
Chapter 47: Like Gangbusters

Casey's wedding dress exploded into a great shower of blood. The ensuing blast, spewing torrents of highly pressurized fake blood, hurled Grayson off the stage.

Due to the fact that all physical actions come readily equipped with equal and opposite reactions, Casey was flung backward. She found herself pinned facedown to the stage as a fountain of crimson spurted from the back of her dress, high into the air. It seemed to geyser for an eternity.

And, true to the "splash zone" warnings, those seated closest to the stage got royally soaked. Some cheered. Some screamed. Nearly everyone had their phones out.

When Kimiko finally managed to shut off the flow, half the ballroom was dripping in fake gore.

Casey was left groaning on her stomach.

Freder grimly brought up the house lights. The camera operators quickly wiped down their lenses so they could keep filming the bloody aftermath.

People helped each other limp out of the ballroom like they'd just survived a battle.