From Orphan to Performing Magician, Ace thought his entire world was just that. However, a run in with an organization bent on keeping the world safe by any means necessary sent him running into a world he could've only dreamed of!
Ace brought Neville to a room and let him in, smiling "Right here." Neville walked inside and looked around, asking "A mirror?" Ace waved his finger and smiled, "Not just any mirror, Neville."
He walked to the Mirror and patted the side, turning to Neville, explaining "This is the Mirror of Erised. Come and look at your reflection." Neville walked over and stood in front of the mirror, his eyes widened and Ace smiled gently, asking "What do you see?"
Neville swallowed and said "My… My parents. They're alive! And… And they're congratulating me on graduating from Hogwarts." Ace smiled at Neville, explaining "The Mirror shows us only our deepest and darkest desires, whatever they may be." he walked behind Neville, looking at the mirror with his hands behind his back as he continued "It is said that the happiest man alive would look into the mirror and see only his reflection staring back at him."
Ace looked at the mirror and nothing changed, just him and Neville. He turned to Neville who stared at the mirror, asking "Professor, do you think they would be proud of me?" Ace patted his shoulder, nodding "Neville, I can assure you that they would be very proud of you. Your grades have improved dramatically since you first came to me for help."
He stood next to Neville, nearly a head taller as he continued "If they saw how talented you were in Herbology, I bet they would cry tears of joy. Perhaps your dueling skills aren't as great as Harry Potter, maybe your marks aren't reaching the levels of Hermione Granger, however!"
He smiled, turning to Neville, as he added "In Herbology, kid, you are second to none. Even graduating students don't have the knowledge of Herbology that you have. You have a real talent for Herbology and I bet your parents would be extremely proud."
He stopped and patted Neville's shoulder before turning around and walking away. Neville stayed in front of the mirror and Ace stopped at the door, turning his head to Neville as he said "Neville. I've heard that many men have gone mad in front of the mirror. Seeing something they cannot have can drive some people crazy… Don't forget what's in front of you while looking for what you left behind."
He nodded and left the room, going back to his post in the Library.
A few more days passed
Ace was sitting in the library texting Sharon when he heard a loud rumbling. He frowned and sat up, walking out the library as the thudding grew louder.
He turned a corner and saw Dolores blowing up a wall with a 'Bombarda Maxima' spell.
Ace walked over and shouted "Are you nuts!? What are you blowing up walls for?! I can hear you from the library!" Dolores turned to him and smiled "Ah. Professor Brand!" Ace frowned and said "Cut the shit. Why are you blowing up walls? Even if you don't like Dumbledore, that's hardly an excuse for damaging a castle that's been here for countless years!"
Dolores giggled and pointed her wand inside. Ace looked inside and saw all the little trainees for Harry's Defense class. He raised his brows and rolled his eyes at everyone inside, making a shitty face before smiling brightly as he turned around, "Well done, High Inquisitor! You've found a group of students conspiring for my birthday. Now can you fix the wall?"
Dolores frowned and said "Pardon me?" Ace pointed at the students saying "You think it's a coincidence that little Nigel came to ask me what my favorite spell was? Or how about the fact that Mr. Weasley 'casually' asked me what I would want if I was going to get a gift?"
Dolores sneered, "And why would they all buy you a gift for your birthday?" Ace snorted and crossed his arms, replying naturally "They are all part of my Study sessions, perhaps you're not grateful whatsoever, but you shouldn't hold others to the same standards you hold, clearly!"
Dolores smiled strangely, saying "Oh, you're quite clever, are you? Well explain this." as she pulled Cho Chang into the picture, smiling, "She claims that this is a defense class for Dumbledore's Army taught by Mr. Potter himself."
Ace rolled his eyes and laughed "You believe that? Hahaha! High Inquisitor, are you sure you only put 5 lumps of sugar in your tea this morning?" Dolores waved her finger, giggling "No, no. I'm afraid you cannot speak your way out of this one. I used Veritaserum!"
Ace's face fell and he said "You used Veritaserum on a student?! Are you fucking crazy?!" Dolores giggled, looking at Ace, saying "Oh? Lie exposed?" Ace sighed and looked at her, saying "Unfortunately, you are a fool. I pity the Ministry."
Dolores shouted "How dare you!" Ace looked at her and explained "Veritaserum is not truth serum in a sense. It only forces the drinker to tell you what 'THEY' believe to be true, not the truth. If I convinced you that you were a dog, even under the effects of Veritaserum you would only bark like a bitch."
Dolores' eyes were blazing with hatred and Ace said indifferently, "As for why Ms. Cho Chang was not aware of such an effect, it's quite simple. I'm racist towards Chinese folk." Ron coughed violently and Dolores looked at him, saying a bit crazily "You expect me to believe such a lie? Do I look like a fool to you?!"
Ace blinked slowly, not replying at all, looking down at her with his arms crossed and an indifferent look on his face.
Dolores' eye started twitching and she took out her wand, pointing it at Ace's neck, shouting "DO I?! TELL ME!" Ace didn't even blink as he looked at her with complete indifference, not even moving a muscle.
Hermione gasped and grabbed Ron's arm tightly.
Harry shouted "Wait! Calm down!"
Dolores stared at Ace, who slowly curled his lips, asking "Are you going to kill me, Dolores? It's strange how the tables have turned, isn't it? I have been cordial with you and yet you threaten me with your wand."
Dolores giggled, "Cordial? Calling me a bitch is cordial?" Ace replied with a head shake, replying "Have you truly gone mad? A bitch is a female dog… Perhaps you would rather be a tramp?"
Malfoy coughed and bent over, turning away as he covered his mouth.
Dolores shouted "Enough! I shall not listen to one more word of drivel from you! Perhaps a bit of pain will put you in your place?" Ace grinned, saying "Do it. Come on."
Hermione shouted "Don't!"
Malfoy looked over with a complicated look as Harry pointed his wand at Dolores, saying "Release your wand!"
Ace licked his lips, staring at Dolores as he whispered "Come on, Dolores. Perhaps even a Killing Curse is in your repertoire? Don't stop at Crucio, say the words. They're right on the tip of your tongue!"
Dolores' eyes were twitching as she stared at Ace, who grinned, "Say it with me, 'Avada…" Dolores' eyes slowly reflected purple as she said "Avada-" Ace grabbed the wand and snapped it in half, grabbing her neck and slamming her to the ground.
Everyone was stunned and stared in shock as Ace smiled at her, "Good bitch." he took out his gun and stepped on her arm, pointing the gun in her face, saying "You are accused of attempting the Killing Curse, not only on a Professor, but in front of dozens of students, how do you plead!?"
Dolores was stunned and said "What? I-" Ace repeated "How do you plead!?" Dolores was stunned and Kingsley ran over, shouting "Ace!? What's going on!" followed by Fudge and another man.
Ace put his gun back and said "Kingsley, Minister, Dawlish." he waved at Dolores, saying "As you can see, High Inquisitor Umbridge has 'gone off the deep end'." Kingsley frowned and Fudge walked over, asking "Ace… You must explain yourself-"
But Dolores shouted quickly "Minister! Cornelius! You must help! This man has bewitched me to cast the Killing Curse on him! I don't know how he did it!" Cornelius looked at her in befuddlement.
Ace sighed and shook his head, explaining "Cornelius, it's like this… I came out of the Library, hearing bangs and rumbles. Only to find High Inquisitor using Bombarda Maxima on this wall." he gestured to the wall and sighed again, "As you surely know, Cornelius, Hogwarts has been a staple of the British Wizarding World for countless years, I couldn't believe that she would destroy a piece of history itself!"
He shook his head and continued "Low and behold, the High Inquisitor did find something. Which is a reason for her actions, I apologize for being rude in the moment." the students all watched with slack jaws as Ace continued "You see, these students were part of my study group."
He turned to Cornelius and smiled, "I bet you remember those 'fondly' Cornelius, it shouldn't have been that long ago!" Cornelius chuckled and nodded, touching his chin, "Quite! I hated those! Haha!" he turned to Kingsley, laughing "I nearly failed too! Haha!"
Kingsley chuckled and looked at Ace in confusion, Ace gave him a reassuring look as he continued "As I was saying, these lovely students had convened to practice my favorite spell to show the fruits of their labor on my birthday."
Cornelius looked at the students and Ace continued "Unfortunately, the surprise is ruined. However! High Inquisitor was ranting and raving madly about some Army of who, I know not. Yet, she found it necessary to use Veritaserum on Ms. Cho Chang here."
Ace pulled Cho to him and sighed, pressing her shoulders gently, "Cornelius, I was slightly angry at this revelation and may have shouted at the High Inquisitor. However, what I did not expect was for the High Inquisitor to draw her wand on me. At first, she threatened me with the Cruciatus curse, however, being a victim of this curse, I cast my fear away a long time ago."
He paused and Kingsley asked with interest, "And then?!" Some people looked at him with a strange look and he waved at them saying "It's thrilling!"
Ace nodded and sighed, "Who would've thought… In the face of my fearlessness, the High Inquisitor would risk the mental wellbeing of every man, woman, and child here by casting the Killing Curse!"
Cornelius gasped and Hermione covered her mouth, staring at Ace in astonishment.
Ace motioned to the broken wand, saying "I had no choice but to defend myself… You see, my girlfriend bought me this Muggle gun for christmas." as he pulled it out and showed Cornelius the engraving '-Love Sharon'
He showed Cornelius, veering off topic as he said "You know, Cornelius. I scoff at Muggle technology, but this is surprisingly effective. Very fast and simple to use." Cornelius raised a brow, saying "Really?"
Ace nodded and continued "Yeah! If we could-" Kingsley coughed and Ace smiled "We can talk about this topic later." before continuing the story, "So, as I was saying, due to High Inquisitor hesitating briefly, I managed to break her wand and subdue her. To which we find ourselves in this situation."
Cornelius looked around and pursed his lips, asking Dolores "Is this true?" Dolores hesitated for a moment before saying "Yes, but-" Cornelius waved his hand and said "I think that is enough, Dolores. You have truly disappointed me."
Dolores was stunned and Ace grinned at her as she looked over, shouting "It's you! You bewitched me! You lying mudblood-" Ace looked at Cornelius innocently, sighing with his hands spread out by his side.
Cornelius waved "Kingsley, Dawlish, escort Umbridge to the Ministry." Ace smiled and asked "Minister, if I may, is it possible for the wall to be repaired?" Cornelius smiled and waved his wand, the wall repaired itself instantly.
Ace clapped and smiled "Thank you as always, Minister." as he bowed.
Cornelius waved and smiled "You! Farewell, Ace." as he walked away before stopping "Oh, and Ace?" Ace straightened up and smiled, "Yes, Cornelius?" Cornelius smiled and said "Do make sure to visit me so we can chat about this so-called 'Gun'."
Ace nodded and said "It would be my pleasure." Cornelius nodded and walked off humming to himself.
Ace turned to Filch and the rest of the Inquisitor brigade, saying "You best be on your way to either class or the library, this instant." the group swallowed and ran off, Ace shouted "Oh and Draco!"
Draco froze as Ace smiled "Don't forget. Tonight is the Study Session. It would be so nice if you could join us." Draco licked his lips and nodded "Mhm!" before leaving.
Ace looked at Filch and sighed, rolling his eyes. Filch scratched his cheek and said "I was bewitched, I think." Ace retorted "Everyone was?" as he left Cho Chang there, walking away.