
Chapter 48: Exquisite

Feeling sore but satisfied after her great bloody wedding, Casey limped back to her hotel room. Grayson went with her.

When they reached her door, he asked, "Sure you're gonna be okay?"

"Oh, yeah." Casey slipped the room card in and unlocked her door. "Going back to my room, ready to pass out, covered in fake blood? This is a regular day for me."

"Good," he said. "Excellent."

Opening the door, she said, "C'mon in."

Entering the room, they were both a mess--covered in sticky, fake blood that dried into more of a pinkish color.

"Well, it's official," he said. "You're self-married now."

Groaning, Casey said, "Thanks. I'm glowing, can't you tell?"

She shuffled into the bathroom. Turned on the light.

Leaning over the sink, Casey stared at herself. "Oh, man, I look like a buh-loody nightmare."

"No, you look good with all your... tubes... and wires..." Grayson said, punctuating with a wink that Casey saw over her shoulder in the mirror.