
Marvel : Can I be the next iron man

A story about a mere office worker and his dream of becoming a legendary superhero ironman, but life doesn't give him that easily. He went through a lot to bring the dream to reality, and his encounter with the war machine brought his dream really close to the top. It was a horrible encounter which turned out to be a life changer. He later got a contract with the shield agency where he was put to test If he was worthy of it. And though it was going well for him until things started to go wrong with him and spiderman who's incharge of stark tech's came into play.

marvelkii · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Four artifacts


Long before our time, in the primordial expanse of the universe, four elemental stones were forged. These Stones of Creation held dominion over time, space, reality, and power. Their immense potential made them coveted artifacts, and the mere thought of them being united struck fear into the hearts of the wise. For if brought together, these stones could unravel the fabric of the universe itself.

To protect these stones from falling into the wrong hands, the clandestine organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. took charge. Recognizing the need for formidable guardians, they entrusted the stones to four remarkable individuals: Doctor Strange, Hawkeye, Iron Man, and Thor. Each was chosen for their unique abilities and unwavering dedication to safeguarding humanity.

Doctor Stephen Strange, the master of the mystic arts, was given the Time Stone. Encased within the Eye of Agamotto, the stone pulsed with a faint green light, echoing the rhythms of the universe itself. Strange often meditated within his Sanctum Sanctorum in New York, attuned to the delicate threads of time.

One evening, Wong interrupted his meditation. "Stephen, have you ever considered what might happen if the timeç Stone fell into the wrong hands?"

Strange opened his eyes, the glow of the stone fading. "Constantly, Wong. But our duty is to ensure that never happens. We must trust in ourselves and our allies."

Wong frowned, taking a seat across from Strange. "I understand, but the weight of this responsibility... it's immense. Do you ever feel the burden is too much?"

Strange sighed, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Every day. But if not us, then who? We were chosen for a reason. We have to believe in that."

In a quiet corner of the world, Clint Barton, known as Hawkeye, led a simpler life. The Reality Stone, appearing as an ordinary rock, was hidden within a locked safe under the floorboards of his family's farmhouse. He found solace in his family, who remained unaware of the artifact's true nature.

One night, as Clint sat by the fireplace, his wife Laura joined him. "You seem distant, Clint. Is everything alright?"

Clint sighed, staring into the flames. "Just thinking about our responsibilities. The stone... it's a heavy burden."

Laura placed a reassuring hand on his. "We're in this together. As long as it stays hidden, we'll be safe."

Clint looked at her, his eyes filled with gratitude. "I know, Laura. But sometimes, I wonder if keeping it here puts you and the kids in danger."

Laura squeezed his hand. "We've always faced dangers together. This is no different. We trust you, Clint."

Meanwhile, Tony Stark, the brilliant inventor and Avenger known as Iron Man, safeguarded the Power Stone. Embedded within his arc reactor, the stone's violet energy hummed softly, a constant reminder of its latent power. Stark's lab was a fortress of innovation, filled with prototypes and security measures.

Late one night, Pepper Potts entered the lab, concern etched on her face. "Tony, you've been at this for hours. You need to rest."

Tony looked up, his eyes tired but determined. "I can't afford to rest, Pepper. With the Power Stone in my reactor, I have to make sure it's secure. It's our best chance at protecting it."

Pepper walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know you want to protect everyone, Tony, but you're no good to us exhausted. You need to take care of yourself too."

Tony sighed, leaning back in his chair. "You're right, as usual. I just... I worry. This stone, it's more dangerous than anything we've ever dealt with."

Pepper smiled softly. "And that's why it's with you. Because you're the only one who can handle it. But even you need a break sometimes."

On the celestial plane of Asgard, Thor, the God of Thunder, was the custodian of the Space Stone. Enshrined within a heavily guarded vault, the stone radiated a cold, ethereal light. Thor ensured it remained under constant watch, protected by the fierce Heimdall and powerful enchantments.

One evening, Loki approached Thor with a mischievous grin. "Brother, do you ever grow weary of this endless vigilance?"

Thor chuckled, clapping Loki on the back. "The responsibility is ours to bear, Loki. We protect these stones because we must. It is our duty to the realms."

Loki raised an eyebrow. "You speak of duty, but do you never feel the urge to simply... walk away? Live your life without the weight of the universe on your shoulders?"

Thor looked out over the golden halls of Asgard, a thoughtful expression on his face. "There are times when I wish for simpler days. But I know that this burden, this duty, is part of who I am. And as long as I can protect the stone, I will."

Loki smirked. "Always the noble one, Thor. But remember, even gods need respite."

Despite their diverse approaches, the guardians understood the gravity of their responsibility. The Stones of Creation, scattered across the globe, remained under their vigilant watch, each Avenger ready to defend their artifact against any threat. They knew that while the stones were separated, the universe stood a better chance against those who sought their power.

In a hidden corner of the Sanctum Sanctorum, Strange and Wong continued their nightly discussions. "Do you ever think about the other guardians?" Wong asked.

"Every day," Strange replied. "I wonder how they're holding up. We're all in this together, even if we're apart."

Clint, in the quiet of his farmhouse, often found himself reflecting on his comrades. One evening, he confided in Laura. "I wonder how Tony and Thor are managing. We don't talk much, but I know they're carrying the same weight."

Laura nodded. "You should reach out. Sometimes just knowing someone else understands can make a world of difference."

Tony, amidst the hum of his lab, often found his thoughts drifting to Strange and Barton. One night, he turned to Pepper. "I hope the others are doing okay. We're all linked by these stones, even if we're miles apart."

And Thor, in the golden halls of Asgard, would often stand by the Bifrost, gazing at the stars. "I wonder if the others feel as I do," he mused to Heimdall. "The weight of this duty, the loneliness of it."

Heimdall, ever wise, responded, "They do, Thor. But it is that very weight that binds you all. Together, though separated, you are stronger."

The guardians, though physically apart, shared an unspoken bond. They understood that their vigilance was all that stood between the universe and chaos. And so, they kept their secrets and stayed ever watchful, protecting humanity from the unseen forces that lingered in the shadows.

In the quiet moments, when the weight of their responsibilities felt overwhelming, they found solace in knowing they were not alone. Each guardian, in their own way, drew strength from the knowledge that others stood with them, each holding a piece of the universe's fate in their hands.

And so, the Stones of Creation remained hidden, their power safeguarded by those chosen to protect them. The guardians continued their watch, ever ready, ever vigilant, knowing that their unity and resolve were the universe's greatest defense against the forces that sought to bring about its end.