
Marvel : Can I be the next iron man

A story about a mere office worker and his dream of becoming a legendary superhero ironman, but life doesn't give him that easily. He went through a lot to bring the dream to reality, and his encounter with the war machine brought his dream really close to the top. It was a horrible encounter which turned out to be a life changer. He later got a contract with the shield agency where he was put to test If he was worthy of it. And though it was going well for him until things started to go wrong with him and spiderman who's incharge of stark tech's came into play.

marvelkii · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Hagdone must be protected

Thor stood atop the highest parapet of Asgard, the golden city gleaming under the starlit sky. His eyes, stormy and resolute, scanned the horizon for any sign of threat. Asgard, his beloved home, was in peril. One of the mythical stones, the Hagdone Stone, was in his charge. This stone, one of four scattered across the universe, was said to have played a pivotal role in the creation of space itself. Its power was unmatched, vast, and dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands.

Thor, though a mighty warrior and a king, felt the weight of responsibility pressing heavily on his shoulders. His world was under attack, not by mere mortals, but by forces seeking the Hagdone Stone. He knew the risk of hoarding such power. The stone's allure was strong, drawing power-hungry entities from every corner of the cosmos.

Descending the steps from the parapet, Thor made his way to the grand hall where the elders and warriors had gathered. The hall, a majestic space adorned with banners and tapestries depicting Asgard's glorious past, buzzed with tension. Warriors in polished armor stood in stoic silence, while the council members whispered amongst themselves, their faces etched with worry.

Thor entered, his presence commanding immediate attention. Silence fell over the hall as all eyes turned to their king. He strode to the head of the long, wooden table, where the council sat, and took his seat.

"Brothers and sisters," Thor began, his voice resonating with authority and determination, "Asgard faces a dire threat. The Hagdone Stone is a beacon to those who seek power, and our enemies grow bolder with each passing day."

Einar, one of Thor's most trusted warriors, stepped forward. "My king, our defenses are strong, but we cannot underestimate our adversaries. They are relentless, and their numbers grow."

Thor nodded. "Indeed, Einar. That is why we must prepare for the worst. We cannot allow the stone to fall into enemy hands. Its power is too great, too dangerous."

Frigga, the wise elder, rose from her seat, her eyes filled with a deep, ancient wisdom. "Thor, the stone is a blessing and a curse. It has protected us, but it also brings danger. We must consider all options, even those that seem unthinkable."

"What do you suggest, Frigga?" Thor asked, though he feared he already knew the answer.

"We must consider moving the stone, hiding it where no one can find it," Frigga replied. "As long as it remains here, Asgard will be under constant threat."

The hall erupted in murmurs of agreement and dissent. Thor raised his hand for silence. "I understand your concerns, Frigga. But the stone is part of Asgard's legacy. It is our duty to protect it, not hide it away."

Hogun, another of Thor's loyal companions, spoke up. "Then we must fortify our defenses. Strengthen our walls and double the guards. Prepare for battle, if need be."

Thor nodded. "Agreed. We will bolster our defenses and stand ready. But we must also seek out these enemies and understand their motives. We cannot simply wait for them to come to us."

Sif, fierce and unwavering, stepped forward. "Allow me to lead a reconnaissance mission, my king. We need to know who our enemies are and what they plan."

Thor looked at Sif, admiration and trust in his eyes. "Very well, Sif. Take a team and gather what information you can. Be swift and be safe."

As the meeting drew to a close, Thor felt a sense of resolve among his people. They were ready to defend their home, to protect the Hagdone Stone with their lives if necessary. Yet, the nagging thought of Frigga's words lingered in his mind. Was there truly no other way?

That night, as Thor lay in his chambers, he found no solace in sleep. Visions of Asgard's destruction haunted him. The faces of his people, the gleaming spires of his city, the stone's ominous glow—all weighed heavily on his mind.

Rising from his bed, Thor donned his armor and took Mjolnir in hand. He needed counsel, not from his advisors, but from the Allfather. The great hall of Odin was a place of silence and reverence, where Thor often sought guidance. Kneeling before his father's statue, he whispered, "Father, grant me wisdom. Show me the path to protect Asgard."

As if in response, a faint glow enveloped the hall, and Thor felt a surge of strength and clarity. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but he was determined. He would protect his people and their legacy, no matter the cost.

The following days were a whirlwind of activity. Walls were reinforced, and warriors trained tirelessly. Sif and her team returned with troubling news: a coalition of enemies, united by their desire for the Hagdone Stone, was amassing forces on the outskirts of Asgard.

Thor summoned his generals and advisors once more. "Our enemies are close," he announced. "We must strike before they have the chance to attack. We will take the fight to them."

The hall echoed with the clamor of warriors readying for battle. Thor's eyes met those of his friends and allies—Einar, Frigga, Hogun, Sif—and he saw the same determination mirrored in their gazes.

"Tonight," he declared, "we fight not just for the Hagdone Stone, but for Asgard, for our home, for our people. We will show them the might of Asgard and the strength of its king!"

A roar of approval rose from the gathered warriors. Thor raised Mjolnir high, lightning crackling around the hammer. "To victory!" he shouted.

"To victory!" the warriors echoed, their voices united in a powerful chorus.

As Thor led his army into the night, the weight of the Hagdone Stone seemed a little lighter. For he knew that, whatever the outcome, he would stand with his people, and together, they would face whatever came their way. The battle for Asgard had begun, and Thor, the mighty Avenger, was ready to lead his people to glory.

They mached into their war space ships ,Thor distributed them into groups each of them with the task of guiding each part of the cosmic, this was to enable them to foresee any danger from every end.