
Luffy is Lost in The MHA world, but he gets taken in by Momo's dad

So, after defeating Kaido, Luffy stumbles upon a mysterious portal. turns out that portal is unstable and it makes Luffy go to the top of the UA building where he has an encounter with a... mink? and a middle aged business man. and by sheer luck Luffy now attends UA school, with his new friend Momo. Exclaimer: ⚠️I do not own this story/fic! The author of the fic is: Andreiuhs(on FanFiction.Net) I REPEAT THIS IS NOT MY WORK I JUST POSTED IT HERE SO COMMUNITY HERE CAN ENJOY IT IF YOU WANNA SUPPORT THE AUTHOR PLS GO TO FANFICTION.NET(Andreiuhs)⚠️

Royalmv · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Chapter 2: Meeting the Yaoyorozus!

Luffy on the car ride to his new home for the time being, mainly looked outside the car window with curiosity, as if he were born yesterday, which given the circumstances he might as well be. But he did think about his crew, whether or not he was going to see them again, if they miss him. He wasn't worried about how they were doing, physically speaking, since he knows that they can handle themselves. Well… best not to think about it too much, since he can't really do anything about it until he finds out more, he is just going to push those depressive thoughts to the back of his mind.

"I still cannot believe you invited this young man, in your home, sir."(in my mind he has a British accent even though he is Japanese.) Said the driver, wearing a full black tuxedo, driving leather gloves and a flat cap. He was around 60 years old, with gray hair, and has been the Yaoyorozu's driver since he was 30.

When he saw the CEO exiting the school grounds with a straw hat wearing teenager, he wondered if he was going to give him a ride to his family, since he knew Mr. Yaoyorozu to have a kind heart. Boy was he wrong.

"I still don't believe it myself." Responded Mr. Yaoyorozu. "But, in the heat of the moment, we did strike a deal, so there is no going back now." Said the CEO as he looked at the teenager in question staring out the window with his face stretched out on it. He thought it was his quirk or devil fruit's power that allowed him to do that. In truth he just looked silly.

"Hey, old man, so how big is your house and do you have a lot of food cuz I'm starting to get hungry." Said Luffy not knowing he was sitting right next to a billionaire; in his mind every person here must have their own driver.

"Old man?! Put some respect on his name! Boy." said the driver, getting angry at his lack of respect for his employer. "You should be thanking your lucky stars, for managing to get into this sort of situation."

"It's quite alright Mr. Daiko, there is no need to be upset." Said Mr. Yaoyorozu in an attempt to prevent a possible confrontation, he was too tired to deal with this right now, maybe he was getting old. *But old man? Really? I am only 47.*

"Yeah! Why're you getting so mad? I just asked him if he lives in a old shack or something." Luffy said back to Mr. Daiko, who in turn just decided to focus on the road, mumbling something about 'old shack? I'll show you an old shack.'

"Don't worry Mr. Luffy, you will soon see my humble abode." Said Mr. Yaoyorozu.

They have been stuck in traffic for quite some time now, luffy managing to doze off instead of just staring at the buildings. *Oh boy, how am I going to explain this to my family? * thought the CEO, while looking at a passed out Luffy.

Sometime later they finally arrived at the main gate, the sun was beginning to set. "I have returned with Mr. Yaoyorozu and a..." Said the driver at the intercom next to the gate, before proceeding with a sigh. "...And a guest. Open up if you would be so kind."

"Ohh, we thought we'd lost you. We were preparing the search party and everything." Said the intercom in return with an audible snicker.

"I am not in the mood for your games, open up please, it's getting late." Said Mr. Daiko in return while looking back at a sleeping teenager and the CEO who wore a pleasant smirk on his face, amused by their banter.

"Stand by." Was the only response. After a few seconds the gate started to split in two, down the middle. When the process was done, the car drove between them, while the gate was starting to close.

After getting through the secondary gate, Mr. Yaoyorozu said farewell to the driver with a sleepy Luffy standing beside him.

"Wow, this house is big." Said Luffy, not looking too impressed, after seeing and being in, quite a few castles, this mansion wasn't too impressive in his eyes.

"It's actually a mansion." Said the mansion-owner while walking to the front door, a bit surprised at his lack of reaction. *just how big are houses in your world?*

Once saying good afternoon to the guards, they opened the door and they were met by a huge stairway, at the top of the stairway, were numerous windows and door's. Luffy already smelled the meals getting ready in the kitchen to his right.

"Wooow it's like it's bigger on the inside." Said Luffy looking at the dark-oak stairway and the massive glass chandelier.

"Yeah, that's everybody's first impression." Said Mr. Yaoyorozu while taking off his shoes.

"Oh Father, you're finally home…" said a girl, which Luffy assumed was the old man's daughter, she looked to be about the same age as Luffy, she wore an oversized gray hoodie, which managed to hide her figure, casual gray pants and flip flops. Her hair was down, not like her usual ponytail.

Momo was …surprised to say the least, here at the entrance to her mansion, stood her father, but that's not the part that surprised her no, the part that surprised her was a straw hat wearing teenager, with sandals who was currently picking through his nose. She did not expect any guests, if she had she would have worn something more formal than her casual clothing.

"Oh hey sweetie. How was your day? You practiced for the exam again?" said her father, completely oblivious to her surprised face. Honestly, that girl of his studies way too much in his opinion.

"Oh yes, it was wonderful. Father who is our new guest?" said Momo, trying to be as polite as possible while also hiding her blush, from being seen in such casual clothing. She was used to it, from being seen in front of her maids, guards and cooks, since she basically grew up with them but a new person, someone her age no less was a different story.

"Oh yes I had almost forgotten, Momo meet Luffy, Luffy Meet Momo" said Mr. Yaoyorozu calmly. "He is going to live with us for a while."

"Yo." said Luffy nonchalantly.

"WHAT?!" said Momo louder than she meant. "What do you mean he's gonna live with us?" said the daughter, forgetting her manners for a brief second.

"W-well you've always said you wanted to have guests. P-plus I owe him for saving me." Said Mr. Yaoyorozu startled not expecting this kind of outbursts from his daughter of all people, ever since she was a little girl she was so well-mannered, always saying 'please' and 'thank you', never getting angry and always so soft-spoken.

"Having guests and having a new member in the family are Two Very Different Things." she said angrily but not as loudly, completely missing her father saying that his life was in danger.

"I smell food, and I'm hungry. I'm gonna eat, see you guys later!" said Luffy, caring more about his stomach than the family quarrel.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?! Get back here!" Momo said in attempt to figure out this whole mess. Unfortunately for her, Luffy either didn't hear her or didn't care.

"Look sweetie, I know it's hard for you to accept this but please try to calm down." He said in attempt to get his daughter to calm down so he can tell her the whole story. "And he is not going to be a part of our family, think of him as a friend, that lives with you, and goes to school with you."

"School? Do you mean UA? Father what exactly happened?" She said after calming down a bit.

"Well you see, it was like this…" said the Father. He continues to retell her everything that happened, ever since he met him on the rooftop.

"And then we left the principal's office, got in the car and now we are here." He finished his tale, deciding to omit certain facts about Luffy, like him being from another world and that he has no clue about this one.

"Father, don't you think that maybe he is trying to rob us? Maybe he was in league with the bird villain and now he is here, trying to steal our personal information and money." Momo tried to reason with her father. After all the situation was too good to be true.

"Well… I suppose it's possible but also very unlikely, he is…, let's just say not very gifted when it comes to brain power." The CEO was very doubtful that a man like Luffy could make such an elaborate scheme.

"What if it's an act? What if there is a mastermind villain who sent Luffy here so that we drop our guards, and he will come pick us like lambs for slaughter?" said Momo still believing it too good to be true.

"Those are a lot of 'ifs', let's focus on facts. And the fact is that Luffy saved my life and now I have to repay him. Plus, I think this could be a good chance for you to have an actual friend."(boom roasted). Said Mr. Yaoyorozu unintentionally roasting his own daughter in the process.

"What?!" said Momo offended "I will have you know that I have lots of friends."

"Who? Your classmates at your former private school? Please, they only cared about money, and have gravitated towards you because of our family status." Said Mr. Yaoyorozu bluntly. Unfortunately, at a private school you will find only people who either care way too much about grades or care only about money.

"That's …not …true." She said mostly lying to herself even though deep down she knew her father was right.

Mr. Yaoyorozu heavily sighed, feeling bad about his bluntness. "Look I am sorry sweetie, but you can find a real friend in Luffy and if you still think he may be a villain in disguise, then it's your job as a future hero to make sure he doesn't do anything illegal."

"So I am a chaperone now?!" asked the disbelieving daughter. When she has only a few days until the Recommendation Exam, she now has to look after this boy.

"Yes, now consider this matter over. Do not bring it up again in conversation." Said the father with a tone of finality. "Now prepare for dinner, that is, if Luffy hasn't eat everything."

Momo couldn't believe her ears, one day she was getting ready for her upcoming exam, the next one she basically got a new little brother out of nowhere.

Over in the kitchen, Luffy was impatiently waiting for the cook to finish the meal.

"Is it done?" asked Luffy.

"For the last time, No. And even if it were done I wouldn't give you any, you have to wait for the whole family to start eating, then you can eat." Said the cook already annoyed with Luffy. She figured that if this young man got past all the security and entered the front door without any alarms being raised, he must be some sort of guest, or maybe a friend of Ms. Yaoyorozu.

"Ah, but that's sooo long from now, I could literally die from hunger, like right now." Luffy lied in an attempt to get some delicious meat. The cook just rolled her eyes at his antics.

"Sir Luffy? Are you in here?" asked a maid who had just entered the kitchen.

"Just call me Luffy, it's better that way." Luffy responded to the new maid who had just entered. She was wearing a classical maid outfit and her hair reached up to her shoulder. 32 years old.

"Of course, …Mr. Luffy, I have been sent by Sir Yaoyorozu, to show you to your new room and give you a change of clothes." She said while holding a pair of casual clothing similar to Momo's, but these were red.

"Why would he need new clothes?" asked the cook while adding some condiments to her meal.

"Ah yes, I suppose I should inform everyone." The cook raised an eyebrow at the cryptic answer. "As of today, we are to treat Mr. Luffy as a member of the Yaoyorozu family until the foreseeable future. These orders were given by Sir. Yaoyorozu himself."

"You don't say?" the cook made a face between surprised and confused. She never thought that the main family would start adopting especially someone so old. And so ill-mannered.

"Yes it has been quite a shock, now if you'll follow me, Mr. Luffy I will show you to your new chambers, and give you some time to use the bathroom." Said the maid while already leaving the kitchen, leaving behind a still-confused head chef.

"But, what about the food?" Luffy whined still feeling hungry.

"It will be done in a couple of minutes, in the meantime, why don't you go to refresh yourself?" said the cook with more politeness and kindness in her tone then the last time, while continuing to prepare 3 course meal.

"uuuughhhhh, fiiiineeeeee. But you better be ready by the time I come back." Said Luffy with a pout. "Lead the way old lady."

*Old lady? I am only 32, ugh this kid really has no manners.* The 32-year old lady thought with a twitch of an eyebrow.

After 15 minutes the dinner was ready, and several maids and butlers were sent to notify the Yaoyorozu family. (From now on when I refer to the Yaoyorozu family, I also mean Luffy.)

"Finally, I'm starving." Said Luffy as he was getting out of his room where he was very impatiently waiting in his new clothes, now following the butler to the dining room.

*This is going to be awkward. * Thought the rest of the family, having very different feelings about the upcoming dinner.

They were all seated at a table, that was way too big for only 4 people. Momo and her parents sat across from Luffy. Luffy already getting a piece of everything on his plate and eating just as soon as he got it, with no table manner's whatsoever. Mrs. Yaoyorozu looked at Luffy's lack of table manners, then looked at her husband with an expression that can only be interpreted as 'Really?', meanwhile Mr. Yaoyorozu just ate the food he had, which was not much due to Luffy stealing food from his plate using his rubber abilities, he tried making as little eye contact as possible, due to the shame of having such an ill-mannered new addition to the family dynamic.

"Hey, you guys aren't gonna eat?" Luffy said with a mouthful of food, noticing the distinct lack of food on their plates.

"Well, I would like to eat. If only somebody stopped stealing my food!" Momo said angrily, more so at the fact that she has to take care of this knucklehead. Her not eating at dinnertime isn't that big of a deal, since her quirk requires her to consume large amounts of food, the cooks always have reserves if she were to need it during training or otherwise.

"Really, who?" Luffy asked not really picking up on the sarcasm.

"You! Obviously!" Momo said, starting to feel more and more frustrated with Luffy.

"Shishishisishi, Sorry." Luffy said not slowing down or sounding apologetic.

"Now, now kids. Don't fight at the dinner table." Said the mom, trying to gain some sense of normality back. She herself was having a hard time not snapping at Luffy after the 5th time he stole food from her plate.

Mrs. Yaoyorozu was a well-mannered, soft spoken woman, she having raised Momo until now, doesn't really know how to calm down or punish troublemakers, since her only daughter was always so well behaved, she never had any reason to punish her. Now she thinks that buying a book about educating misbehaving children is going to be a necessity.

After she was informed by her husband that they are basically adopting an almost grown up teenager, she thought that this may be a good chance for Momo to make a real friend, not really worrying about this stranger being a villain since she trusted her husband's decision.

"By the way father, I meant to ask, how did it go with principal Nezu?" Momo tried to take her mind off of Luffy after she lost the battle with Luffy's arm for the last grilled stake.

"Oh yes, He accepted it. Now you and Luffy here, have only 5 days to prepare yourself for the Entrance exam." Said Mr. Yaoyorozu, after giving up on getting any actual food.

"Luffy is also taking the Recommendation exam?" asked Momo, briefly forgetting her quarrel with Luffy.

"No, he will be taking the normal entrance exam." Responded Mr. Yaoyorozu.

"But I heard that the chance of passing that exam is less than 4%, what happens if he fails?" Momo asked hopefully, *Maybe if he fails the exam he will leave our house. * she thought.

"Let's just say, I have little doubt of that happening." Replied Mr. Yaoyorozu, thinking that if Luffy were to fail, Nezu will probably fix the answers so that he enters the academy.

"Aaaah, that was sooo good, thanks for the meal!" Luffy said with a belly twice its usual size.

"Seeing as there is no more food, why don't you go show him the house, sugar?" Mrs. Yaoyorozu addressed Momo, thinking that this could prove to be a good bonding experience.

"Yes, mother." Momo reluctantly agreed. "Follow me."

"Yosh! Adventure here I come!" Said Luffy before deflating back to his usual size as if he were a balloon.

*What in the world? * Was the thought going through everybody's heads, after seeing Luffy deflate.

"Soooo." Said Momo not really knowing how to spark up a conversation. "What is your quirk, Luffy?" *It must be something relating to stretchiness seeing as to how he stole my food. *

"What's a quirk?" Luffy asked as if he just now heard of the term. " oooh you mean my mystery ability?"

"…Yes. " said Momo after looking at Luffy in disbelief for a couple of seconds.

"My whole body is rubber." Said Luffy pulling his cheek. "I'm a rubber-man."

"That's it?" Momo asked, not really seeing as how a quirk like that could be very useful.

"What do you mean 'That's it?'?" Luffy sounded offended "I'll have you know I'm the strongest pirate in my crew. And my crew is super strong."

"Pirate? crew? You mean to tell me that you are a pirate?" Momo asked not really believing that somebody this young can be a pirate.

"Yeah! The straw hat pirates!" Luffy put a hand on his Straw Hat. "And I'm the man who'll become the King of the Pirates."

"Well if you say so, then it must be true." Momo said mockingly, unbeknownst to her Luffy thought she said it seriously. "Anyway this is my room."

Momo opened the door to her room, inside was a Big bed, like big enough for 3 people. Behind her bed was a big window with big curtains. To the side was a computer and to the left was a door and a bookshelve.

"Wow, that bed is huge!" Luffy said as he jumped on the bed and started using it as a trampoline. "Shishshishi this is fun!"

"No! Wait! You'll break it!" She said in a futile attempt to stop Luffy.

"Oh, come on! live a little" Luffy extended a hand to her. "Join me!" He said give her that D. smile of his.

She looked at the hand in front of her for a second, contemplating what to do. She thought of how her life has been until now, always being a quiet girl, never misbehaving, never breaking any rules, always trying to be the perfect girl. Was she going to break that cycle now? Will this random boy make her have fun and relax, instead of always studying and training?

She took his hand.

And used it to throw him to the ground, thinking that him being rubber shouldn't leave any injuries.

"You have your own bed, jump on that one."

"Humpf, you're no fun." He said while getting up as if nothing had just happened. "Let's continue our adventure!"

Momo just sighed and followed him out of her room, feeling a little sorry about how he treated him just now.

After walking a bit in silence, Momo thought she should start a new conversation, seeing if he has evil intentions or not.

"So, What's the deal with your straw hat? You seem pretty attached to it." Asked the teenager.

"You bet I am, it never leaves my side." He said before taking it in his hand. "This hat carries a promise, and once I fulfill it, I will return it back to Shanks."

From what Momo has seen from Luffy she would think that he is a Happy-go-Lucky idiot that luck just favors him, but the way he said that and with that much conviction. She is starting to form another opinion of the slightly taller teenager. ( Luffy is 174 cm 5.8 and a half inches, while Momo is 172 5.8 inches.)

"This is my father's home office, but we aren't allowed to go in." said Momo, after arriving at another door.

"Look's boring. Is there anything interesting there?" Luffy asked while looking inside.

"Not really, just paperwork." Momo replied while closing the door

"OK, let's continue." Said Luffy a little disappointed at the lackluster room.

They have been to a large number of rooms and Luffy quickly found out something. "This place is boring." He said out loud with a whine.

"Well I'm sorry Luffy, but most rooms are either used by the staff, are guests room or miscellaneous." Momo tried to reason with Luffy.

"Isn't there anything more interesting here?" Luffy said with a whine, he really thought that this place being as big as it is, would be better.

"Actually I think I have just the place." Said Momo with a location in mind. Thinking that this has to interest the teenage boy

"Yay!" said Luffy hopeful.

After walking a bit through a number of doors they arrived at a brightly lit place with a garage door.

"…Is this a joke? Cuz if it is, then it's not funny." Luffy said Looking at what had to be at least 12 sport cars and other vintage ones as well.

"But I thought boys liked these kinds of things." Momo said, ever since she has been to school, the boys top 3 number of conversation topics were: Cars, Games and making fun of each other.

"I don't know what boys you've been around but I don't want to stare at blocks of metal." Luffy said, now sad because he thinks his adventure was a total bust.

"That is what I think as well! I never understood why boys liked to look at fast cars." Momo said, the she noticed Luffy's disappointed expression. "Hey I have one more place that might interest you."

"…..Fine." Luffy said with a sigh, thinking that is going to be another boring place.

After some walking they arrived at Momo's personal Gym.

"…. I guess it's better than the last one, but I don't get what I'm supposed to do here." From Luffy's perspective, he saw a wall filled with giant mirrors, the whole place was lit up to look as bright as the day, even though they were underground. He also saw different discs of metal like the kind that Zoro used to train but these were a lot smaller, and a boxing ring.

"This is my gym, its where I physically train so that I can be a strong hero." Said Momo proud.

"This is where you train?" Asked Luffy with an eyebrow raised. "I trained on an island with giant animals and a prison."

"I can't tell if you are joking or not." She said as she looked at him go to a nearby punching bag.

"what's this?" He asked while looking at the punching bag.

"It's a Punching bag, you punch it to train in combat, but I've never been good in 1 on 1 fights, I get overwhelmed easily." She replied shamefully

Luffy not really listening to the last part, look at his fist and then at the punching bag, before punching it with all his strength, no fruit or haki.

Momo's jaw literally dropped when she saw the punching bag fly of his chain, hitting the wall full force, as if somebody just threw it.

"Maybe you weren't kidding." She muttered to herself, still not quite believing what she has just seen.

"wow that was pretty weak, so what now?" asked Luffy with a yawn clearly getting tired.

"Now we go to sleep, it's already late enough. Plus, you must be pretty tired." She said before she started yawning courtesy of Luffy's yawn. "Seeing as how full your day was." (I legit yawned writing this.)

"Not a bad idea." He said wiping the sleepiness away from his eyes, while going back to his room.

The next day Luffy was one of the last wake up, at around 11 AM. After he went to the bathroom to refreshen himself up. He was now heading towards the kitchen still smelling the breakfeast.

"Hi! Food?" he asked the head chef.

"Good morning Mr. Luffy, had a long night eh?" she said while preparing his breakfast.

"Food?" Luffy asked again the most important topic on his mind.

"Yes Food, just let me put it on a plate." She asked while getting a new plate from the cupboard.

"Hey, where is everyone?" He asked looking around the kitchen.

"If by everyone you mean the Yaoyorozu's, the parents have gone to their jobs, while Ms. Momo has started studying in the living room." She said while putting the finishing touches on his meal. "Voila!"

"Food!" was the only reply she got before seeing Luffy literally stick the whole plate full of food down his throat and pulling out an empty plate.

"Wow that was good, you're almost as good as Sanji" Luffy said with a happy smile.

"Well I'm not one of the top chefs in the world for nothing" She said, still bewildered by what she has just seen.

"Ok, off to the living room I go." he said while walking very confidently in the wrong direction.

After half an hour and checking almost every door in the mansion, he finally found the living room.

"Wow, you hid yourself pretty well, took me like half an hour to find you." Luffy said while getting on the couch.

"Hid myself? I didn't hide. I was just practicing my chemistry." Said Momo confused, after taking her attention away from her books.

"Oh yeah? Then why when I went to the living room, you weren't there?" said Luffy thinking he caught her in a lie.

"You do know there is more than one living room right?" said Momo while continuing her reading.

"Sure, Sure, if you think you are so good at hide and seek, then try to find me!" Luffy said already running out the room. "Count to 100 then find me."

"What? I can't play, I have to study, and you Should Study Too." She raised her voice at that last part in hopes of Luffy hearing her. He didn't

A couple of Hours later. "That's enough studying chemistry for now, now where did I leave my Algebra books?" She said it to herself, while getting out of the living room. As she approached the Stair's she saw an inconspicuous straw hat curled in on himself.

*Don't tell me. * She was starting to feel bad and a nasty sense of guilt built up in her tummy. *Don't tell me he was hiding all this time. *

As she approached the teenager she heard a faint snoring sound. After getting a closer look she deduced one thing * This Guy Fell Asleep! * she basically shouted in her mind.

After a tap on his shoulder and couple of pulls, she realized he wasn't waking up. *Don't tell me he's uncouncious.*

"Hey! Wake up. Wake up!" after a couple more pulls and a strong shake she started to feel a sense of dread in the back of her mind.

"Hey this isn't funny! Wake UP!" with a strong slap to his face Luffy finally woke up.

"Oh thank god, I thought you were seriously hurt." Momo said with a sigh of relief.

"huh? What happened?" Luffy said still half asleep. "Oh yeah! See! I win! I bet it took you a lot longer than half an hour to find me. huh?"

Deciding not to ruin his happy mood. " Yeah I've been looking for about 3 hours, you hid yourself very well." Which was also a lie since she instantly spotted him when she saw the stairs.

"Don't think flattery will work on me." Luffy said with a very happy face, indicating that flattery did work on him. " So what do you wanna do now? I'm bored."

"As much as I would love to relieve your boredom, Luffy, unfortunately I still have a lot to study and I still have to train." The truth was that she didn't really need to study, since she basically memorized every science book in the mansion. She just liked feeling prepared.

"Then I'll help!" said Luffy beaming with energy.

"You sure?" Momo was surprised "It's just, that you don't strike me as the academic type."

"eh, How hard can it be?" said Luffy with confidence.

Apparently, it was impossibly hard, because the second Luffy sat down and looked at a book for more than 5 seconds, he instantly got K.O'd.

"Amazing, I don't think I can even make tranquilizers that powerful." She said while grabbing a blanket to put it around Luffy's shoulders.

After a couple of hours of studying, Momo was starting to get soar so she thought that now might be a good moment to hit the gym.

Deciding to leave Luffy alone with his snoring she quietly left the room.

Little did she know that no more than 10 seconds after she left, Luffy swung the door open running after her. " Hey so what do you wanna do now?"

"What the?" Momo was startled by Luffy's sudden appearance, "I was just thinking of doing some exercises. Want to join me?" *How did he knew I wasn't in the room anymore? I doubt I made any sound when I left. *

"Yosh! I can help you with that." Luffy said as he followed her. Luffy having trained his observation haki so much now, he can actually feel, even in sleep, when an aura leaves. Although he did decide not to use haki in search of Momo, for the spirit of the game.

After Momo switched to her gym clothes, Luffy deciding to wear his casual home clothes, a.k.a a red shirt, flip flops and red home pants. (idk what you call the pants that you wear at home.)

"Ok so I will start with some cardio, while you can start lifting some weights." She said as she was plugging in her earphone's and getting on the treadmill.

"ok." Luffy said going to a rack of barbells averaging to 5 kilos to 100 kilos.

With one hand he lifted up the whole rack, making Momo drop her jaw again. "You said your quirk is rubber so how are you so strong?"

"I just trained a lot." Was the only response she got, deciding to not question it more she continued her workout, while Luffy was taking another nap thinking his training was over.

That was how the first couple of days were, more or else, with Luffy pestering Momo to play with him, although after Momo suggested that Luffy should watch some TV, he quickly found out about cartoons, he seemed more interested in them, then Momo.

There was one more day until the exams began. Momo was nervous to say the least, moving around the living room with a book in her hand, occasionally walking in front of Luffy's TV.

"Stop that! I have to see what this mouse and cat are doing." Luffy said very seriously.

"How can you be so calm?! I mean look at me, with my recommendation exam it's bound to be a little easier, I hope, and I'm still very nervous. But your exam is supposed to have a 3% acceptance rate, I checked it last night when I couldn't sleep, and I haven't seen you study or train, not once." Momo was getting annoyed by Luffy's calmness, it's as if he doesn't realize this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and if he fails, it's over.

"Worrying about it won't change anything. So let me just watch my cartoons. But it is getting kinda boring." Said Luffy turning of the TV. The first time he didn't knew how to use the TV so he just left it on, the whole night. Thankfully the walls are soundproof. The second time he couldn't find the off button and instead of leaving it on, he just threw it out the window. Suffice to say that the maids and parents, weren't happy about that.

"Hey wanna go on an adventure?" Luffy said with excitement, like a little kid who was just told they were eating McDonalds for dinner.

"What? Of course not. I still have to study." Momo said not taking her eyes of her biology book.

"You always have to study." Luffy said with a whine. "It's time for a change of pace."

"What do you mea- WAAhh" Momo found herself on Luffy's shoulder being carried like a sack of potatoes. "Luffy! Put me down right now!"

"No way you've been studying not stop, it's time for a break." Luffy said while running towards the door that leads to the outside.

"Luffy! Wait. Ok ok I'll play with you, just put me down and we'll play in the mansion." Momo said realizing what Luffy was trying to do, and there is no way she was going into town, especially alone with Luffy of all people.

"I'm tired of this house, I've never been to the place where all the buildings are, so that's where we are going." He said as he picked up his sandals and Momo's shoes, correction guessed whose shoes were hers, and picked a random pair. "Here you go." He handed her what she thought was her shoes.

"Wait! These aren't my s- Ahhh" she suddenly screamed as Luffy kicked opened the door.

"What the?!" "Is that?!" The guards that were standing in front of the doors suddenly panicked. "HEY! Where are you kids going?!"

"We are going to the big building place!" said Luffy as he was running towards the gate.

"Luffy! wait! Let me at least get my shoes!" said Momo already accepting her fate and somehow forgetting all about the exam.

"Oh! Well you kids have fun then!" said the guards, glad that nothing bad had happened.

"Yosh! Here we go!" Luffy said jumping way higher than he needed to get over the gate.

"AAAAHHHHH, SLOW DOWN!" Momo was terrified, when she looked down, to see that the land was getting further and further away. After she realized that they were well above the mansion at this point, she switched her position into more of a piggyback ride, and clinged to Luffy with all her strength hoping she would at least survive until the exam.

"SHishishishishishi, ok hold tightly, the road may be a little bumpy." He said as soon as he hit the ground, which any normal person's legs would have probably been destroyed.

"Luffy! I swear your going to give me a heart attack." Momo said as she held tightly to Luffy as if he was the last bit of oxygen in space. Although, she couldn't lie, she was having fun.

After a couple more jumps, ear-destroying screams and a speed that would make even Ingenium jealous, they arrived in front of a big mall, which Luffy had the luck of stumbling upon.

"Ok, Ok. Put me down." Momo said after arriving at the mall. While she was gasping for air and wondering how are they not dead, she was looking at the Mall, a place where she has never been before.

"Wow, so many people! Come on let's go inside!" Luffy said already running inside, luckily for Momo she managed to get a hold of his arm, even though it did stretch considerably, making some people stare at the two of them. "Eh?! What now?"

"First off, Do you have any money?" Luffy just checked his pockets only to find sweets. "That's what I thought, since I was lucky enough to have my wallet on me when you started running like a madman."

"Shishishsihi, sorry about that." Luffy giggled apologetically. "Cool, so you have money! Come one lets go then! I'm hungry."

"you're always hungry." Momo muttered low enough for only her to hear. "Well, since you grabbed my father's shoes, I can't go anywhere besides a shoe shop."

"Eh?! Who cares? just walk barefooted, I used to do it all the time." Luffy said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well fortunately I'm not you, so first we'll go and buy some shoes then we'll get some food, deal?" Momo said it more so as a matter of fact, rather than question.

"But-" Luffy didn't even get the chance to fully start.

"Or I'm calling my father, and I'll have him pick us up." Momo said sternly beginning to walk towards the mall entrance.

"ughh, fineeee." Luffy said with a whine, following after her.

*Thank god he believed me, having my wallet one me was pure luck, but my phone is still at home. *

"Wow I've never seen so many people in one place before." Said Momo not really going anywhere beside her private school, all her clothing being either bought online or by her servants, and since she hasn't really had any true friends, she was never invited.

Luffy was just staring with stars in his eye at all the attractions, mainly the water fountains and the performers.

"Luffy! Stay close to me, we wouldn't want to lose each other here." Momo said, like she was a single mother taking care of her unruly children and trying not to lose them.

Luffy wasn't really too worried, having spent so much time with her lately, he has gotten quite a strong feel for how her aura looks and feels like.

It took a couple of minutes for them to find their first shoe shop, inside there were, a numerous amount of shoes, on one side the boy's section and the other side, the girl's section. There was a shopkeeper, and one pink-skinned, dark sclera, mini horns having girl, shopping. Who just threw a quick glance at the new arrival before dismissing them and focusing back on her shopping spree.

"Ok Luffy, you just wait here or look at the shoes maybe you'll find something you like, while I go and pick a pair of sneakers." Momo said before quickly leaving to browse her section.

*Shoes? I already have my sandals I don't need anything more. * He thought before deciding to follow his nose to where the closest restaurant/fast food place is.

The pink-skinned girl, who heard the conversation the two had, quirked an eyebrow at the straw hat wearing teen who decided to leave.

It took Momo a couple of minutes to decide, try and buy the new pair of white sneakers. Now going in the shoes aisle, she sees no trace of Luffy.

"He couldn't stay put for 5 minutes." She said it more to herself. She turned around as she heard giggling behind her.

"Don't worry girl, he just went to that ramen place across this shop." The Pink-skinned girl, told her. She sympathized with her, she herself having to babysit her younger brother more than a few times.

"Oh, thank you very much." She said with a quick bow, before quickly running to the place she just mentioned.

"No prob." The pink skinned girl said, even though she was sure the ponytail girl couldn't hear her anymore.

"There you are! You couldn't stay still for more than 3 minutes, so you decided to leave me alone, and come here at the ramen shop." Said Momo a bit angry at his sudden disappearance.

"Sorry! But I had to, I was hungry, plus they wouldn't give me any ramen. Said I had to 'pay first'." Luffy said with a pout.

Momo just heavily sighed. "Don't worry about it, I have money so let's just go and eat." She said, feeling sorry for putting salt in the wound, for all she knew the reason he needs so much food, is because of his quirk, just like her.

"Yay! thank you!" Luffy said following after a blushing Momo, embarrassed at being thanked so loudly in public.

After they order they sat down waiting for the ramen to be done.

"Hey! Luffy, I have to go powder my nose so don't go anywhere until I come back, im being serious." Momo said, interrupting Luffy from his chant of 'Food! Food! Food!'.

Luffy just looked at her with a confused expression.

"The ladies room." She repeated again only for Luffy to slightly turn his head.

"She means to piss." Said a very annoyed costumer, with spiky blond hair, sitting next to them. Having to listen to Luffy's chant and their banter. He was at his wits end.

"Yes! That's it Exactly!" she said quickly leaving, while turning as red as a tomato. *This cannot get any more embarrassing* she thought.

"You must be a true dumbass or a complete idiot, straw hat." The spiky haired teen said as he watched the cook hand the straw hat wearing teen two bowls of ramen.

Luffy decided to eat his ramen instead of quarreling with the other teen, seeing as how food was more important than a fight to him.

After about 7 minutes, and 5 more bowls of ramen, Luffy was begging to wonder what happened to Momo. Using his haki he sensed her aura shivering and trembling. *Oh no this could be bad.* he thought as he left the ramen shop and ran towards the girl.

1 Minute Earlier.

"Now I just have to find that stupid ramen shop, hopefully that customer is gone." Momo said out loud. It was a really bad habit of her, but she just never found to time or care to fix it.

"Oh, I don't think you'll be finding anything." Said a calm and collected voice behind her.

"Who are yo-" Momo wasn't even given the opportunity to say or scream anything else, as the masked men put his clothed hand on her mouth and a knife to her neck.

"Don't move. Don't fight. Don't run. Don't scream. Only do as I say, and I will leave this pretty little neck alone. Nod if you understand." The villain said as if he were casually discussing the weather. *Who would have thought? Such a rich brat in a dump like this? *.

Momo was starting to panic, she was put in a tough position. Sure she wanted to become a hero, but she hadn't had any real hero training yet and every time she tried martial arts, should would overthink every little detail and that would lead to her downfall.

*What should I do?! I can't fight him head on, his knife is way too close to my neck. I can't create anything that would help me right now. Should I just stall for time and hope someone notices us? * She was starting to hyperventilate as she realized that her chances of surviving this encounter are getting lower and lower.

"I said, Nod if you understand." The villain said it, this time a little bit more harshly. But before she could do anything, she saw someone appear a good distance away from them.

"Hey Momo! You okay?" Said a certain straw hat wearing teenager. His eyes being overshadowed by his straw hat, making him look weirdly intimidating.

"Luf-" She was cut off before she could say anything else, with the tip of a blade puncturing her neck on the surface level.

"Now now, what did I say?" he asked her like he was expecting an actual answer. "And who are you supposed to be? A knight in shining armor?"

"I'm a friend. You are not." Luffy said as he took a step forwards.

"One more step and her neck will look like a zipper." He said as threateningly as he could. "Who said we aren't friends? You're a friend. I'm a friend. We are all friends here." Luffy didn't believe him for a second.

"I'm just asking my friend here, if I can borrow some money, that's all." He said calmly. Momo's mind been racing, now it feels like it going at 400 miles per hour.

"I'm sorry Momo, shouldn't have dragged you here." Luffy apologized this time 100% serious, not giggling. "Let me make it up to you."

"Hey little guy don't do anything stup-" He didn't get the chance to finish as he felt his mind going blank, soon after he collapsed on the ground. Completely unconscious.

For a couple of seconds the only noise you could hear was the metallic knife hitting the ground, Momo still didn't understand what was going on. One second his knife was piercing her skin, the other he was on the ground.

"Momo, you okay?" Luffy asked again as he looked at the horrified expression on her face.

"Yea, yea I'm fine. Let's just go home." She said trying to get her still racing mind under control. Luffy didn't believe her.

"Sounds good." Luffy said as he let Momo lead the way.

After some time, they were on a train going back to the Yaoyorozu mansion. The whole walk to the train and the train ride was quiet. Luffy not wanting to say anything ,to let Momo think in peace. And Momo still trying to process what happened.

"Luffy, What the hell was that?" she said calmly, they were the only people on the train cabin, sitting next to each other.

"If by that you mean, how I was able to knock that guy out, then that was Haki." Luffy said seriously.

"Haki?" Momo asked, as if to make sure she heard it right.

"Yea, it's a mystery ability, that lets the user do a bunch of different things." Luffy said, after not hearing a response he just continued. "There are 3 types of haki: armament, observation and conquerors. Me knocking that guy out, was me using conquerors haki."

Momo had to take a few seconds to process what he just said. "And everybody has this 'haki' as you call it?"

"From what I know, yeah. But only a couple have conquerors, that's a rare type of haki." Luffy elaborated.

"And you are that rare person?" Momo just asked.

"Yeah." Not getting a response he decided to elaborate more. "From how I see it, haki is willpower weaponized."

"Willpower weaponized." Momo repeated after Luffy as if she had just heard a bad joke.

It's the power of a going into battles without a doubt. I also used observation to find you, your aura was trembling so I could tell you were distressed."

"Ok, thank you." And the whole train ride home, not a single word was said, actually nothing was said between them anymore, until the day of the entrance exam, which was tomorrow.

On the morning of the entrance exam day, Momo was standing at the exit door of the mansion, waiting for Luffy.

"Hey Momo, You okay?" Luffy asked still worried that he somehow just ruined a friendship.

Momo looked at him with an impassive expression, before her face lit up into a smile. "I'm okay, Ready?"

"Yeah!" he said as he opened the door to get out of the mansion.

So I know that I made momo in this fic angrier and meaner than the manga/anime, but I just wrote her like how I would write a well-behaved rich girl, and I think that that is how she would act if she were forced to live with luffy.