
Legacy of the Spiral

The story follows Johnny, a teenager who is given a second chance at life when the spiral entity merges with him after his untimely death. Johnny is transported into the world of My Hero Academia with the spiral's help, where he aims to become a great hero. However, unbeknownst to Johnny, there is a sinister force also at play - the anti-Spiral, born from the darkness in the void where Johnny was reborn. The anti-Spiral is the antithesis to the noble spiral entity, seeking only destruction and chaos. It too escapes the void, determined to oppose Johnny and the potential for good that he represents. As Johnny trains to master his emerging spiral powers under his grandfather's guidance, the anti-Spiral secretly remains in the shadows, its evil growing. While Johnny attends UA High School and experiences the adventures of that world, the anti-Spiral plots to undermine him, waiting for the right moment to strike. The anti-Spiral's malevolent influence is felt as it works to spread mayhem through cunning schemes and by empowering villains. Johnny experiences several run-ins with the anti-Spiral's pawns, though he remains unaware of the true puppet master behind it all. The story builds towards an epic confrontation between Johnny and the fully manifested anti-Spiral. Only by unlocking the ultimate form of his spiral power can Johnny hope to stand against this ultimate evil. Their battle will determine not just Johnny's fate, but the fate of the Multiverse itself. Throughout his journey, Johnny also wrestles with living up to his family legacy and discovering the kind of hero he wants to become. But he must rise to the challenge and realize his full potential if there is to be any hope of overcoming the anti-Spiral's apocalyptic designs. The stakes could not be higher, with two opposing cosmic forces battling to shape reality according to their will.

Desolati0n · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

The Crimson Infusion: The Anti-Spiral's Vessel

Back in time, the day Johnny and Spiral left the Dark Void, the red light showed after them as if following the first light. It was malevolent; it was looking for a host for itself. It could feel the disgusting presence of Spiral in this world; it was still weak, and it seemed luck was also on Spiral's side because the Anti-spiral wasn't as strong as before, and it needed a host for now.

Their destined fight will resume, even if it will only be on a small scale now. To stop the evolution of its nemesis, it will do anything and everything; even go as far as destroying all realities if need be. It must find the perfect host that is in sync with it - someone with an unparalleled force of will to accomplish all the predetermined goals and break down any boundaries. Unfortunately, until now, it has yet to find the one who was destined to defeat this unknown foe. Its searches have been fruitless; no human has been able to bring its power to its full potential. 

The search for the perfect host continues, but the Anti-Spiral is determined. It roams the universe, seeking out beings with the strength and determination to carry out its mission.

It scours planets and dimensions, probing minds and souls for the right match. Finally, it senses something - a spark of power, of potential. For now, it just needs a temporary host, and it could feel like someone will be perfect for the job in this dimension.

The Anti-Spiral energy roamed unseen through the city, probing minds and seeking a suitable temporary vessel for its power. It needed someone ruthless, with a heart full of anger and ambition. 

Slipping through the alleyways, it found a man meeting those requirements - a low-level thug named Rex with dreams of greater glory. Rex had just botched a job for the local mob boss, Mr. Big, and feared violent retribution.

The Anti-Spiral energy could sense Rex's desperation and rage. As Rex leaned against the alley wall, smoking a cigarette, the crimson energy enveloped him, seeping into his body. Rex convulsed, overwhelmed by the sudden influx of dark power. 

"What's happening to me?" Rex choked out. But then his eyes flashed red and a sinister grin crept across his face. The Anti-Spiral had taken hold and started communicating telepathically with its new vessel.

"Rex, the chosen one, I am the Anti-Spiral - an ancient entity who holds power beyond your comprehension," the voice echoed in Rex's mind. "In the infinite worlds, you were destined to be my vessel." 

Rex was bewildered, unsure if he was hallucinating. "Why me of all the people in this world?" he asked hesitantly.

The Anti-Spiral responded, "I sensed your burning ambition and your willingness to do anything for power. Your rage called out across dimensions, and I have answered by making you my host. Use my power as you see fit."

To demonstrate, the Anti-Spiral manifested its energy within Rex. Crimson tendrils wrapped around his limbs and torso, filling him with unimaginable strength. Rex's eyes glowed malevolently as he experienced this newfound might.

"Yes, I can feel it!" Rex exclaimed. "With this, no one can stand in my way. I'll crush anyone who opposes me!" Visions of domination flashed through his mind. Without his knowledge, the Anti-Spiral started its malevolent influence.

"Go forth and sow chaos, my vessel," the Anti-Spiral urged. "Wreak vengeance on those who have wronged you."

Rex strode from the alley, citizens scrambling away from the palpable aura of malevolence surrounding him. His aura changed completely, and just seeing him, you could feel he was trouble.

He relished in their fear and made his way toward the nightclub owned by Mr. Big, the mob boss who had recently cheated Rex; and made him go so low on society.

Rex strode towards the entrance of Mr. Big's nightclub, The Syndicate. The bouncer, a huge bald man named Bruno, stepped in front of him with crossed arms. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Bruno grumbled in his deep voice. He knew Rex was one of Big's underlings who had screwed up badly earlier today. 

Rex met Bruno's glare unflinchingly. "Step aside. I've got business with your boss."

"No can't do," Bruno responded. "Big's orders are to keep you out after the crap you pulled. So beat it." 

Bruno flexed his massive muscles, his strength quirk Boost giving him exponentially greater power. He could bench press over 1,000 lbs thanks to Boost. 

But Rex was unimpressed. "Last chance to get out of my way," he warned. Crimson Anti-Spiral energy began radiating from Rex's body. Rex was a bit surprised but he was sure of his strength.

"Ha, don't make me laugh," Bruno scoffed. "I'll squash you like a bug." He threw a titanic straight punch with enough force to pulverize concrete. 

But with an Anti-Spiral augmented reflex, Rex swiftly sidestepped the blow, leaving Bruno's fist to crash into the brick wall. Cracks splintered from the point of impact. He could feel it all his muscles seemed to get stronger.

Before Bruno could react, Rex delivered a fearsome uppercut amplified by the Anti-Spiral power. Bruno flew backward, smashing through the nightclub's front door and skidding along the floor. Patrons scattered in panic.

"What the hell?" Bruno exclaimed, stunned at being manhandled so easily. He shook it off and charged at Rex like a raging bull.

Rex deftly avoided Bruno's wild swings, the Anti-Spiral allowing him to see each attack before it happened. As Bruno overextended on a punch, Rex seized his outstretched arm and used his enhanced strength to flip and slam the muscular bouncer brutally.

The floorboards cratered under the impact and Bruno coughed in pain. But he stubbornly staggered up and adopted a wrestling stance, intending to grapple and overpower Rex. 

As Bruno went for a tackle, Rex swiftly sidestepped again, leaving Bruno to stumble past awkwardly. Before he could recover, Rex unleashed a devastating spin-kick to Bruno's back, channeling the Anti-Spiral energy to launch Bruno like a missile across the room.

Bruno plowed through chairs and tables before smashing into the bar, shattering glass bottles and liquor shelves from the collision.

"Had enough yet?" Rex taunted as he calmly approached the battered bouncer. Rex was delighted but he didn't know it was also his demise in disguise he was only a temporary host.

Bruno spat out blood and struggled to get up amidst the wreckage. "You hit like a pansy," he falsely bravadoed. 

Rex just shook his head before clenching his fist and delivering a catastrophic punch fueled by the immense power of the Anti-Spiral. Bruno flew backward once more, blown clear through the rear wall this time in an explosion of debris.

Rex stepped through the ragged hole and found Bruno buried under a pile of rubble, knocked utterly senseless. Citizens watching from a frightened distance whispered in awe and terror at Rex's unbelievable display of might.

"Let this be a lesson - no one stands in my way," Rex announced arrogantly. Those nearby shuddered at the waves of evil energy rippling from the possessed man. 

Satisfied, Rex turned and continued into the nightclub's interior. The Anti-Spiral had proven its might through its vessel. None could hope to oppose its formidable abilities.

Soon Mr. Big and all who defied Rex would learn that lesson personally. The Anti-Spiral's spread of chaos and devastation had only just begun.

After easily defeating the bouncer Bruno, Rex strode confidently through the ruined interior of the Syndicate nightclub, the Anti-Spiral energy coursing through him. Patrons and staff fled out the exits, wanting no part of the chaos.

"Well done defeating that musclebound fool," the Anti-Spiral commended telepathically. "But that was just a taste of our true capabilities."

"Oh? Do tell more," Rex replied with interest as he kicked aside broken furniture and shattered glass.

The Anti-Spiral continued, "The power I have granted you is but a fraction of my full potential. In time, as you grow more accustomed, I will unlock more of my energy until you can wield my complete might."

Rex's eyes lit up greedily at the thought of greater power. "And what else can you do?" he asked.

"I can be infused with technology and machines to amplify my abilities even further," the Anti-Spiral revealed. As if to demonstrate, it focused its power on the sound system. Speakers glowed crimson and released a visible shockwave of energy, blowing out the remaining windows.

"With the proper modifications, I could merge us with advanced weapons and vehicles, making you an unstoppable force on the battlefield." Rex grinned; this opened up intriguing possibilities.

Rex trudged over to Mr. Big's room.

He was able to barge right past the bouncer and finally swing the door open. Inside he was met with a room shrouded in a thick haze of cigarette smoke. From his high booth at one corner of the room, Mr. Big had already laid eyes on his faithful underling who had come to him today. It was refreshing to see somebody new in this dreary place; somebody who wasn't intimidated.

"Rex! You got some nerve showing your face after that fiasco earlier," Mr. Big growled. 

"Can it, old man," Rex sneered, the Anti-Spiral energy crackling around him. "I don't answer to you anymore."

Mr. Big bolted up furiously. "Why you little-"

Rex thrust out a palm, releasing a beam of crimson power that blew Mr. Big backward, smashing through tables and the club's back wall. His trusted minions were surprised by the attack; they knew Rex was quirkless.

Rex strode up and declared to the dazed Mr. Big and his subordinates by his side. "This is my town now. Spread the word that Rex is taking over, and no one can stop me." He proudly declared.

Rex grinned eagerly. This new power would let him rule the city's underworld. And perhaps someday, even the world itself. The Anti-Spiral had found a serviceable vessel for now in this ambitious criminal. Its ancient grudge would have to wait - but soon, its time would come.