
Marvel: A Pokémon Template System

Mainly based off the MCU with little to no comic book ideas. This will mainly follow the plot without major changes so if that's not for you than sorry I hope you enjoy anyway. My name is Bob Uchiha... nah just messing with you, I'm Azrael Mors. This is my story in the marvel universe. Reincarnated in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a system. Like any other system story, the MC has a path to become op. The template system will be randomizing Pokémon with quests to train the link between MC and the Pokémon. Any and all Pokémon will be put in a randomizer whenever he draws a new template. When a template reaches 100% the MC will have Pokémon characteristics but will retain the human look. I do not own Marvel or Pokémon; I only own any and all oc's. If there are any issues reach out to me and I will respond when available. Any references to other works are not under my ownership. I will post when I can, it depends on whether the story wants it or not, so far the story is writing itself not me writing the story.

Hazel_Elesium · Phim ảnh
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning





"Uagghhh!! Where the hell am I? What's going on? Why is it so bright?" My head is pounding, I had no clue who I am or how I got here. "Why don't I know my name? What was it? .... Bob, yeah my name was Bob Uchiha."

'Why does that name sound so stupid?' I thought.

A voice responded, "That's because you do not have the power to wield the name of an ultimate being young one."

"Aaah, Jason Bourne it's Jesus Christ!" I yelled, shocked by the figure who appeared from thin air.

"Not exactly", he responded, "You can call me Jeff, I'm essentially god, at least of this multiverse, but anyway I was watching you humans and then I saw your death. It gave me such a good laugh that I decided to reincarnate you in another multiverse ruled by a friend of mine."

" Ha I mean how does leaving your house for work end with you dying from your phone blowing up after a call about your car's extended warranty." The giant glowing figure told me. I guess his name was Jeff.

'WHAT!! How could I ever die after losing my dignity like that.'

"That's why I'm giving you a second chance. I noticed that you really enjoyed the Marvel movies and The One Above All agreed to letting you enter his multiverse, so I think you're really gonna enjoy your time there. Now that my rant is over, any questions?" He asked

"Yeah, uh so do I get any cheats, wishes, or special powers or am I just a regular dude in a cosmically terrorized planet?" 'I swear if I get nothing I might as well give up' I thought.

"Haha don't worry I'm providing you with a system related to one of your favorite games! Other than that, you're on your own." said Jeff.

'Hmm well I like a lot of games but they all should give me a great standing in the Marvel Universe'

"So which game?" I asked Jeff, I'm not even surprised by his response.

"Oh, that's the fun part...I don't know! I just closed my eyes and pointed, but I can tell you its a template system" He laughed.

'Shit, I am sooo dead' I sighed.

"And better yet I'm throwing you in New York City one week before Loki's attack. I thought it'd be no fun if you could use your future knowledge to prepare. But as a gift your first template will be 60% unlocked so you won't die right away! Also, you'll be 18 and no one will ask about your birth or your parents and any details like that so no worries there!", Jeff laughed again, "aren't I generous?"

"Ok, lastly for your appearance, anything special or should I send you as you are?", Jeff asked.

I looked down at myself and just saw a ball of floating white and blue light. 'Wait how did I know it was bright if I had no eyes? Nani? how am I looking down without a head and body?'

"Uh I definitely think there should be some changes" I responded after calming down. "Hmm, well I'd like to be 6 feet tall, have long black hair in a ponytail like Itachi's, I want a lean build, nothing too bulky, definitely above average looks but not enough that attention is drawn to me, and I think it'd be cool if my eyes were a bright emerald green."

"What about your clothes?" He asked me.

"Uh, I mean a black hoodie and gray jeans will work, I'm not really into standing out." I told him.

'I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I died and in such a humiliating way too, ugh I'm way too calm for some reason' I thought.

Jeff laughed again, "Quite the dark color scheme, just don't be an emo like those Uchiha you decided to copy with your looks you edgy brat! For your name I thought why not have one that's worthy of someone who gets to skip past death and live again, so your new name is Azrael Mors. Anyway, since we're done here, goodbye, adios, sayonara and have fun."

'Wait what that's it, nothing els.....


"Uagghhh!! Where the hell am I? What's going on? Why is it so bright?" My head is pounding, I had no clue who I am or how I got here. 'Oh, I feel like I've said that before and wait that's a light bulb, this is my apartment in New York City, and my name ... A-Azrael, right Azrael Mors.'



"F#@* you Jeff!"

'Okay let's not go trigger happy cursing out a god who could wipe you out in an instant, think Rae think. Weird. I adjusted to my name kind of quick. Oh well no point living in the past'

"Hmm Jeff said something about a system?"

'Well, this seems cliche but here goes nothing' I thought as I looked around my room.



"Ahhh my head, turn it off, turn off the ding!" I shouted.

[Command accepted: Ear **** ding silenced]

'Oh my Jeff he literally named it ear **** ding' I screamed in my head trying and almost failing to not curse out the god who sent me here.

I tried to keep my mind on track with what's important and asked, "Hey system, why don't I see any stats, and can I communicate with you in my head?"

[System can be contacted mentally, no need for speaking out loud as for why there are no stats let me explain to you how the System works]

[Welcome host Azrael Mors to the Pokémon Template System, with the System the host can transform into any Pokémon template he has unlocked and learn up to 8 moves at one time per Pokémon. Upon reaching a 100% link with a Pokémon template you will be able to use the moves of that Pokémon without transformation, but you will show characteristic changes like ears, tails, wings, or just general marks across your body.]

[Quests will be assigned to give the host items that may be useful to the host or in other cases completely useless. In regard to Pokémon that have evolutions, certain more difficult quests will be assigned in order to unlock that evolution. The Pokémon Roulette is another way to get evolved Pokémon]

[New templates can be opened once you reach 80% completion of the previous template, but the new template cannot go beyond a 20% link until the previous template link reaches 100%. Every 10th Pokémon template unlocked has an 90% chance of being a shiny template starting at a 30% link, a 5% chance of being a mythical template, and a 5% chance of being a legendary template. In regard to shiny templates the host can learn up to ten moves at one time.]

(A/N: I apologize for the long explanation but I wanted to make my system clear, if there are any questions just leave a comment and I'll be sure to check it out.)

[Now let me show you my Screen and let you draw your first template.]

[Pokémon Template System

Host: Azrael Mors

Level: 1

Templates: 0

Pokémon Roulette: {Draw}

Pokémon Gacha: {Draw}

Quests: -

Inventory: (1)


'Sweet I have an inventory, that's better than what I was hoping for. And System you still haven't explained why there are no stats.'

[The System, unlike its creator, is not omniscient and has no way to qualify your stats seeing that many different types of energy exist in the Marvel Universe. The System however created the level system to inject your body with energy to strengthen you and to raise your survival chances in the future. Enemies will be given a grade between 1 and 10 corresponding to every 10 levels in the System, be warned there are enemies who exceed this scale.]

[The level system will go along with your link status, but some Pokémon will be easier to increase the link with than others so the system will decide levels by circumstance but for now you can expect every 20% of your link to be around 1 level. A reference would be where reaching a 20% link with Arceus Template will surely give you more levels than reaching 20% link with Caterpie.]

[Now that I have explained this, is the host ready to draw the first template?]

'Hell yeah I am! What do I need to do?'

[Host should open his inventory and use his gift the Pokémon Roulette Coupon to start his first draw. After that Host can use the Pokémon Gacha Coupon.]

'Alright I can't wait!'

'Use Pokémon Roulette Coupon!'

[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[Congratulations Host for drawing the Gastly Template!]

[Would you like to equip this template?]

'YES!' I almost shouted out loud.

[Gastly Template equipped!]

(A/N: Every template is randomized from a list of 30 plus Pokémon chosen using the Pokémon random generator website. Of the list used for the first Pokémon I had narrowed it to 37 options 2 of which were Magikarp and Weedle so I'm extremely pleased with the result. If you have any suggestions for the future Pokémon let me know and I will add them to the randomizer list.)