When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
The president introduced herself first as he had done so first. Plus he was the next Governor-General so she had to be polite. She decided to treat it like she was making a deal with another country to give him face. (I love cultivation novels)
"My name is Luciana Hubbard, now what is this contract you spoke of? I don't think I have a choice, but listen if you can get past the wards set in this place."
Kurayami looked at Latia as she was the one who made it. Plus she was the one who had a family fully focused on business.
"Well you know who I am already, so I will introduce one of my fiancés, Latia Astaroth. She is better at business than I am so she will represent me, Grigori and the Astaroth family in this deal."
The president knew of the Astaroth family as most world leaders had contact with Devils. They already ran several businesses on Earth as money was power even in the Supernatural. Latia sat in front of the President and made her pitch.
"I will be frank, we can get you to the Moon and fast. Not every mage or being can simply teleport or open a portal to the Moon as easily as my fiance. I brought this idea to him, Moon mining. The Moon is full of rare materials that are scarce here on Earth and we wish to offer part of this to America. For now."
Hearing what they were offering made her sit up as she looked at the contract in Latia's hands. This was the contract of a civilisation so she had to think of this seriously.
"I am listening."
Latia began to explain what they were offering in detail.
"My fiance is one of the few beings who can teleport to the Moon along with my uncle Ajuka Beelzebub. At the moment, he just finished reactivating the core on the Moon and setting up a small air pocket. Magic can do many wonders after all. Soon, we will get a stable atmosphere and gravity the same as Earth."
Latia let that slip as world leaders could summon Satan for a great sum of either money or something of equal value. Plus, the fact that Kurayami was strong enough to affect something on the scale of a Celestial Body meant he had to be at least that strong.
Luciana started to think about what they were telling.
'Next head of Grigori and niece of a Super Devil. If they are marrying it means that the Fallen Angels and Devils are in alliance. If they are saying the truth, they can just destroy us. I have to listen.'
"So, you have done this already and now you are talking to just me or more countries? That changes things after all."
Latia answered truthfully.
"You are the first we are pitching this to. This contract here is both a magic one and a cursed one. If you break the terms on it, you will be inflicted with a terrible curse. You will also be forced to sign a River Styx pact as well."
Luciana held her hand so Latia handed it over so she started to read the contract.
'America will get a 10-year head start before other countries are offered the same. 5% of the profits, protection from Supernatural threats, an alliance with Grigori and the Astaroth family. A chance to participate in Supernatural and technological research and I will get to stay in office for those 10 years.'
That last part was something Latia put in as she knew politicians hungered for more power. Luciana also bit the bait as she looked at it.
"How will the last part be done? This country only lets a president serve 2 terms and for 8 years at max. I have already served a year in office."
Latia pointed to Kurayami.
"All he needs to do is say so and it will be done. Politics and rules stop mattering when you can destroy parts of the world on a whim do they not?"
Latia leaned forward with a sweet smile on her face.
"You are not the only one we can offer this deal you know? We can just as easily offer it to any other country on this planet. Maybe Japan, England, Germany, Russia, or China will be more interested in this if the U.S wants to give this offer up."
Luciana read the contract several times over as this would affect the future of the human race, no all races on Earth. Plus the 10-year head start over other countries was the biggest offer.
She grabbed her pen and sighed the contract on the dotted line. When her full name was signed a black mark appeared on her hand. She also felt a feeling in her mind that let her know this was legit. Latia explained some more information as it was going to be a big deal.
"Now that you have sighed, let's talk more. Grigori, the Astaroth family, and I hope the United States will both offer manpower to this effort. As the Moon belongs to my fiancé, after the initial 10 years you will have to pay a tax to keep any buildings you build."
Hearing that last part made Luciana frown.
"The Outer Space Treaty says no one may own Space. Not to mention the Artemis Accords-"
Latia stopped smiling as she looked at the president with the full force of a Ultimate Class Devil. Only reason the Special Service and her guards were not rushing in was that Kurayami knocked everyone out when he entered.
"Laws and treaties are only things that bind the weak. When you have power, all that stops mattering. You might have the greatest human army on this planet, but all of them are as weak as dust in front of real power."
Luciana had no choice, but accept that.
"Alright, when is the earliest we can start?"
Latia thought about it as magic and Demonic power all could create bases quickly. Annabeth was going to be busy designing it so she had an answer.
"At the soonest, 6 months. In that time Grigori and my family will have staked claims to territory on the Moon. We will also prepare it for habitation as we want a steady population on the Moon to access the Moon."
'They will get a head start on the biggest and most expensive deposits. As expected.'
Luciana thought about and knew their was only to gain. As long as they could have access to the material on the Moon, they could stop buying from other countries.
"Alright, if that is everything I will prepare on my end. On the contract, it says workers must sign a magic contract and a River Styx pact on top of a 10-year service. Will they be forced to stay on the Moon?"
Latia did not have an answer.
"At this moment, only a truly powerful being can open a portal that distance. Setting up a stable device that can turn on a portal will require some effort, but if my uncle and Azazel work on it together it will be done before then."
Luciana also saw another clause that was interesting.
"You want a steady supply of inmates? I am not sure if I can agree to this."
Kurayami shook his head as she already signed the contract.
"This is not a suggestion, it was part of the deal. I need a supply of 500 of them a month. I will have people scan their minds to make sure they did their crimes, as we need test subjects. It will get rid of them as their rights do not matter. Humans are after all a dime a dozen."
Luciana agreed.
"Fine, it will have to be kept on the down-low as the people will protest."
Raynare had kept quiet the whole time and now she walked forward. Vritra coiled around her and filled up the entire office. The aura of a Dragon King filled the small office as he slinked toward her.
"One of my soul fragments is in this country. After this, we will kill the one who hosts it and claim it back."
Luciana did know who had it.
"I need to know who has it?"
Kurayami knew where and who had it so he answered.
"It is in the headquarters of the C.I.A, a man by the name of Jayden Hyde. Part of your supernatural division."
She pulled out a record of all agents in that division and saw his file.
'Vritra sacred gear possessor, can use black flames, shadows and create tentacles of darkness. A talent, we can't lose him.'
"I can't give him up. He is very valuable and-"
Raynare released her full aura combined with her status as a Seraph at the border of becoming a semi-Super Fallen Angel and a Dragon King host both put a huge amount of pressure on the human president.
"That soul fragment belongs to me and Vritra. If he says we are taking it, we are taking it."
The president grit her teeth as in this whole deal she was on the losing end. They were right, without power they were nothing.
"Take it."
Kurayami swung his hand down and cut into space into the man in question's office. He stabbed his arm into it and grabbed Jayden by the collar. The man in question was in his office writing a report and before he could react he was ripped through it.
Kurayami held him up as he closed the hole in space he opened up. Jayden was going to activate his sacred gear, but all Vritra had to do was will for it to not work. Before he could say anything, he saw the President in front of him look away.
"I am sorry Jayden. Rest in peace."
Raynare stabbed her hand into his chest which caused Luciana to recoil. Raynare had a maniacal look on her face as this was the biggest fragment of Vritra that was left. There was one more, but this was the biggest one.
What came out was Jayden's heart that Viritra bit into and swallowed in one go. Raynare felt the soul fuse with the fragments she had. The moment when she felt the power rush through her body.
Her eyes turned into those of a Dragon for a second before they returned to their violet. She could feel it, she was even closer to becoming a Super Fallen angel. Esdeath was going to be livid about this.
Kurayami looked at the body he was still holding and was about to Incinerate it. Luciana raised a hand to stop him as she saw the flames in his hands.
"Wait, he was a loyal agent and should be buried. I can't let you destroy his body."
Kurayami dropped it on the ground as he prepared to leave.
"We have talked all about what we need to do. Just make sure that you be ready in 6 months."
Kurayami decide to show off and he stabbed his hands out and held onto the edges of space. He spread his hands out and started to rip open space in a way that allowed the president to look into the other side.
Kurayami roared as he ripped the portal open and stepped through it. She saw the Lunar surface and how Annabeth was flying in the sky and using her power to create buildings as placeholders. They were pretty much hollow and were meant to just be replaced with the official buildings later on.
He turned around and reminded the president.
"You have 6 months. Send the first wave of criminals next month. I will send someone to check if they were guilty or not."
Next, it was Latia as she did not even look back at her.
"Thank you for the time. You will not regret it."
When she walked through, the bloody Raynare remained. She wiped the blood on her hands as if it was just water.
"Don't try to get revenge for him. One agent is worth shit compared to the riches my Kurayami is giving you."
Once she stepped through and the portal closed the president slumped in her chair. Her forehead was covered in sweat as Kurayami had kept a steady pressure the whole time.
"Power? We humans have barely scratched the surface while they can simply rip open space like paper. Maybe magic is the way to go instead of technology."