bit stun because he never saw Areum like that.


"Leave that Yang Che, even if we catch him, we will not get any reward because we have not register that quest yet. Let follow Areum."

Nana quickly told Moesat and Moesat jump and follow Areum while carrying three little girls.

There were many people were blocking, so they needed to jump and they even needed to step on other people.

Many were angry by getting step on them, but many of them did not dare to let their anger out.


Moesat saw two people were running away while pushing everyone who were blocking them.

And Moesat knew that Areum is chasing these two people, so they speed up to catch these two men.


Yong Ji Woo, the town head

Choi Jun Song, the police head who cut Areum arm.


As no one could challenge their speed, Areum is now blocking the two men from running away and Moesat stand from behind of two men.

Many people were moved away from them as the fighting will start soon, but they did not just run away as they wanted to watch the fight.


"Who are you? Why are you blocking our way? You must be mistake us with someone."

Choi Jun Song said it. He is simply trying to make a way for them to run away.

"Here, the killer is trying to murder people in the daylight, help please."

Yong Ji Woo is trying to ask for help.


They just arrived here as gold were luring them to here, Goon City.

The risk involve in every wealth. So they came risking their lives.

And they both heard about a big fight before but they did not know who were the one fighting with who.

If they knew that Areum was the one who was fighting and they would have run away from Goon City but they were so unfortunate.


All the people who were watching around them, these people response to Choi Jun Song and Yong Ji Woo's shouting by…..

The response is smiling and laughing at the dead people.

This is a Goon city and many people already know about this rich young master and his bodyguard. (that is what these people knew.)


After looking at the laughing people, Choi Jun Song knew that they should try another way.

"Areum, don't force us or we will tell your secret to everyone here."

He threaten to Areum.

But Areum started to walk to them with anger.

"I will tell them…."

Choi Jun Song shouted again.

But Areum did not stop. But everyone else were interested in what was the secret in the Areum.


"They have very high rank cultivation method on them."

Choi Jun Song shouted to inform everyone, he wants everyone rob and kill Areum. So that they could run away while in the mess.


There were many event that many people die from trying to get a high level cultivation Sutra before.