
Marvel; Werewolf System

i got shot, woke up in marvel, if thats not too much already, am a shield agent but thankfully i had my own advantage in this power filled world... the Werewolf system... time to be a fucking beast! Ok... I do not own marvel, but my ocs, the cover art is something I found cool and I do not have any claim over it. I'm a new writer/author and just so you know, I do not tolerate meaningless hate or hateful comments, you like my fic, you don't, that's your choice but do not waste your time typing hateful comments or meaningless reviews, I love when am given constructive criticism, as it helps better my skills as a writer, and I would like to hear your ideas, might or might not add to the story but would love to hear your opinions. Also don't think just because you don't like what I do with the Mc, you have the authority to tell me you don't like it or I should change it... well it won't work, like I have read some comments on other authors works, that has comments saying they don't like the mcs name or the mcs romance partner and stuff like that, pls don't bring that demanding to this fic, like I said up top, I like criticism and suggestive ideas, not demanding ones

arekuruutento · Phim ảnh
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43 Chs

The return...

As Leo drinked his juice, the door opening from behind him could be heard, as Carol walked out, her hand behind her back.

"So... where do we start" Carol said, as Leo took another sip before looking at Carol beside him.

"You are good with this?" Leo asked, suprising her.

"I know you remember some stuff now, but your full memories are still not back" Leo said, making Carol look into the sky.

"I know one thing for sure... the krees are my enemy's" she said, before looking at Leo with a smile.

"Earth might just be my real home" she finished, making Leo smirk.

"Let's go, we have some acquaintances to meet" Leo said, as he finished his juice and walked back into the building with Carol.


"Dang, we lost connecting with her" a man said, as he looked at his partner beside him.

"She doesn't have any trust in the kree anymore, we have to capture her and return her to the Supreme intelligence" Yon rogg said to his partner.

"Yes sir, but aren't we taking this too lightly?, we know how strong she can become if allowed" the other man replied.

"Don't worry, except the Skrull that might be behind this, the life on that planet can't possibly Awaken what we kree have yet to succeed in" Yon rogg said with confidence and arrogance.

"If you say so" the other kree replied, as they mounted their ship and flew into outer space.


Leo and Carol were now in a red car, and heading towards a location.

"Who are this acquaintances?" Carol asked, as she looked through the window of the cars, watching as the car sped past buildings and people.

"You know them" Leo hinted, as he took a sharp corner.

"I know..." before she could finish the question, she paused and looked at Leo.

"The Skrull?, won't they get mad seeing me?" she asked, making Leo chukle.

"No promises" Leo said, as they made a stop at a gas station.

"We're here, also be ready, they might misunderstand you" Leo warned, making Carol nod in understanding.

"Hello!?, it's me Leo" Leo called, causing the gas station store to turn into a blue forcefield.

"Ah, agent Leo" Taros said, as he walked out of the forcefield.

"Yes, and I'm here to introduce someone" Leo said, as Carol stepped forward.

"Kree..." Taros muttered, mounting a battle ready stance.

"Chill, she's also human, and my uhhh... buddy" Leo blurted out, causing Taros to release his stance, but still look st Carol with caution.

"When did we get to that point?" Carol whispered to Leo.

"Since the whole dinner thing" Leo replied, making Carol chukle.

"And why have you brought her here?" Taros interrupted.

"She's going to be helping us" Leo replied.

"And how exactly?" Taros asked, as another skrull came out.

"She's strong, overpowered infact" Leo answered, causing Taros to raise an eyebrow.

"You'll see soon enough" Leo smiled, as Carol leaned towards his ear.

"I'm over powered?" she asks, as they walked to the forcefield.

"Have I ever lied to you?" Leo asks.

"We only met today" she replied, as they entered the forcefield.

"This is what we have left" Taros said, as a space ship, the size of Shields jets could be seen.

"The main ship is still floating in outer space" The skrull next to Taros said, as Leo and Carol walked into the room.

"Nice, it's cool" Leo said as he walked towards the ship.

"Ok, we'll be using this to get to the main ship-" before Leo could finish his words, he paused and looked up.

"What's the problem?" Carol asked, as Leo pit two fingers on the side of his head.

"Kree, their ship is just outside the atmosphere" Leo said, suprising everybody.

"How did yo-" before Carol could finish her words, Leo interuppted her.

"I have good senes" he said, as he signaled Taros, whom opened the doors of the ship.

"Let's go" Leo said to Carol, making her think for a second, before following Leo into the ship.

"Can we really trust them?" Norex asked, as he walked into the room.

"What other choice do we have?" Taros replied, as he watched the ship start to ascend.

"Hold up... we never gave him driving lessons..." Taros realized, as all of a sudden, the ship blasted off.

"Well... the girl is a kree..." Norex said, as they watched the ship zig zag into space.

Sorry for the absense, hope everyone's ok

arekuruutentocreators' thoughts