
Marry him II

"What!?" Anaiah exclaimed. Jeremy ignored her and continued"But doing that is close to impossible because Kaden is much more dangerous than you can ever imagine, that's why I need you"." You gonna be kidding me" she chuckled not believing her dad was spouting such nonsense." Unfortunately I'm not" Jeremy replied with a serious expression." You need a heart to live and you think I'm the right person to do that for you?" Anaiah enquired nonchalantly and he nodded."I'm not a murderer dad ! , I can't kill someone just because you fucking need a heart!" she declared determingly. She had thought that her dad has some bolts in his head loosened ,no missing but now not only aren't all his bolts intact but his heart is missing!.'He's a psycho' she thought glaring at him."Anaiah, Anaiah, Anaiah, I chose you and not Wendy because you're the right girl, not only are you brave and fierce but also very beautiful. I never knew that having a beautiful daughter would come handy one day but I'm proud you're and we both know it" He countered. It was a fact that she was beautiful, her long thick lashes , long and black hair, heart shaped kissable pink lips, hourglass shaped body and silky white skin made her exceptionally beautiful. Not only will she surpass those models on TV but also the actresses as well he thought. Not to forget her jade green eyes makes her beauty rare. For the first time in her life she regretted being beautiful. "I'm sure Kaden has seen much more beautiful women than me, and I'm not doing any of those stupid things" she objected firmly."Kaden must have seen much more beautiful women but I have faith in you "he paused and she rolled her eyes." And I never said it was optional when I told you what you have to do, if you really want your mom to get out of that place then you do as I say unless you don't mind your mom being like me"he continued. Anaiah gritted her teeth and scoffed" You said Kaden is dangerous then won't he kill you before those fourteen months are over if he finds out ". she tried to knock some sense into his head by saying" Dad I'm sure there's another way out of this , I-" she tried to persuade but he interjected"No!, only Kaden's heart can save me !" he roared in anger and his Iris flickered to red and she took some couple of steps back and stared at him confused. 'Why is he so much interested on a mere humans heart' she thought and voiced out"But Kaden is just a human ,which means any-". "No he's a vampire,a pureblooded one at that and this makes it much more appealing plus he's also the heir the Welcher's family" he explained . Taking a deep breath he said "But you have to marry him to be able to do that since he doesn't allow people to come close to him that easily ". "What! marry him?" she questioned shocked and the next moment before she knew what was happening she heard her mother scream "Ah!"."Is either you agree or your mom's heart and mind would be as damaged as mine in the next fourteen months" Jeremy said releasing his hand from a certain black button."Why are you so Heartless!"she yelled furiously but then thought' he doesn't even have a heart what difference does it make'.Her mom is the only family she had, even though her dad was alive she perceived him as dead when he started hitting her mother just when she was little. A tear escaped her eyes at her hopeless situation, she couldn't believe she has ended up in this mess.Gathering her thoughts she finally agreed" Fine, I'll do whatever you want"."Ah!"she heard her mom scream once again and she held her ears and cried" please stop it already ,I have already agreed!!". Jeremy burst into laughter when he saw her crying as his fangs enlongated" poor you" he mumbled still laughing before ordering "leave!!". Anaiah didn't wait for another second to pass before dashing out of the place .

*ka *ka*

The sound of stilletoes clicking on the floor was heard as a man rushed into his boss office." B-boss miss Balow is here"Kaden's assistant reported. Kaden who was sitting with his back facing his assistant whilst sipping his blood tea smirked"let her in "he said and his assistant nodded. Mia was dressed in skimpy clothes revealing her boobs and other womanly features. She has purposefully dressed like this when she heard from one of her friends at the gala that Kaden was looking for a wife. she knew he still loved her and was just waiting for her to make the first move which she didn't mine . With an alluring look which anyone could barely look away she entered the office. Walking to the table she threw her bag on the couch and called" Kaden". "What do you want ?" he asked with a smirk on his lips but his voice cold and devoid of any emotion. Mia didn't budge but still held her ground, she knew it wouldn't be easy."I'm here to meet you " she said and the smirk on his lips broadened but he still didn't move ."Why" he asked with a nonchalant voice. Mia bit her lip to stop herself from crying but was still determined so said " I'm sorry about what happened between us two years ago , Kaden I still love you and I don't want this separation to continue anymore". Mia explained walking to where he was sitting. Kaden finally turned swirling the hot blood tea in his hand for vapor to come out. "Why now " he asked with an expressionless face. "Because I can't stand the separation anymore, I miss everything your touches, kisses and everything about you ". she saw him sizing her up and felt her body heat under his gaze. He walked to her and just when Mia thought he would kiss her he paused and stared at her face . Mia frowned confused and stared back at him as a smirk curve on his lips before he captured her lips.