
Marry him I

Anaiah entered her room to devise a better plan but for some odd reason , just when she entered she felt drowsy and just walked to the bed and slumped on it and just like that she dozed off.

The next time she opened her eyes it was already in the afternoon, she rubbed her eyes and was surprised that she actually dozed off. A knock sounded on the door and she stood up to open it, it was one of the servants"Boss said I should give this to you"she said handing a bag to her and she frowned before checking it . It was an evening gown and she knew from first glance that it was expensive.'Why would he gift me this 'she thought and said"Maybe you're mistaken, this might be Wendy's instead" but the servant shook her head and insisted firmly" the boss told me specifically to bring it to you"she said and tried walking away when she asked"Where's he?". "He left three hours ago for work"she answered and walked away. Anaiah sighed in relieve and entered the room. She was planning to avoid the family of three as a plague that's why she was glad when she got to know that he already left for work. Throwing the bag on the bed she walked out of her room to look for her mother since this was the only time she has got to explain things to her mother. She walked out of the room and just then saw Wendy walking towards her."Do you perhaps Know the room my mom is residing in"she enquired but Wendy glared instead."How am l supposed to know where that dirty mother of yours is "she retorted angrily. Anaiah was shocked because she thought Wendy was cool but who would have thought she was a wolf in a sheep's clothing. On the dinning table she had caught her twice glaring at her but she didn't take it seriously since she didn't care anyway but there's no way she was going to allow her to bad-mouth her mother."How dare you insult my mother, I can tolerate anything but insulting is outta of it "she scolded and Wendy narrowed her eyes when out of nowhere Jeremy appeared."What's going on here?" he questioned looking at the both of them . Wendy gritted her teeth and walked away leaving Anaiah confused. Taking in deep breaths to calm herself she asked "Where's my mom?". Jeremy pulled on his usual annoying smile and said"where she's supposed to be" he answered flattly as if it was nothing."What do you mean where she's supposed to be!, what on earth do you want from me!" she yelled frustratingly. She didn't get why her dad was so hell-bent on keeping her when she didn't have anything that would entice him. "Good question, that's just what I have been waiting for you to ask me. follow me" he said and started walking away and Anaiah didn't have a choice but to follow him. He opened a certain room and entered. Anaiah too followed suit even though she was scared. The room looked as luxurious as the other rooms she had been so far .She held her breath when her father turned around and ordered her to sit. She bit her lip and sat down as her father closed the door. He walked to one of the wardrobe in the room and pulled it apart revealing another room. Anaiah stood up frowning when she saw her mom in a patient's uniform and lying on the bed with an oxygen mask on."What did you do to her !" she exclaimed shocked and rushed to her but before she could reach her Jeremy pulled her back. "Let go of me! "she yelled as she tried pulling her hand out of his hold ."I wouldn't have gone in there if I were you "he stated with a dull voice and she glared at him."What is the meaning of this ,what have you done to her?"she demanded holding back her tears."Putting her on hibernation" he answered and Anaiah almost slapped him but he caught her hand midway."So fierce, I really like that "he complimented with a mischievous smile and evil glint in his eyes. Anaiah couldn't believe her eyes, "Why are you so heartless!" she shouted furiously. "Because I don't have a heart"he replied seriously and Anaiah shut her eyes, she needed to calm down before this psycho of a father drives her insane. Jeremy walked to one of the couches in the room and sat down. "I wasn't lying when I said I didn't have a heart" he said and looked at Anaiah. There was this gloominess in his eyes which she noticed, Jeremy started unbuttoning his shirt and when he finished he called Anaiah whose gaze was fixed on her mother. Anaiah turned around and almost screamed when she saw her father's chest. There was this deep hole on his chest at where his heart was supposed to be but there was none."H-how did this happen" she whispered because all of a sudden she felt her breath caught up in her throat." That's not why I showed it to you ,besides you're the only person apart from my wife who knows about this not even Wendy knows" he answered buttoning his shirt. Anaiah froze at her place ,she just couldn't believe this man here was the same father whom she knew since when she was a kid. 'He doesn't have a heart 'she thought as she felt goosebumps on her skin."I should have been dead by now but I was revived again but not as a human but a vampire instead. I can only live like this for fourteen months and then die if I don't get a heart transplant" he paused grinning at her when he saw her scared expression."But fortunately for me , I'll be able to stay alive if and only if I get the heart of the heir to the Welcher's empire"