
Leveling System in Apocalypse World

This will be a story about a survivor who tried to survive until the End but still died. "I regret my entire Life" The young man said as he was surrounded by a lot of zombies. He knew that he didn't have a chance now that he was bitten at least he wouldn't die getting eaten to chunks by Zombies. He trusted many people but in the end all of them Betrayed him, They used him and when he had no used anymore they would just throw him to the landfill. He regrets for not living his life, Having a Love and He regrets that in the end he didn't survive. [Leveling System Activated] [Host last wished has been granted...] [Activating Reality Breaker] [Gaia has not agreed on the transport] [Host wish is a top priority] [Disposing Opposition....] [Opposition Destroyed] [Reality Breaker Activated] The young man felt an earth and saw the buildings around him collapsed. He looks at the sky and saw a crack that was trying to suck him in. He tried to hold onto something but he was already flying through the sky before he could do it. [Preparing for year 2012] [Travelling in 3....2.....1....0] The Crack sucked him from the world and the young man was dragged into the abyss. (MC is Evil)

PBOM2004 · Võ hiệp
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62 Chs

TA: Awakening Part 3, The Devil?

In the dark night, Leo was just staring at the Leviathan waiting for Alex to come out of its body. After waiting 5 minutes something happened on the Body of the Leviathan, Leo was also surprise on how the Flashbang was very effective on the Leviathan but before he could think of that.

The Leviathan's back exploded with a purple explosion, Something came out of it like a shooting star straight to the sky. Leo saw Alex flying through the sky unconscious, He smiles proudly when Alex was out of the Damn Tentacle monster body.

Leo jumps towards the sky as he catches Alex in a princess carry style, He couldn't help but frowned when he saw something new on Alex's body. It had a tail and Leo also notices 2 small horn coming from her head, He stares at the Leviathan who was screaming in pain when Alex exploded out of its body.

"Fire!" Leo ordered the Mac Cannon, The Mac Cannon that was already charge aims it barrels towards the Leviathan. The Cannon was surrounded by lightning as it was preparing to fire without breaking apart.


A loud sound was heard, The Mac Cannon fired the 3000 ferric-ton tungsten towards the Leviathan. When it fired the a shockwave appeared around it uprooting all trees that is in the 100 meters near it.

The Speed of the tungsten was very fast that it left something that looks like a red light which makes it look like a Laser heading towards the sky. The Tungsten then hits the Leviathan instantly as the Mac Cannon fired.

Leo was holding Alex in his arms covering her ears, The Mac Cannon was very loud and it would burst a normal human's air drums. Luckily Leo and Alex were far from a Normal Human, He looks at the Leviathan and saw a huge hole in its body.

The Leviathan slowly falls towards the ground leaving a small shake in its death, Leo stands up and stares at the sky.

"It pass through the body but it seems that the Leviathan is dead" Leo sighed while still carrying Alex on his arms, A moment later he could hear Notifications that came from Charlotte.

[Leo has Completed the Quest]

[Rewards gain: 5 Levels, 5 skill points, Inventory, And WISDOM Skill]

[You have Level up]

[You have Level up]

[You have Level up]

[You have Level up]

[You have Level up]

[Please choose a skill that Leo wants to upgrade]

Leo was bombarded by multiple notifications that came from Charlotte, He also notice that there was something weird with Charlotte's voice but he decided to ignore it.

This was what he was waiting, The reason he didn't want to build Massive things is that. Where can he put it, he doesn't want the military of this place on his tail if they knew he could create something like this. Leo was very strong but he was the kind of guy that makes sure nothing bad would happen due to his past experience.

"Charlotte, Can you explain my new skill" Leo said, he was met in silence until he heard Charlotte's emotionless voice.


[WISDOM: A skill that would increase all Leo's skill proficiency by 10 folds and will increase depending on Rank. This skill would also make Leo's learning speed and understanding on various knowledge be beyond human comprehension but it is depended on the Skill Rank. The skill would fortify Leo's will so that Mind control tricks won't happen and This skill would keep Leo's emotion at bay]

"So this skill would make my training in skill a lot easier, This would also make my creation skill more easier to use. My learning speed and my understanding also increased by many folds. This skill could be considered overpowered by its own right, Keeping my Emotion at bay doesn't mean cutting my emotion off. This would only make me act rationally but my emotion is still there" Leo said after reading the whole description, He was very surprise on this skill. The name doesn't suggest something overpowered but with this skill, All his skills would probably turn into something overpowered.

"Charlotte, What about Inventory" What Leo wants to know was the Inventory. How could he use it and what is the size that can be fit in the inventory.

[The Inventory isn't a skill, It is a function that was given to Leo in the form of quest] Charlotte answered with her typical monotone voice.

"Please give me the Inventory's description" Leo said, He really wants to know about the inventory. In games it might be something common but this is real life, Storing things into the inventory is useful for survival and also it can be use to hide many things that could not be seen by normal humans.

[Got it]

[Inventory: The Inventory is a system function that will be given in a form of quest. It can store anything that is own by the owner, Charlotte will decide if Leo's owns the thing that he want to put inside the Inventory. The Size doesn't matter as long as Leo owns it, The Numbers can be stacked if its has the same name and looks as the thing that Leo decide to stacked. Current Slots 0/20. Upgrade depended on Leo's Rank]

"So this is how Inventory works, Let's test it out later. I will need to take care of Alex first but I still need to Upgrade my skills" Leo said while putting his hands on his chin staring at the sky blankly.

"Charlotte, Upgrade My creation skill to the Max, Upgrade the Wisdom skill to the Max and keep the remaining Skill points for later" Leo said, The reason he upgrades the Wisdom skill to the max was because it was extremely useful for him and will also make his training more easier than before.

[Creation has been Upgraded]

[WISDOM has been Upgraded]

[WISDOM has been Upgraded]

[WISDOM has been Upgraded]

[WISDOM has been Upgraded]

[WISDOM has been Upgraded]


[Creation has been upgraded to max Rank, The original Description has been edited]






[WISDOM has been upgraded to max Rank, the effects will be now 1000x]

[The remaining 4 skill points will be stored]

Leo was met with a lot of Notifications but after reading it one by one, He was surprised on reaching the Max rank. Although he was expecting it to stopped at S rank, He heard about the Creation's description had gotten change but he will read it after leaving the forest.

"Charlotte, Let me see my Status" Leo was curious on what his status was after this upgrade, Its been months since he leveled up. His Attributes would probably monstrous, It would make him something beyond superhuman.

[Understood] He heard Charlotte's usual monotone voice.

[System Update....]

[Status has been updated for more details] Charlotte said with her emotionless voice.


Name: Leo Sinclair

Rank 1

Level 5


STR- 64.4->92.2 = Power 90 tons.

AGI- 69.6->94.8 = Speed 1000 km/hour.

VIT- 68.4->94.2 = Impossible to kill other than using Military Bombs.

DEX-68.8->94.4 = Can hit a bullseye, 10 kilometers away.

INT-88.4->114.2 = Intelligence Above 1000 IQ.

[Average or Peak human Attributes-0.1 to 1]


Gun Mastery(A), Special Forces Techniques(B), Academy Mastery(D), Dagger Mastery(B). Creation(S), Flying knives teleporting skill(A), Mind control(C), WISDOM(S)

Skill Points- 4


□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □

Money: 1000(Came from the Ranking up Bonus),


"Wow I'm really powerful and the update is really convenient" Leo said while looking at his status. He could be called a monster and this is not even including the quest rewards that the Training Arc will give.

"I may be a monster but meeting a tentacle monster would literally broaden my horizon. Even with my strength I couldn't defeat that monster, All of it was thanks to my Creation skill. Creating a Mac Cannon was hard but with my Creation skill Max out, All I need to do is understand the things that I want to create then it will be created instantly" Leo said while gripping his fist.

He looks at the Alex who was in front of him still unconscious, He stares at her body but he was looking at the Tail who still didn't stopped wiggling around. Leo also looks at the tiny horns that was on Alex's head.

"This is what they call a Devil, But considering the fact a tentacle monster that came from hell exist. Devil could probably exist, Alex looks cute and what is this Black Scarf. I don't remember giving her a Black scarf, We need to get out of here." Leo sighed and shakes his head, They really need to get out of this forest. Their location is compromise due to the Mac Cannon and the Leviathan.

Leo was still looking at the tail that was still wiggling around and couldn't help but touch it with his hands. The Tail quickly dodge Leo's hand but it underestimated Leo's power, Leo quickly uses his dexterity and agility as he quickly got on hold of Alex's tail.

"This tail is very soft, Why is this very addicting" Leo smiles while still holding the tail, He was touching the tail with his hand and kept rubbing it onto his face.

[Leo, This is the last warning. You shouldn't cross that path] Leo heard Charlotte's monotone voice he quickly got a hold on himself and couldn't help but be shocked. He was very thankful on Charlotte's reminder.

"What the hell happen, Did I just go- No! Fuck I need to train my Resistance fast. This is bullshittery" Leo said with a serious voice. He was very shocked when the tail almost controlled him for a moment, He marks Alex's tail as the most dangerous being he ever encountered. No matter how cute it was, The tail was very dangerous.

Leo puts the Mac Cannon onto his inventory before he would leave. He looks around the place where the cabin was but it was like battlefield, He sighed and remembered the time he was training here.

"Charlotte, I will continue my training. Teleport me near the Atlantic Coast in Europe, Turn the teleportation to Full power destroy everything here." Leo said while carrying Alex with a princess carry style.

[Understood, Activating Long Distance Teleportation skill MAX POWER]

When Charlotte said that with her monotone voice, The Dark storm that was on top of Leo circled around him. It was gathering the lightning on the sky, It looks like a cloud whirlpool was heading towards Leo.

[Charging is completed, Firing Long Distance Teleportation skill] After Charlotte said it with her emotionless voice, The lightning that was gathered on the sky turns into Golden lightning and A Golden Thunder struck Leo and Alex.

The Explosion was very strong that it was comparable to a 35 megaton bomb, It destroyed everything that could be use as a lead to an Investigation. A black smoke covered the whole place and after it slowly disappears, Leo and Alex was not seen and disappeared from the forest.


In the Babylon headquarters, You could see many people running around in panic while many papers were flying around.

"Something just exploded on the Forest near Mont Blanc" One of the officers said while still looking at the forest through the satellite. They couldn't see what was happening on the forest due to the storm but they quickly notice it when the explosion happen.

"Something jus went out of Earth's atmosphere in 4% the speed of light" Another officer said.

"Our G-Force user searching team is currently heading towards the Forest" Another Officer said while looking at Neptune.

"Isn't this forest the place where we searched for another G-Force User name Alex, This may be connected to the storm and the explosion that is happening but how the hell did something leave the earth in 4% the speed of light" Neptune said while sitting on the Admiral seat, He furrowed his brows when he heard the things that were happening.

The Babylon's Headquarters was a 2 km Submarine and it was currently in the Subterranean sea or the sea that was below Italy, which was why they immediately notice the explosion.

"Problems are appearing Left and Right, Jeanne really got it lucky when she was assigned in being the Guardian of Gilgamesh" Neptune said while sighing at his unluckiness.