
Loki - The Labyrinth of Lies

Embark upon the journey of the silver-tongued God of Mischief, whose story is half unknown and barely told before...

The_Dark_Night · Movies
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83 Chs

The Godly Gatekeeper

Nevaeh felt her scream muffling itself, not even reaching her own earshot. Loki kept moving ahead, now visible as a distant-figure. She moved a little ahead and yelled again, 'LOOK AT ME, YOU LIAR! I AM RIGHT HERE!' But, her voice didn't erupt from her mouth. She felt like someone had pushed a button on a remote and muted her volume. Realising that noise cancelling service must also be included in Grace's mystical package, she gritted her teeth in anger.

Nevaeh took a long breath, just before breaking into a run. If she couldn't be seen or heard, she could always just jump on Loki and pummel him deep into the icy ground. She was halfway towards Loki when a huge blinding light shot through the sky and engulfed him whole, pulling him upwards. He disappeared out of sight.

Instantly crying in pain, Nevaeh fell on her knees as once again new co-ordinates started etching in her skin. The only difference was that her palm no longer had the sufficient amount of skin left for new numbers, so they started cutting on her wrist, which was surprisingly a little less painful than the palm.

Nevaeh waited for the co-ordinates to appear on her hand and lit a cigarette. She smoked as she watched the blood dripping down her forearm and on to the frosty floor. She wished that she had brought Joe along with her. At least she could've told her what that discussion back there meant because Nevaeh didn't have a clue.

What did he mean by brother? How can he have a brother? He clearly said to ruin my brother's big day! Why would he lie to the Giant about having a brother? She couldn't understand anything. Nevaeh wondered if Loki would have any iron clad explanation for his bloodthirsty behaviour. She couldn't contemplate the fact that Loki had just dropped by this planet to plot the murder of Asgard's King and was going to return to Earth to shop with her later as if nothing had happened.

She remembered the Giant saying that Loki showed them the way into Asgard, which meant they were either forbidden from visiting or simply couldn't reach Asgard on their own. The sight of those monsters scared her, but Loki's carefree attitude and the ease by which he planned a murder shook Nevaeh's core. She threw her cigarette. It hissed lightly on the icy ground.

Nevaeh wiped the blood by a flick of her wand without trying any healing charm, adamant on avoiding pain as much as she could. She looked at her arm. The co-ordinates on her left wrist were similar to Asgard's that had first appeared. She barely had the time to swear out loud, because she was expecting Loki to return to Earth, when a gold light engulfed her and she was automatically teleported.

Nevaeh looked around her newfound destination. She was standing inside a massive, round, gold coloured, dome-like structure with a huge statue right in the middle of an uplifted circular centre. She didn't have time to explore, she had purpose on her mind, and it was to ask Loki what the hell he was up to. She ran towards the end to depart the dome structure, but stopped at the arched exit.

A long rainbow bridge connected the dome with a magnificent and gloriously gold palace above the ocean. 'This – this is the rainbow bridge he spoke of,' she hushed quietly, staring at the serene view. 'It is indeed magnificent,' she said, momentarily forgetting her dilemma over Loki's sanity.

'The bi-frost was closed moments ago,' a booming voice came from behind, making Nevaeh jump wildly.

She turned around to realize that it wasn't a statue on the stairs of the elevated centre. He was a man standing so still that Nevaeh hadn't registered him as a living being. But, he didn't look like an ordinary person; he was muscular, extremely tall, had strikingly yellow eyes and was wearing full-body gold armour with gold horned helmet over his head. He also had a huge sword in his hands.

'I beg your pardon?' asked Nevaeh, avoiding his unusual accessory.

'You did not need the bi-frost to enter Asgard. How did you get here?' he asked in a firm voice.

'I came here with the help of a mystical stone. I – I didn't mean to impose! Am I in trouble?' Nevaeh asked, shifting a bit awkwardly, wondering if she broke any rules, because the man in front of her definitely looked like a person of authority. He was clutching the unnecessarily huge sword tightly which Nevaeh found a bit disturbing. Asgard seemed like a peaceful place, what with all the kind dragons and charming boys, then why did he need such a long sword?

'Not quite. What brings you to Asgard?' he asked kindly.

'Oh, I was just passing by. I have to – catch up – with a friend.' She didn't know much about Asgard but she knew if she confessed that she came here to kill a friend, she wouldn't be allowed to leave so easily. 'I am Nevaeh. What is your name, sir?' she asked, glancing anxiously at him.

'I am Heimdall, the protector and gatekeeper of Asgard,' he said smilingly.

'I didn't realize Asgard had a gate' Nevaeh said, making small talk.

Heimdall frowned. 'Why, this is the gate. The bi-frost is a pathway leading to different worlds and I protect Asgard from any external forces that might attack,' said Heimdall.

'Hold on. Are you saying that this is the bi-frost?' she asked.

Heimdall nodded.

Nevaeh glanced behind her to see the palace. It was in such close proximity! The palace was literally connected with the bi-frost! When she had landed in the burning forest, she could see the distinctive outline of a distant palace, but Loki had taken her quite literally in the opposite direction, and away from the palace! He had told her that the bi-frost site was on the hill they were trekking towards! Her head ached with jumbled up thoughts. 'Are you sure this is the bi-frost?'

'Am I sure?' Heimdall arched an indignant eyebrow. 'I have been guarding it since countless centuries!'

'Okay. So, you said about this dome being a gateway, so if I wanted to go to – Midgard – then I could do that from here, yes?' Nevaeh asked cautiously while Heimdall slowly nodded. 'Is there another bi-frost in Asgard? Say, near a hill?' she suggested hopefully.

'No, child. This is the bi-frost. There can't be two bi-frosts,' Heimdall said, as if that would've been a freak of nature.

'Well, then, where is the ticket counter?' Nevaeh asked, looking around, as though expecting to see a board reading Asgard's ticket counter somewhere in the corner and a list of the next available seats for different planets along with their fares.

'I beg your pardon, child?' Heimdall said.

'I don't see a ticket counter here,' Nevaeh said, gesturing around her and subtly demanding an explanation from Heimdall.

'One does not need a – a ticket to travel from Asgard,' Heimdall was trying to suppress a chuckle.

'You mean it is free of cost? I – I don't—'Nevaeh's voice faltered. She couldn't understand why Loki had lied to her about this, as well, whereas, Heimdall was looking at her as if she were a kid who had just told him a joke.

Heimdall straightened his face. 'Let me clear out your confusion. The bi-frost is a gateway. It doesn't require red gold, or any form of payment. If you wish I can send you home right now,' Heimdall said, but Nevaeh's brain was working hard. She couldn't understand why Loki had almost gotten himself killed, if it were so easy to reach Earth. Even Thor had never once mentioned anything about the bi-frost standing in front of his palace! He had agreed on taking her to the hill – where he had claimed the bi-frost site stood! Why would Thor lie, too? There must be some misunderstanding!

Nevaeh realised that Heimdall was watching her closely. She immediately decided to ask another thing that had been bugging her since Heimdall had spoken it. 'You said you protect Asgard from intruders. Are – are there frequent external attacks on Asgard?' Nevaeh asked. Even amidst all this confusion, she was fascinated how Heimdall's face showed nothing of what he might be thinking or feeling.

'Not quite frequent – but there was a recent attack, yes. I have to ask. Who are you here to meet?' Heimdall asked.

Nevaeh chose to ignore his question and wondered if he was referring to the recent visit the blue monsters paid to Asgard, she remembered Loki's conversation with them vividly. 'May I ask who attacked you? How did it happen?' asked Nevaeh.

Heimdall seemed like he had taken her questions personally. His face turned grave. 'It was more of a trick than an attack. The frost giants that entered this realm were concealed and led into Asgard. It was coronation day and till then, never had an enemy slipped through my watch,' Heimdall finished growlingly. Nevaeh decided not to pry further, and rather confront Loki regarding the same.

'Okay, I will leave you alone now. Thank you for all the information,' Nevaeh smiled.

Heimdall cleared his throat to announce that their conversation wasn't over yet. 'How do you have a friend here? I have never seen you here before.'

Nevaeh frowned at him. 'Well, I didn't see you either because I didn't come here! I never saw the palace upfront, not even the rainbow bridge! I was mostly in the forest,' she said.

'You mean to say that you have been on Asgard before? For how long?' Heimdall asked, fixing her in a firm stare.

'Yes, sir. I was here for about three days' she said, unable to understand what the big deal was.

'Impossible,' Heimdall whispered quietly.

'Sir, why would I lie? I was trekking down a forest path for a few days to reach the bi-frost! Why is that so difficult to believe?'Nevaeh asked, perplexed, while he stared at her more widely than before.

'You were here for days, yet I never once felt your presence and that cannot happen! On an extremely bad day, an hour or two, sure, but never days. Unless again, someone has found a way to hide that which he does not wish me to see,' Heimdall hushed, staring at a distance far across the rainbow bridge.

'I didn't hide anything! Wait, did you say he?' she asked, now wondering if "feeling one's presence" was Heimdall's special ability.

'What happened to your hand?' Heimdall asked suddenly, finally getting down from the steps to face her.

'It's nothing. I just had a little accident. I – I tripped,' she said quickly, internally cursing her lying skills.

Heimdall stared at her. 'It is dark magic,' he said quietly.

Nevaeh shook her head no. 'You misunderstand. It was an accident and—'she was interrupted by Heimdall who retorted in a firm voice, 'Child, it is dark magic.'

Nevaeh sighed, looking at Heimdall with uncertainty. 'Sir, you clearly are a wise man. You emit a certain – god-like aura and I feel foolish while denying anything you say, but, there is no dark magic in our household! My father is a master of Defensive charms against dark magic!' Nevaeh said, through wide eyes.

'Then perhaps, some external power meddled with you which must have went unnoticed by any of you,' Heimdall said gravely.

Nevaeh slowly turned, thinking hard. Heimdall sounded so certain that it was difficult for Nevaeh to take him lightly regarding anything. She had come here to confront Loki, but Heimdall's words were making her stay rooted on the spot.

'You were enquiring about the bi-frost. Would you like to head home and take care of that hand? It is unwise to waste time in such circumstances. A curse like that only gets stronger with time,' Heimdall said knowingly.

Nevaeh shook her head; she had to confront Loki first. 'No. I just asked about the bi-frost out of curiosity. I should go,' Nevaeh said, bowing a little in front of him.

'Who is your friend?' he asked.

'Just this guy I met in the forest,' she shrugged.

'Is he a villager? A guard? A warrior? A – King?' Heimdall asked, subtlety not being his strong suit.

Nevaeh snorted sarcastically, but quickly stopped. 'I am sorry for the scoff, but where would I meet Odin?' she asked laughingly. 'I did meet Thor though, he was kind,' she added.

Heimdall looked amused. 'You know a lot about Asgard for someone who just trekked in the forest and has never even seen the palace.'

Nevaeh nodded. 'Thor said the same thing! I also know that Thor's brother is Ikol and their mum is Frigga,' Nevaeh said proudly, proving her apt listening skills. Heimdall frowned again, but didn't want to upset her by saying that she was wrong on her face. 'Some of your information might have been misleading' he said, 'did your friend tell you all this?' he asked.

Nevaeh paused a moment and glanced at him with mild suspicion. 'I don't know. Is it against Asgard's rule to disclose Asgardian royal matters to alien people? Will he – will he be punished for that?' she asked cautiously, because she was mad at Loki, but didn't want him to get into any real trouble with Asgardian authorities.

Heimdall smiled, shaking his head no. Nevaeh was relieved. She laughed a little for her paranoia. 'Yes. Loki told me everything I know. He is quite the gossip queen.' But her smile slowly faltered as she remembered what she had witnessed just before she came here. Nevaeh went into a trance for a moment, her eyes turning a tad misty; wondering how her adorable Loki can possibly plan a murder, the Loki who loves gossiping and drama. Nevaeh needed to get answers from him and it wasn't possible if she kept hanging out with Heimdall near an alleged gate.

'What did you just say?' Heimdall asked in a booming voice, making Nevaeh shake her head slightly to come back to present.

'I am sorry? I was preoccupied, what – what did you say?' she asked, while Heimdall just stared at her.

'Tell me about – your friend' Heimdall said, trying his best to stay calm.

'Well, there isn't much to tell. He is a sweet guy – kind of funny, handsome,' Nevaeh began.

Heimdall cleared his throat loudly. 'I meant more like what he does or where he lives,' he said, unable to supress a smile.

'Oh! Right,' Nevaeh's face was feeling a tad hot. 'Actually, he never mentioned any particular work or a job and I don't know where he lives.' She didn't in fact knew where Loki lived, or what he did for a living till he had met her. She had been extremely sensitive to properly approach the topic of Loki's past life as soon as he'd told her that he was an orphan.

'So, how are you going to find him? Asgard is a vast kingdom. Do you know his family?' Heimdall asked, looking at her intently for any hints of recognition, but her face was suddenly looking grim.

'Loki is an orphan, sir. He doesn't have a family,' Nevaeh said quietly, again internally wondering about what Loki meant by 'brother'. She wondered if he had a long lost foster brother of some sort when she heard Heimdall chuckle a little. Nevaeh looked bewildered, now wondering what was so damn funny about one being an orphan, and if Heimdall was all okay in his head.

'I am getting late. I should really go now,' Nevaeh said, turning away.

'And go where?' Heimdall asked. 'You don't even know where he lives! And by the looks of it, you will never guess it without my help,' he said gravely.

'Wait. Do you know something about Loki that you aren't telling me?' she asked suspiciously, wondering what his last comment meant.

Heimdall sighed heavily while running his hands over his face and pausing for a moment. 'You came here just now by the sole purpose of meeting Loki, yes?'

'That's right,' she nodded.

Heimdall marched outside the dome, halted on the rainbow bridge and gestured her to walk with him. 'Come, I'll take you to Loki.'