
Loki - The Labyrinth of Lies

Embark upon the journey of the silver-tongued God of Mischief, whose story is half unknown and barely told before...

The_Dark_Night · Phim ảnh
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83 Chs

The Planet Of Hoth

Nevaeh was standing in ice and the heels of her boots were digging into snow. She pulled out her wand with shivering fingers and rotated it over herself. As she did so, her body was suddenly spread with warmth, but her left palm was resisting it, growing a little chilly. The wounds were stinging due to the cold. She resisted the urge of scratching her palm.

Nevaeh looked around; there was nothing but darkness in the sky, and everything else was covered in frosty ice. She glanced behind her and realised that she was standing near the edge of a cliff. She started walking with brisk pace. Within minutes, she had covered a lot of area. Nevaeh knew for a fact that she was nowhere close to Asgard, and whatever this place was, gave her an icy chill.

Loki was nowhere to be seen. Nevaeh halted in mid-track. There was nothing but ice around her, yet she was mildly alarmed at the looming darkness she felt pressing upon her. She pointed her wand ahead of herself and started muttering under her breath. The hilt of her wand began tugging inside her right hand. Nevaeh quickened her pace, walking towards the tug.

There were so many things going on inside her mind. Was Loki really here? If he was, then what was he doing on the ice planet of Hoth, which looked much scarier in reality?

She was fuming as she walked through the ice, sometimes running a little. Her footsteps weren't even showing on the snowy ground. Nevaeh wondered if this was included in the Grace's concealment package. Suddenly, her wand began pulling her towards left and she hastily changed her direction.

After a few steps towards the left, Nevaeh froze.

There he was, strolling down the ice as if it were grass and walking towards a huge, black structure at the far end.

Nevaeh's eyes widened as she saw his new, slightly disturbing look; an overly long emerald cape, which was covered in snowflakes, giving it a shimmering look, was flowing in the cold breeze behind him. He was wearing an greenish armour with silvery-gold plates, walking down the frozen, dark path as though he ruled the place.

Nevaeh walked from a three feet distance behind him, wondering what kind of errand could one run in such a place. She was freezing with curiosity, or it could've just been the numbing chill in the air, which she could feel stabbing at her despite the heating charm.

Loki paused near a big, black castle.

Nevaeh had never seen a castle like this before. It was charcoal black and ice was sticking on it from every side. It was a towering structure and Loki strutted inside the castle with the same aloof walk he usually carried. Nevaeh closely followed him and entered the castle.

It was even darker from the inside. She stifled a gasp as she saw huge, blue figures standing on all the corners. They looked like huger versions of Na'vi, the species from Avatar, but a lot scarier. They were towering, thrice as tall as them, and had rough blue skin like Crystal. Their eyes were shockingly red, as if they'd been rave partying since centuries and they had a pure monster vibe going on, thought Nevaeh.

She noticed that at the opposite wall far ahead, a huge blue giant sat on what looked like a throne.

Nevaeh instantly felt like grabbing Loki's cape and dragging him out of this sinister place. She cautiously walked towards him as Loki strutted down towards the King Giant without breaking his casual pace.

'Kill him,' ordered the King Giant as Loki halted in front of him.

Nevaeh stifled a gasp but readied her wand nevertheless, just in case anyone tried to attack him. She couldn't take her eyes off the Giant sitting on the throne.

'After all that I have done for you?'Loki asked amusedly, as though talking to a friend.

Nevaeh looked at Loki with shock mixed with confusion, she couldn't understand his calm. They were surrounded by huge giants, who could crush them under their feet without any effort! For the first time, Nevaeh hoped Loki was carrying his daggers today with him.

'So you are the one who showed us the way into Asgard,' said the giant.

'That was just a bit of fun, really. To ruin my brother's big day. And to protect the realm from his idiotic rule for a while longer,' he said smilingly, unblinkingly staring at the giant straight in his red eyes.

Nevaeh's insides curled as she watched the thin smile on his face. Brother? What does he mean? He is an orphan!

'I will hear you,' said the Giant in a low, grumbling voice. Nevaeh was just staring at them with her mouth wide open. She had relaxed her wand-arm as Loki was refusing to look scared.

'I will conceal you and a handful of your soldiers, lead you into Odin's chambers, and you can slay him where he lies,' Loki said.

Nevaeh was beginning to shake a little. Slay Odin? Why would he even say that? Isn't that treason? Why would he come to the Giant for this?

'Why not kill him yourself?' asked the Giant, as if discussing a work-a-day chore.

Loki snorted in derision. 'I suspect that the Asgardians would not take kindly to a king who had murdered his predecessor,' Loki said in an isn't-it-obvious tone of voice. 'Once Odin is dead, I will return the casket to you—'Loki was saying when the Giant quickly stood up from his throne, with hunger brimming in his eyes, making Nevaeh jump in alarm. '—and you can return Jotunheim to all its… glory' finished Loki, smiling politely.

Nevaeh stared at him through disbelieving and confused eyes while he casually stood there, as if hanging out in a garden with a bunch of blue buddies.

'I accept,' said the Giant.

Without further ado, Loki gave him a curt nod and whipped turned around to walk briskly outside the castle.

Nevaeh was blinking rapidly and stood rooted on her spot as he left. Gathering herself, she ran behind him as he walked down the icy path, his cape fluttering in the howling wind behind him.

Murder his predecessor? What does that even mean? Why was he planning to assassinate the King by luring the Giants? He told her that he had an errand to run, yet here he was, contemplating the murder of the King of his planet!

The confusion and uncertainty was stinging her brain. She needed answers. Stopping in mid-track, Nevaeh took a lungful of cold air and shrilled at the top of her lungs. 'LOOOOKKKIIIIII! FACE ME, YOU TREACHOROUS LIAR!'