
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Phim ảnh
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158 Chs

Ch. 64 - Killing the Index Finger

"Begone!" Natalya yelled to the top of her lungs as the accumulated energy in her body exploded, causing large destruction around her

And with Madame Gao being the closest to her, she was the first one to be affected and was directly blown away.

Luckily, she trusted her feeling and directly used her Chi to protect herself, however it was too little so it still managed to injure her and it would do more damage than that if she didn't respond in time and immediately used all her Chi reserves to protect her body.

Only then that she survived and only suffered a little injury.

And from the looks of it, Natalya also did used all her reserves as she's now kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily and is on the verge of passing out.

At the same time, Doflamingo finally arrived.


(Present Time)

The moment Madame Gao felt the pressure on her entire being, combined with her exhaustion, she can't help but fall on the ground in her knees.

'W-What is this? What kind of a monster is he?' Fear filled Madame Gao's stricken face as no matter what she do, she can't stand up on her knees as if her legs has betrayed her and won't follow her command.

"Hm? What happened? Why are you kneeling? Perhaps you finally recognized who's more stronger than you and want to beg for your life?" Doflamingo didn't waste this opportunity to mock his enemy while she's on her knees.

If other people were to see this then they'd thought that Doflamingo is a bad guy who abuses the elderly. Though, the true meaning behind the scene is contrary.

"H-how?" Despite the pressure, Madame Gao still managed to squeeze out a little of her strength to ask on how he could do this.

"Oh you mean the pressure you're feeling right now? It just shows the gap between our strength, if you can't even handle this then how would you be able to fight me?" Doflamingo then crouched and stared at Madame Gao's face.

"Tell me, why won't the Hand just leave me alone? You know I never retaliated to all your attempts to kill me, right? Why do you guys keep on insisting on bothering me knowing that you guys have no chance to defeat me, are you guys perhaps a bunch of masochists?" Doflamingo said before making a disgusted look at Madame Gao.

However, Madame Gao just kept quiet, planning on how she would escape this situation, scratch kidnapping Natalya, it's not worth it, she needed to save her own skin first and if she do, she could plan a more effective way to kill Doflamingo and kidnap Natalya.

"S-spare me." Madame Gao can't think of any effective plans except for begging for her life, she hoped that Doflamingo would show her mercy and let her go. It doesn't matter if she's fatally injured, as long as she still has her life energy, she could recuperate back to her peak using the Dragon's Essence.

"Why should I? As you can see you are at my mercy, I would decide whether you should live or not. Now, give me a reason why should I spare you." Doflamingo whispered quietly and despite whispering, it is loud enough for Madame Gao to hear, in fact, it is more scarier to hear someone whisper about your fate.

"I-I can give you something others can't." Madame Gao said which peaked Doflamingo's interest.

"Oh really? Then what is it this 'something' that you spoke of?" Doflamingo tilted his head and asked.

Madame Gao, seeing that she has a chance to live, immediately offered something that no human can resists.

"Immortality." Madame Gao said which earned a frown from Doflamingo.

Just when Madame Gao thought that she got Doflamigno's interest, he suddenly said.

"That's it? Sounds lame." Doflamingo asked and shrugged his shoulders, which shocked Madame Gao.

'Immortality doesn't entice him? Either he's dumb or...' Madame Gao squinted her eyes at him before widening in surprise.

'Perhaps he's already an Immortal or has found a way to become an Immortal?' Coming up with a realization, Madame Gao realized that she doesn't have anything else to offer Doflamingo. Well, there is one left but she's not sure about this.

'Maybe he's into older woman like me? I'm still a beauty after all.' Madame Gao said and looked at Doflamingo, specifically his face and body. It's been long time since she last touched a man and made love.

'Hmm, he's not that bad. He's handsome and I'm sure his body isn't also that bad and if I'm smelling him correct then he's probably still a virgin. This is a good opportunity.' Madame Gao smirked inside her mind.

"Hey handsome." Madame Gao called out to him and when Doflamingo turned his attention to her face, he saw her smile and wink her eyes at him.

"Ayo what the fuck?" Doflamingo made a disgusted look at her and felt like puking his insides. Oh, how he wished he could forget that scene. Now he has to rinse his eyes with soap later.

"Don't be shy, little boy. Many men has craved my body in the past few years and you're lucky that I'm offering myself to you." Madame Gao can't help but be offended by Doflamingo's reaction, so her inner arrogance came out.

'Many men? Bitch they must be blind!' Doflamingo's mouth twitched as Madame Gao's chances of being spared was trimmed down by half.

So if earlier she has atleast 1% of being spared, then she only has 0.5% because of this act that she did.

If Madame Gao were to know this then she'd probably regret trying to seduce Doflamingo.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to refuse, I don't want to have sex with someone I'm going to kill, not to mention, you're stupidly too old for me, maybe you'd find someone that would like you. In hell that is." Doflamingo casted a smile towards her before his finger twitched and several strings came out of his fingertips, coated with Armament Haki as it headed towards Madame Gao's neck.

"Wai-!" Just when Madame Gao realized that she would be killed, it was already too late for her to stop him as the string bypassed her neck.



Red drop of bloods fell off from the strings that killed Madame Gao.


Madame Gao's eyes were still widened as she died, not knowing how and what killed her. All she knows is that she will be killed before she died.

"Sparing you gives me nothing but trouble, so it's better to kill you here and now." Doflamingo then opened a portal underneath Madame Gao's head and body.

The portal leads to the Sun, so as Doflamingo opened the portal, the sun's heat was already burning Madame Gao's remains along with Doflamingo's surroundings, so he didn't hesitate and immediately closed the portal.

"Damn, the Sun's heat is too hot." Doflamingo said as he patted the fire slowly forming on his gloves.

"Reading too many fantasy novels and fanfics has made me forgot the Sun's heat is enough to kill someone even if you're thousands or millions of miles away from it." Doflamingo expressed as he looked back and saw that Natalya was fine, only unconscious.

"Welp, time to go back to my secret base. God, I really need to make a name for it." Doflamingo made a cringe expression as he carried Natalya's body before opening a portal and entered it.

The facility now remains with nothing but dead bodies. Doflamingo also took his time earlier to snatch some good research materials that Richard would like.

"I'm such a good leader." Doflamingo shook his head and praised himself in a narcissistic way.


(Wanda PoV)

As the red wave suddenly hit me and my brother, I fell unconscious and it wasn't until I saw myself in an unknown surrounding, probably because I'm dreaming right now.

I remember a face looking at me with such caring eyes. My parent's can't even hold a candle on how that face look at me with loving eyes. It feels like the face is somehow related to me, she's like a beacon of light that shines and gave me warm that I've never felt before.

And then what happened next were chaos, broken buildings and a dead man on the ground, the said woman were crying her heart out as I saw my small hands trying to reach her face, to wipe out the tears on her face.

As my hand did so, the woman stopped crying and held my hand gently and whispered.

"Oh, Wanda. I'm sorry...." I saw the woman kiss my small hands and slowly carried me along with another baby.

However, before I could further divulge myself in this mysterious dream of mine, I was suddenly woken up by someone.

When I opened my eyes, a familiar face greets me. The same woman that I saw in that dream.

Without knowing why, I unconsciously said to her.


"....Yes, Wanda." The woman was shocked for a second before happiness and excitement filled her face and she immediately replied to me.


(Doflamingo PoV)

Standing outside the clinic room, I saw that Wanda finally woke up and was having a conversation with Natalya. As for Pietro? Well, he's right there in another bed, in a deep sleep, he probably won't be waking up soon considering the sleeping position he is in. I mean, who even sleeps with their butt raised up high while the rest of his body were facing down on the bed.

"God I wished I never look like that when I sleep." I sensed Matilda walking near to me and commented.

"Don't worry you don't. The only sleeping position that looks weird is where you're sucking the toe of your left fee-." I didn't managed to finish my sentence when Matilda threw out a punch towards my abdomen.

"Oof." Although I could dodge it and it doesn't hurt that much, but I decided to play along as Matilda's expression were full of embarrassment.

"Don't say that out loud, you shit!"


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.