
Living in Idle

Ace was turned into a human patty by the great Truck-kun, met ROB, got some wishes, and went on his own merry way. Slaying beasts, dragons, crystal beasts, making pincushions? Piloting overpowered Mechas, battling with Beyblades, and more!

DareMeNot · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Chapter 11: THREE! TWO! ONE! LET IT~~~! RIP!!!

Previously on Living in Idle...

"Then we'll get to take advantage of that. So, next would require you to have a fine control over your mana, and inject it into the core and shape it..."

Ace said as Touya looked on. Slowly, Ace's hand that was holding the clear magic core began to glow gold as he began injecting it into the core. Then, slowly but surely, unlike what Touya initially thought that it might explode, the golden mana that was injected changed in color and took on a form, and into a complete three dimensional image. Though the core was quite small, Touya, with his enhanced eyesight could clearly see that it was extremely detailed! He could clearly see that it was a black eastern dragon! With glistening black diamond-shaped scales with golden edges! With horns of gold, the same goes for the claws too!

Touya: "H-How is this possible? This dragon looks extremely detailed!"

Ace: "Hahahaha~! That's why I said it requires a fine control of mana!"

He said then materialized another magic core, just like the one he used earlier before imbuing it with his mana, he handed it towards Touya.

Ace: "Here, you try it. Just steadily inject your mana and try to picture the image that you want, just like what I did, which resulted in the Ouroboros Dragon. Now, I'm not saying that you do the same dragon, try picturing something that you can remember with great detail."

---Line break---

Following Ace's example, Touya was able to complete it. Now, in Touya's hand was a magic core with a vivid replica of a white tiger inside.

Ace: "Good job~! Now, the final step is to put it inside the bey, hence why I made its interior a little hollow..."

He said that and inserted the marble inside, then put the piece that he took out earlier then tightened it. He held it up for Touya to see.

Ace: "See? A perfect fit~!"

Touya: "Hm. Right, I can do that. [Modeling]"

Touya said and chanted as his bey momentarily shone above a magic circle atop his palm.

Touya removed the center piece and place his magic core inside the newly made space, then placed the center piece again, and then tightening it.

Touya: "Done! What's ne-"

Before he could even finish what he was saying, his and Ace's attention was caught by a blinding light that came from the beys themselves!

Ace: "What the in the hell just happened?"

He said while rubbing his eyes. Even though usually in such occurrence he wouldn't even blink, for some reason, it made even him lose his sight for a bit. Just what the fuck happened?

Touya: "Uhm... Ace-san, is this supposed to happen?"

Ace: "Hm? What do you mea-... Oh. I see..."

Ace was stopped in the middle of his sentence when his eyes caught sight of the bey in his hand.

If earlier the bey is just black with golden accents along with cool details, now, it looks like a miniaturized coiled Ouroboros Dragon! With its claws all positioned on the edges and its jaws wide open at the center. The only thing that Ace could say about this, is that it looks marvelous. It looks exactly like the one inside the magic core earlier!

Looking at Touya's, similarly, the plain silver bey changed and took on the features of a white tiger! With its body positioned as if it was preparing to pounce on its prey!

Seeing this unexpected phenomena, Ace took on a pondering look, before speaking up.

Ace: "As I have thought... so magic is really sentient, or at least, semi-sentient, that explains the phenomenon that happens every time magic is used or casted."

Touya: "Hm? You know something about this, Ace-san?"

Ace: "Mm. At first, it was just a theory that started when I was trying to create my own spells when I suddenly thought of Harry Potter."

Touya: "Wait, you create your own spells?!"

Ace: "Yes, but let's talk about that later. You see, you remember from the film about the house magic, wards, runes, and rituals, right?"

He asked to which Touya nodded.

Ace: "I've got the idea from there. And then I thought, how could magic be casted with some few simple Latin words being spoken? How does the wards, rituals, and runes work with a few simple diagrams and letters?"

Touya: "Now that you mention it, it does make you curious... So, you discovered it?"

Ace: "No... not until now. Just like I said earlier, magic is somehow semi-sentient. It understands what the casters' intention is. For example, from simple and pure mana it becomes fire mana, as long as that one mind controlling it let's the phenomena that we call magic to happen, the effect that we call magic spells happen. Like what we did just now, we just tried and made toys that would bring fort some special and magical effects, but the magic recognized our intentions and made what was impossible, possible."

Touya: "I don't understand it too deeply, but I think I got the gist of it. But seriously though, you're really bad at explaining things, Ace-san."

Ace: "Hey now~! I'm also a mortal, so there's bound to be things that I'm not good at~!"

'Half, actually... But to hell with it!'

Touya: "Hahahaha~! You're right~. Anyway, enough about this!"

Ace: "Hahahah~! You're damn right! Now that we have real beyblades in our hands, there's only one thing left to do..."

Touya: "Hehehehe~! Right!"

Ace/Touya: "Let's have a Beyblade Battle!"


With the bey launchers firmly gripped in their hands and their beys properly set in place, Ace, Touya, and a lot of kids and even adults surrounded the beystadium that Ace used an expansion charm on to make it bigger. Touya also used his control over the earth element and terraformed the whole space up and made temporary elevated benches for the audience to watch from. Touya already has a plan on building a proper stadium for beyblade battles if everything goes well and if/when they are successful in mass producing beyblades like the ones in their hands.

Ace: "Are your ready Touya-bro?! This is a momentous occasion 'cause if everything goes well, this will be the start of the generation of beybattlers!"

Touya: "I know! So what are we waiting for, Ace-san?!"

Ace: "Hehehehe~! Let's do this!"

Ace/Touya: "THREE! TWO! ONE! LET IT~, RIP!!!"


Ace, as well as Touya used most of their strength and pulled the strings on their launchers as the two beys began racing across the beystadium with a zoom!

Fortunately, one way or another, both of their beys are a perfect mix of attack, defense, stamina, and balance! And also fortunately with added aerodynamics into the mix, 'cause if not for this, who knows just what may have been produced just by the power these beys possess while spinning! This is especially so for Ace. Imagine Superman playing beyblade and pulled the string with his strength... get what I mean? Fortunately, Ace's beylauncher was especially made for him through his AoE. If it was an ordinary one, then it would have already crumbled just from his grip. The same goes for Touya's, being made out of pure mithril.

Anyway, let's get back to the battle.

Ace: "Alright, little buddy. This is our first battle so let's try to finish it fast! Now Ouroboros! Take on the center and build up more of your momentum!"

As if having life of its own, his bey, Ouroboros, picked up its speed and directly went on the center of the beystadium, much to the shock of Touya and spectators.

Touya: "What the- It could do that?!"

Ace: "Yup! I don't know how, I just followed my gut feeling!"

Touya: "If you say so then I'll do the same! Alright Byakko! Since they took on the defensive maneuver then we'll attack! Rush in and hit Ouroboros consecutively with all you have!"

Touya's bey, Byakko, followed his command and rushed towards Ouroboros that was humming in power in the center of the stadium!

It attacked but was repelled by the force of its spinning! The momentum it build up is too strong! Coupled that with the power that Ace used to launch it, it was simply monstrous!

But even then, just like Touya commanded it, it attacked consecutively from all sides! If it was repelled, it pushed back in, it attacks Ouroboros relentlessly! But Ouroboros shows no sign of even budging an inch!

Touya: "Tsk! How is it doing that?! Well, I have no choice. I don't know if this will really work but..."

Ace caught on, on what Touya was doing, but he didn't interrupt him.

Touya gripped both his hands tightly on his launcher and flared up his silver colored mana outside of his body! It looks like as if he's going Super Saiyan!

Ace watched on with slight surprise and excitement, but the spectators were all shocked with his action! Just how terrible is it to feel the oppression from his mana?! But even still, they didn't leave or even stepped back. They have trust in their leader and knew that whatever he's doing wouldn't harm them, so they stayed and continued watching even with the pressure bearing down on them. Besides, they are more curious of what exactly he is doing! And the battle are just getting more and more exciting! The parents supported their kids that are watching alongside them as their amazement grew more and more. Who knew that the toys that their kids are playing could be played like this?! It was incredible! As for the kids that are watching, their excitement shot off through the roof! Just thinking of playing their beys in a similar fashion makes their young bloods boil!

Touya: "Byakko! It's time for a Burst Finish! Go! Release the beast inside! White Monarch! Descend!"

Suddenly, a fearsome roar was heard which made all of the spectators hair all over their bodies to stand on end!


And unexpectedly, what they have considered impossible actually happened! A huge white tiger with black stripes all over its body materialized above the madly spinning bey that have bursted into light with the help of Touya's mana!


It gave out another roar and lunged towards Ouroboros with a ferocious might!

Ace: "Oh no you don't! Ouroboros! Unleash the power! Golden Burst!"

Ace shouted as he similarly flared his golden colored mana to which Ouroboros did the same! It bursted into golden light as another fearsome roar was heard!


But this roar gave a different feeling. It was as if they souls took the shock which caused all of the spectators to be stunned for a moment! It was unbelievable!

Then an enormous black serpentine dragon with gleaming black scales with golden horns and claws and gold accents all over its body materialized above the bey in a coiling motion and let out another roar!


Then it sets its fierce golden eyes on Byakko and shot at it like lightning! The bey spirits clashed using their respective claws! And with a final burst of gold and silver and followed by a thundering boom,


A massive cloud of smoke rose from the stadium. When the cloud of smoke that blocked their vision finally receded, all of them were finally able to see the conclusion of this first ever Beyblade Battle.

Byakko was still spinning, the same goes with Ouroboros. But evidently, Byakko is slowly loosing its momentum while Ouroboros is still going strong. It was clear who the winner here is.

Touya: "Well, I guess this is our loss."

Touya admitted and Ace put on a slight smirk on his face, then suddenly...


All of those who were watching cheered that thundered loudly that was even heard by most of the people in the Duchy!

Seeing this, Touya and Ace laughed out loud before joining them and cheered!

