
Loving The Temperamental Adonis

He stormed into the room, his gray eyes narrowing as he saw the faint trace of a fingerprint on her face. Fury flashed across his face, and he demanded, "Who the fuck did this to you?!" She hesitated, aware of his explosive temper and scared that he might turn on her if she told him that his so called girlfriend, Davina had slapped her for mistakenly dropping a glass. "Nobody, just an accident." she replied, attempting to downplay the situation. A humorless laugh escaped Neil's lips, his gray eyes ablaze with anger. "Nobody? You think I'll let someone get away with hurting you? Tell me, Harrison, or I swear I'll make it my mission to punish every single person in this goddamn building." Knowing he never gave empty threats, Mia opened her mouth and whispered, "It-it was your girlfriend..." Few minutes later, Mia was astonished to witness what he did to his girlfriend for daring to hit her. "Nobody dares lay a filthy hand on something that is mine. Mia Harrison is not my lover, but she is my woman." Meet Neil Wayner, a famous soldier on a secret mission and a successful CEO, with a temper that could burn the world. Love, marriage, he doesn't believe in such things. But when she slowly began to slip her way into his life, he claimed her as his woman. On the other hand, meet Mia Harrison a girl from a poor town studying Journalism in an expensive university with dreams of making it big someday, but when she met Neil Wayner, who is on a secret mission in the University she studies in, things took a turn in Mia's life. Witness the roller coaster romance between a raging devil and a beautiful angel. ** Note: Mature Content. No Rape.

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Beauty with no brains

Diane chuckled amusingly at Mia's denial of knowing who she was in highschool. Mia had been the most popular girl in junior highschool then, Diane thought. She would never forget how she'd been treated like a trash despite her father's wealth.

Though one thing Diane didn't understand was how her childhood bully had suddenly become poor and plain now. "Deny knowing me all you like, Mia, but I will make you regret ever stepping your foot into this university for what you did to me in junior high." Threatened Diane.

The hate in Diane's eyes was unmistakable. Mia couldn't help but think perhaps the girl was starting to go crazy. She must be cooking up excuses to hate on her for no reason, because Mia could still remember all her activities in highschool. Furthermore, they had no rich kids in their run down school, but here was miss Diane claiming to know her in highschool.

Before Mia could think of anything to even say, Diane smirked and spoke again. "I can't believe you are foolish enough to put your pictures on the list of the participants to join the school's event with how poor your family is now, Mia." She burst into laughter and her two lackeys laughed along with her as if they'd heard something funny.

"I wonder how she would be able to afford the dresses for the competition." Said one of the two girls.

Mia was taken aback again for the second time. What was wrong with this girls? Why do they keep on accusing her for something she hadn't done?

"I don't know what you are talking about, I didn't put any pictures of mine to participate in that event. You can go and take the spotlight and shove the crown down your throat for all I care, Diane." Saying that, she turned on her heels to leave when she was stopped by Diane who pulled her wrist.

"You are good at pretending, aren't you? Keep acting innocent, but I want you to know one more thing, stay away from the new professor, because he has asked me out on a date today. If I see you anywhere close to him again..."she paused, her voice dropping into a dark tone, "I will make you life even more of a hell in this university. Mark my words, Mia."

Mia jerked her wrist away from Diane. "Do whatever you like, Diane, but I have no time to argue with you." She didn't linger there and left the girls alone.

"Aaah, Diane. I really can't believe Mr. Bennett has asked you out today!" Sally exclaimed in excitement.

Hearing those words, Diane's dark expression softened immediately. She smiled, "Of course, no man can ever resist my beauty, not even our new professor. I didn't even have to try so hard before he hit on me." She smirked arrogantly. Diane hadn't actually expected the new professor to ask her out for lunch today. It had come as a surprise for her to wake up to find his message.

Of course, only a blind man would look past someone like her. And Mr. Bennett was no blind man. She had never seen any man as well-built and as handsome as him. She had fallen in love with him at first sight, even though he hadn't paid attention to her at first she had sworn to make him notice her, but who would have thought she didn't even have to try so hard.

Diane laughed in amusement. "I can't wait to meet him!"

Mia returned to the library in anger. She couldn't believe Diane would cook up something as stupid as claiming to have attended the same highschool as her. Not to mention she even cooked up another story about Mr. Bennett asking her out on a date.

Mia couldn't help but scoff. Diane sure likes to think so highly of herself to think someone like Mr. Bennett would ask her out. He doesn't seem like the kind to waste time with his students. She could bet her life on it that Diane was being delusional again.

After Mia finished the things needed to be done in the library, she attended one more class before going to the voice training room to practice. By the time she finished there, it was already five minutes to two. She quickly gathered her books and bag. Mr. Bennett had specifically said; 'Two o'clock tomorrow. If you're late this time, then consider your assignment failed.'

She dare not delay. She had to give him the impression of being a responsible student. Furthermore, she was kinda looking forward to seeing those gray eyes of his.

Mia briskly walked towards block 29, the anticipation of meeting Mr. Bennett fueling her steps. As she approached his office, she knocked on the door three times, but the silence that followed made her cautiously turn the doorknob. The door swung open easily, revealing an empty office. Undeterred, Mia stepped inside, glancing at the clock — two minutes to two. Perhaps Mr. Bennett was still in class, it would be best if she waited in the office for him.

She settled into a chair beside his desk. The papers and filles on the desk were neatly arranged, and the office still held the lingering additive scent of his masculine cologne. She couldn't help but also notice that he had no pictures of his or his family on the desk. Surprisingly, Mr. Olsen's framed picture along with his wife's was still in the office. Perhaps it was because Leo was a substitute. She thought.

Mia stretched and yawned as minutes stretched into an hour. But there was still no sign of him. Deciding to pass the time with her phone before she would end up falling asleep, she logged into the school forum. However, her attention was abruptly caught by a trending post with a caption that read, "The Adonis Professor Bennett has finally gone out with our school Belle!"

Mia clicked into the pictures and found snapshots of Diane and Leo, taken in a restaurant just across the university. Diane wore a radiant smile as if Leo had shared a joke. As she scrolled down the post, her expression turned somber. She felt an unexpected pang in her chest as Leo's gray eyes seemed to light up while looking at Diane.

"OMG! look how good they look together." Said the commenters, who were obviously Diane's bootlickers.

"I knew our new professor would fall for Diane's beauty. But I'll admit, i never expected Mr. Leo to be the kind to get easily swayed by beauty."

Mia read through the comments. It dawned on her that Diane hadn't fabricated the story about Mr. Bennett asking her out. The proof was right there in the pictures. Mia sat there, her emotions a mixture of surprise, disappointment, and an unexplained twinge of jealousy as she saw him looking at Diane with those eyes.

Mia stood up from the chair. She would be wasting her own time waiting for Mr. Bennett, who was obviously enjoying his time with Diane. He had been the one to say he disliked irresponsible people, and also made it clear she must not be late, but it turned out he was the biggest irresponsible man to keep her waiting without showing up, when she had deadlines for her assignments. Failing this could cause her to fail her course and lose her scholarship.

Seated across from Diane in the upscale restaurant, Neil feigned interest in the menu, his gray eyes occasionally flickering up to meet her blue gaze. Diane, oblivious to Neil's ulterior motives, smiled sweetly, thinking this was a casual date. She had already set up her friends in the restaurant to take their pictures together. After that, she would mark her territory on the man and announce it on the university forum.

Neil dropped the menu, leaning towards the table and propping his elbows on it, he clipped his fingers together and rest his chin on them. "Your news project on the drug syndicate was quite impressive."

Diane, twirling a strand of her blonde hair, blushed with pride. "Oh, thank you, Leo. I worked really hard on it, I even risked my life to get that information."

Of course, everyone thought she did a good job in finding that story. Revealing it had unknowingly saved many lives that would have been lost if da Kroll had successfully planted the bomb at the shipment port to cover his illegal activities from the authorities. However, the truth was she hadn't even lifted a finger, that plain jane had been stupid to risk her life to get the information and making it easier for Diane to steal the spotlight.

Neil's lips twitched into a subtle smirk as he decided to probe a bit deeper without revealing his true purpose. "I'm curious, though. How did you manage to get such exclusive information? It's not easy to crack such information that could have cost your life like that." He casually sipped the wine in his glass.

Diane's sweet smile flustered a bit, but she quickly composed herself. Seizing the opportunity to impress him, she leaned forward on the table. "Well, you know, I have my ways. I am too smart for my own good, I am a beauty with brains. Don't you see how good we will be as a couple?"

Neil's impatience simmered beneath his composed exterior, he was using every bit of sanity to stop himself from banging his palms on the table to end her shitty irritating attitude. How could someone like this girl risk her life to get such information? He had tried to question her on where and how she stumbled upon that information, but Miss I'm too pretty, hadn't said anything that indicated she knew of those information.

Neil acted as if he didn't hear her last words and said, "Impressive, indeed. But, I've heard the authorities have been following this syndicate for a while now. And none of them had succeeded. You don't seem like the type to risk you life. Furthermore, I find your details were eerily similar to another reporter's work."

Diane's smile faltered, and she nervously played with her silverware. "Oh, really? Well, great minds think alike, I guess. However, I don't think the information I gave in my report has ever been published by any news agencies before."

Neil's expression remained unreadable, his manipulative side coming into play. "I admire your dedication, Miss Foster. It's just that sometimes, unintentional mistakes happen, like accidentally using someone else's work. Have you ever experienced that?" He would be damned to believe this little princess was the one to get the information she gave.

Diane suddenly felt uneasy as she met his unwavering gray eyes that stared at her as if he was searching for something. She smiled and attempted to divert the conversation. If anyone found out what she'd done to Mia, her reputation in the University would come shattering down

"Let's not talk about school stuff now, Mr. Bennett. We're here to enjoy ourselves, right?"

As Diane continued to flirt, oblivious to Neil's growing irration, he concluded that the girl before him was nothing more than a skilled liar and a thief of someone else's hard work. He couldn't help but wonder who's work she'd stolen.

Neil's lips twitched into an irritated snare as he saw through her facade."Enjoy ourselves? Is that what you think this is, Miss Foster? I don't appreciate being played. Enjoy your meal." He said as he abruptly stood up from the chair, the chair made a cracking sound on the floor as he pushed it back with force.

Neil stormed out of the restaurant, ignoring Diane as if he hadn't just been speaking to her a moment ago, his frustration mounting with each step. He briskly walked through the evening air, his mind consumed by irritation. Though as he left the building, he suddenly recalled his appointment with the girl he was asked to supervise. But the thought of dealing with another irresponsible annoying student, particularly Mi-whatever her name was- assignment, only added fuel to his annoyance.

She could go to hell with her damn assignments for all he cares, he also had his own assignment at Ivy Grove institute, and he would be doing just that. He had no desire in facing another beauty with no brains again today.

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