
Metal Universe

Nano metal organism embedded warriors ruling in the metal universe searching for power. And they unlocked a secret. In this novel, Everyone has fair chance, but that lead to unfair. MC could get Cheat Code, so as all other too. Everyone is fighting to get it. So, all cultivators are not innocent and all innocent cultivators don't exit.

Zmp · Eastern
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116 Chs

Cheat 1.

Disclaimer: All characters, organizations, places, cases and incidents in this novel are fictitious.)

Support: Please support me, reading it on https://www.webnovel.com/book/15026471705512505.


A/N: My apology for late update.

I wrote too many words nearly the whole chapter to explain how Moesat group chose their decision. But it is too boring to read too many words.

So I thought for an other ways to explain, only one way could not enough to explain and there would be some stories to explain why.

Thank for reading,




Before Moesat group came into the deep part of forest, they took all quests in only one area to let everyone know where they would go.

When they came out from the Goon city, there were no other group going in this same way.

Now is only 30 miles away from the Goon city and there were no information about other beasts around current area.

And the nearest Moon beasts group, Moesat group target, is still far from here.

On the way to here Moesat group did not find any big group of Moon beasts, but now is 30 strong people were waiting for something with many traps and energy traps (formation traps).

These 30 strong people could at least hunt down 50 around normal strength Moon beasts in one group.

So many things pointed out that these 30 people were Moesat group's enemies but there were also possible that these 30 people were just another beast hunter group to hunt beasts.


Moesat group decision is always firm, they will kill these people.

They did declare the war to all of their enemies and they did announce about the war zone in front of many other by taking many quests in only one area.


This is the war zone, whoever enter would kill or be killed.

Casualties of war could never evade.


In the cultivating world, all martial artists would be living their lives on the edges of death cliff.

Moesat group, one woman and four children, came into the war zone with betting their lives, every one step wrong would lead to their death.

This should be same to other.


Everyone who afraid of killing and be killed should wear a skirt and hide on a bed in Martial Art World.

For those pussies should never come into real martial world.

There were many girls whose mind were stronger than these pussies were roaming in the martial world.

That is a shame for Male who were with weak mind.


From another point of view,

If Moesat group did not notice about these traps and step on it and what would happen to them?

They people would came out and stop them?

To fight with 30 strong people group is not an easy thing and there were always think for accident in the fight or....

An event like a mantis stalks a cicada but stalked by Oriole could happen all the time.


Moesat will never let his family got hurt, even if he wrong and kill some people in war zone. So that he never claim to be a good person.



Moesat group first aim is to make sure who were their enemies,

So everyone came near to them with weapons were enemies.

And there is another aim,

That is….'Fighting experience.'

They only got very few actual fighting experience, that why they lure many greedy people with treasure.

So, they will fight everyone that came near to them if these people were not their friends.


10 people from the front were equipped with shield, so they must be defender and they all have different kind of weapons.

Most of them got sword, sabre and spear. Two bowmen, one crossbowman and one stick man on the back, they should be long rang attackers.

But Moesat group did not know anything about formation traps.


"We will be going to attack from the middle, to the main attacking force. Long range attacker would get a problem and defenders would become a useless."

Nana told them.

"We all will be in the fight, so Enna, you have to careful of your life leaves."

"Lu Lu, only shoot your slingshot if someone in danger. We all needed to build up our experience."

Nana stopped.

All of them got practice match with Lu Lu in the item bag. Item bag is Lu Lu domain and she could attack 10 position at one time and no one could win against Lu Lu in item bag.

So they did not know how much stronger compare to other.


After Moesat fully rest, they started.


At the 30 people group, many of them were sitting in relax, whisper to each other in low voice.

Time to time, a scout would go around check but nothing is change.



Sensor type warrior alert all of them.

All of them changed into Metgiktran form and checking their surrounding quickly but they found nothing.

These were took only 2 seconds.

And they wanted to ask where is a danger coming from….


Moesat glide down from the sky at the speed of over Mach 1. That is over the speed of sound,

So, even the sharpest ears who could hear thousand mile could not hear Moesat movement sound.


In the Moesat legs claws, there is a pipe holding with his two claws from the both side of edges of the pipe.

At the middle of pipe, two hands were holding firm, that was Areum hands.

When they both got near to the surface of the ground, Moesat used his strong tail to grab Areum legs and throw her to upward position to reduce Areum falling speed.

Moesat body could withstand that speed but Areum could not.


The sensor type warrior is trying to sense the danger but he could not sense where it was coming from. But he felt very dangerous sense, so he wanted to say something to his group.

But before these people asked where is the danger coming from,


A black shadow swift through the air and collide with three warriors before it hit the ground.

Now they found the danger but just before they could see clearly, another shadow fall into their group.

From the second shadow, they saw three flash light before the shadow hit the ground.


Moesat fold up his dragon wings in the air and let his body fall, and he extend his both hand in front, targeting his dragon claws at three warriors.

It is like a tiger jump on a man.

Even if these three warriors were in Metgiktran form, their bodies were like a paper in front of Moesat dragon claws.

Three of them die before Moesat hit the ground, and Moesat saw one more warrior near to him.

His dragon tail is 4 inches diameter thick with hard dragon scales like a metal cover, it covered to his whole tail and under it cover there were very strong bone and muscle.

Tip of the tail is sort of like a big single dragon claw.

The tail is two meter long and a man who was near to Moesat, it is in the dragon tail attack range.

Moesat use his tail like a dagger to stab the man.

That man used his short and big knife to defence his body.

Moesat dragon tail pierce through the big knife weapon body and that man body.



With the sound Moesat body hit the ground.

Blood spill out from four bodies were still in the air but before these could fall down on earth, these were push away back into the air by a shock wave that came out from Moesat dragon body impact on the ground.

A crater is formed on the ground and blood rain were spread out in the sky with a diameter of ten meters in the air.

Blood Rain is start raining down.


Lu Lu was sitting on Moesat head but even a shock wave could not move her a bit. She is sitting like in an another space.

At the time of shock wave pass through, Lu Lu let out Nana and Enna.

Nana and Enna appeared on the Moesat back, and they looked for their targets. When they saw their targets, they jump off from Moesat back with the speed of 10m/s.


Moesat used his eyes ability,

In his dragon eyes, everything slow down like they were not moving at all, and he looked for his next targets.

And he needed to move.

His tail is skewed in the dead man body, so he used his tail like a hook pull the dead man body and throw the dead body to another alive warrior.

At the same time, Moesat used centrifugal force to change his body position and jump off to another direction.


Areum used three katana slashes while she was falling down. Every slash were so fast and other would only saw as a light.

Every slash hit on one body each, and three men did not even know that their bodies is already cut in half.

Areum quickly check around and jump off to another place.


'Frozen Night Moonlit Melody.'

Nana sing a beautiful melody while jumping to her target.


In the item bag, she always tried to use her ability but there were not real target.

At the time she sing, melody spread through all the area. Sky was cover with black night and crystal moon came out.


Enna was shot out her tentacles to her destination to speed up her jump. And she heard the beautiful melody, so she turn and look at Nana.

She got distract a bit, but she could control her mind back right away.

But Areum got more distract by it, so she has to land on the ground to get a step for another jump.


All the enemies were used to be in many fight too, even with the sudden attack, they could response after a second.

An arrow and fire ball shot at Moesat. A spear stab is coming from another direction to Moesat.

Moesat throw the dead body from his tail and at the same time he jump of to another direction.

Moesat saw all the attack coming toward him but.

"So slow, so slow."

He is thinking while jumping off to another place and he changed three place in a second.


Spearman, who attacked on Moesat, got lured by melody for a half second and his spear direction move. That made him lost his body control and he fall down where Moesat was.

He is a good mercenary with great experience, so he used his spear stab on the ground and push his body to another way.

He fall down on the ground and roll away for safety and he got up.


'Fire ball'

'power shot'


BANG bang.

Fire ball exploded and arrow hit on the ground with power.

An arrow was shot by using power shot ability, and it could even give out impact sound when it hit the ground.


Areum step on a ground is a blink of an eye but enemy got time to horizontal 360 degree slash with sword toward Areum.

Areum jump and flip over to evade the slash and she slash down at the man who use horizontal slash.


Moesat change three place in one second while he used his dragon claws, one man leg got cut off and another got a big claws mark on his back.


One of the warrior uses, consecutive two swords ability.

'Right slash, left slash, kick, 180 kick, and final two swords slash'

That man was rotating and attack at Moesat.

But Moesat evade and push that man to another way by using his tail.

Again he jump toward another warrior,

That warrior used his sabre and slashing down right side up from left side down.

Moesat twisted his body in the air to his left to evade the slash, when the slash go down,

Moesat jump and bite that man arm.


That man afraid and he could not think clearly, he rotate his body while his hand is shaking off Moesat from his biting.

While biting an arm, Moesat looked back. He saw another warrior in his tail attack range.

So he used his tail like a whip, attack at that man head. That man was looking at beast shape Moesat biting on an arm.

And when the tail come, he rise his weapon for defence but it is already too late. Moesat tail crash the man face.


"Too slow...too slow..."

Moesat said out loud while jumping and killing another two men.

These people got decent attack power, but they were too slow.

Most of the warriors always tried to improve their attack power but they did not use their energy on their speed. Even if many warriors knew the speed is the essence.


Moesat used to train with Lu Lu who is so fast in her domain. So compare to her, these warriors too slow for him.

One arrow after another, sword, spear all attack were in the air. All were too late to reach or hit on Moesat.


Moesat group is like a tiger group and they were attacking in the sheep group now.


13 attackers and 4 defenders were down but many of them were still alive.

Four long range warriors and all other defenders were trying to run away but their speed were too slow for Moesat.


Moesat changed his attack pattern on defender warriors.

Defenders were trying to use their shield to defend Moesat hit. Moesat use his double power punch and direct hit on the shield.


With the bang sound all the defenders were knock back again and again until their shield were broken and they lie down on the ground without moving anymore.


Finally only two warriors left, and they were fighting with Nana and Enna. These two are weapon forming stage warriors.

But their speed and movement ability is too low.

Nana is using a dagger and changing her positions to many direction to attack weak points of the warrior.

That warrior got many stabbed wound and cut wound on his both legs and his back.

Soon he could not help but fall down.


Another got captured by Enna, all the tentacles tighten the whole body of the weapon forming stage warrior.

And that warrior could not move an inch.
