
Marvel : Can I be the next iron man

A story about a mere office worker and his dream of becoming a legendary superhero ironman, but life doesn't give him that easily. He went through a lot to bring the dream to reality, and his encounter with the war machine brought his dream really close to the top. It was a horrible encounter which turned out to be a life changer. He later got a contract with the shield agency where he was put to test If he was worthy of it. And though it was going well for him until things started to go wrong with him and spiderman who's incharge of stark tech's came into play.

marvelkii · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Foreseen doom

Stephen was meditating ,he saw earth destruction this time, all her hero were down this time with no one to save her among the avengers. Especially one of them becoming ally to the ferocious space alien "Thanos"

Lupa! He called out to one of his apprentice " connect me with SHIELD" he bow and rushed into a chamber.He came out back with a cellphone and raised the phone to his ear.

Back at SHIELD, Fury appeard at the administrative department looking really Stern today ,the workers all greeted each after he passed their different cutouts ,each of them faced with high tech holographic display monitor .He replied them all with a faint smile.

He proceeds to the center of the administrative block facing a giant holographic screen toking his hands into his pocket.

A lady greeted him with a smile holding a remote "boss" , fury replied "how are you today"she replied "good boss" " what do you have for us today" Fury said looking more serious with a soft tensed voice she was about to reply when they got distracted by a sound from one of the agent space

Ding! Ding!

A high tech communication pad rings. An agent in charge heads for the call "call from Stephen strange" An authomathed voice replied after pressing an unknown button ,he reached out for the pad while looking at Fury as if expecting approval .

Fury raised an eyebrow in approval ,"I saw it Thanos would come back and this time it would be really chaotic and one of the avengers would become ally to him, thereby making all your moves visible to him make it more easier to penetrate" kra….kra…kraa…aaa

The telecom pad lost connection with Steve,Fury made his finger in a way as if sending a signal " get Hawkeye on the phone" he proceeds to the the the large monitor and made a few click on the keyboard below the monitor , then the device starts to Beeb " this is Clint" "we need you at shield as soon as possible" Fury said tapping on a black device in his ears ,he tapped it one more time and ends the call .

"Get the rest of the crew" said Fury facing the lady beside him " ok boss" she said turning to the workers in the space summoning them as if in an emergency "get the the war equipments ready" she said turning to one of the agents "immediately boss"

She turned and faced the rest " inform all our agents about the urgency of the situation and also get a real time data of our atmosphere and refresh them every minutes, If anything breaches the barrier get me updated" she said looking really Stern

SStephen Strange descended from the altar, his expression stern and resolute. The air around him crackled with arcane energy as he summoned his servants. "Strengthen the barrier around the sacred house," he commanded, his voice echoing through the grand hall. "The stone must remain secure."

His servants, well-versed in the mystic arts, immediately began casting protective spells, their hands weaving intricate patterns in the air. Strange watched them for a moment before turning to his right-hand man, Wong.

"Wong," he called, his voice tinged with urgency.

Wong approached, sensing the gravity of the situation. "What is it, Stephen?"

"I've had a terrifying revelation," Strange said, his eyes dark and foreboding. "The stone's power is drawing something—no, someone—towards us. A force unlike any we've faced before."

Wong's expression hardened. "What can we do?"

"Prepare for the worst," Strange replied. "We must be ready to defend the stonr at all costs. Every precaution, every spell must be flawless. The fate of our world depends on it."

Wong nodded, his resolve matching Strange's. "I'll see to it personally."

As Wong departed to oversee the fortifications, Strange turned back to the altar. The weight of his responsibility pressed heavily on his shoulders, but he knew there was no room for doubt. The battle ahead would test their limits, but failure was not an option.

He closed his eyes, drawing strength from the ancient knowledge within him. "We will prevail," he whispered to himself, the words a promise and a prayer.

Fury returned to his office, his mind racing with Stephen Strange's dire warning. He knew this would be far from easy. Thanos was a threat unlike any other, and improvisation was crucial. Fury paced the room, contemplating how best to bolster their defenses and mount an effective counterattack.

"We're going to need more than just weapons this time," Fury muttered to himself. "This requires strategy, innovation... and more heroes."

He sat down at his desk, pulling up the budget reports. "We need to increase funding for advanced weaponry," he noted, scribbling plans on a pad. "But that's not enough."

Fury tapped his pen against the desk, thinking about the scattered Avengers. "How do I get them all back together?" he wondered aloud. He knew the urgency of the situation left no room for error.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Maria Hill entered, concern etched on her face. "You seem troubled, sir."

"Troubled doesn't cover it," Fury replied. "Strange's warning has thrown us into a crisis. Thanos is coming, and we're not ready."

Hill nodded. "What do you need me to do?"

"First, we need to expand our arsenal. Increase the budget for R&D. Second, start reaching out to the Avengers. We need everyone back, and fast."

"Understood," Hill said. "But bringing the Avengers back... it's going to be a challenge. They're scattered, and not all on good terms."

"I know," Fury admitted. "But we don't have a choice. We need their strength, their unity. Start with the ones at our brck. If we get them on board, the others will follow."

Hill nodded again and left to begin her tasks. Fury leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. The weight of the impending battle pressed down on him, but he knew they had to rise to the challenge. Failure was not an option.

As he picked up his phone to make the first of many calls, he whispered to himself, "We will be ready. Thanos won't know what hit him."