
Legacy of the Spiral

The story follows Johnny, a teenager who is given a second chance at life when the spiral entity merges with him after his untimely death. Johnny is transported into the world of My Hero Academia with the spiral's help, where he aims to become a great hero. However, unbeknownst to Johnny, there is a sinister force also at play - the anti-Spiral, born from the darkness in the void where Johnny was reborn. The anti-Spiral is the antithesis to the noble spiral entity, seeking only destruction and chaos. It too escapes the void, determined to oppose Johnny and the potential for good that he represents. As Johnny trains to master his emerging spiral powers under his grandfather's guidance, the anti-Spiral secretly remains in the shadows, its evil growing. While Johnny attends UA High School and experiences the adventures of that world, the anti-Spiral plots to undermine him, waiting for the right moment to strike. The anti-Spiral's malevolent influence is felt as it works to spread mayhem through cunning schemes and by empowering villains. Johnny experiences several run-ins with the anti-Spiral's pawns, though he remains unaware of the true puppet master behind it all. The story builds towards an epic confrontation between Johnny and the fully manifested anti-Spiral. Only by unlocking the ultimate form of his spiral power can Johnny hope to stand against this ultimate evil. Their battle will determine not just Johnny's fate, but the fate of the Multiverse itself. Throughout his journey, Johnny also wrestles with living up to his family legacy and discovering the kind of hero he wants to become. But he must rise to the challenge and realize his full potential if there is to be any hope of overcoming the anti-Spiral's apocalyptic designs. The stakes could not be higher, with two opposing cosmic forces battling to shape reality according to their will.

Desolati0n · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The Shadow of the Past: The Onyx Trail

In the depths of the Graham mansion, Hector sat in his study, the room dimly lit by the glow of a single desk lamp. Papers were strewn across the desk, each one holding a clue; a piece of the puzzle that was Onyx, the nemesis who had taken so much from him. Hector's hands, once steady and strong, now trembled with a mix of age and barely contained rage.

During the day, Hector kept up appearances, playing the role of the doting grandfather raising his orphaned grandson. But at night, alone in his study, his obsession grew.

It had been years since their last confrontation, but Hector knew Onyx was still out there, plotting his next move.

Hector poured over every resource he could, chasing every rumor and leading to uncover Onyx's whereabouts. Hector poured over crime scene photos, logs of Onyx's previous heists, and maps marked with possible hideouts.

Onyx had gone into hiding after killing Hector's son Devon and daughter-in-law. He was a cunning strategist and had managed to evade capture all this time. But Hector was determined to track him down and get justice for his family.

"Devon Graham was one of the few who ever came close to stopping your plans," Hector muttered aloud, searching thoroughly in a file. "If only I had put a stop to you sooner, my boy might still be alive."

"Onyx, I will find you no matter what, and I won't make the same mistake again." Hector was determined to finish everything without involving Johnny in it; the record of that accident was kept secret. Johnny only knows that his parents died in a villain attack; he doesn't know more details. Hector sighed again "But sooner or later, Johnny will know the truth. Maybe one day, when he's ready, I will tell him, or he will find out by himself".

Now in hiding, Onyx was likely plotting his next move to seize control of the city's criminal empire. Hector knew it was only a matter of time before he emerged again. He had to find Onyx first.

Onyx had ruined his family, leaving Johnny an orphan. No, Johnny is 10 years old, and Hector sensed Onyx was moving again after being silent for more than 10 years.

Hector's hand paused over a particular report. It was an eyewitness account of a man with a dark aura, his presence enough to chill the bones of those who crossed his path. This was no ordinary criminal; this was someone with a grudge, someone with power. This had Onyx's signature written all over it.

"Now that I have found your trail, I won't let you escape." Hector got out of his study room; he needed to meet his informant.

Determined, Hector grabbed his coat and headed out. He had contacts to meet and leads to follow. The night was going to be long, and the path ahead was treacherous, but Hector was no stranger to the darkness. He had walked it before, and he would walk it again—this time for his grandson.

At the same time, Johnny discovered all of this information. People in the house didn't know, but his quirk was already on another level; his control over it grew a lot, and he opened the path of technology. He could control machines; he had some insect robots with a camera on the house; he discovered it all; and he knew the killer of his parents was Onyx. "Onyx, who is behind this name? I didn't find much information on him; it's as if he didn't exist." a fire was lit in Johnny's heart; it was as if a signal that the time to explore the world had come, and in the first case, it's to discover Onyx's identity and find him. It is not only Hector's burden now that he knows it; he will take some of it for himself.

Hector ventured out alone into the city's underbelly, as he had many times before. His worn overcoat could not shield him from the chill of harsh memories. Devon should have stood by his side that night.

Hector met a nervous informant in a dingy bar. "Well, what is the good news that you have for me?"

"Sir Hector, I have done my research, and something big seems to have been happening in the underworld. An organization started recruiting new villains, and their objective is still a mystery to me," said the man.

"Did you get any wind of that man's presence in all of this?" Hector asked impatiently.

"Yes, I heard some news of his comeback. I didn't confirm it yet; they are just rumors, and it's strange for him to announce himself like this; something seems fishy." The man was worried he had been in the underworld for many years; Onyx was a master in the field of deception. "Yes, I feel the same, but I don't have a choice. For all these years, this is one of the moments I got near my objectives."

"I have gotten wind of his presence; I can't miss this chance." Hector said this was an opportunity that he couldn't miss, even if things were strange; this time he would get Onyx no matter what.

"I understand. I will tell you the last intel that I got; I heard he's rebuilding his empire." This news confirmed the veteran hero's worst fears: Onyx was rebuilding his empire, vying for control once more. For a hefty payoff, the man revealed the location of a new base of operations, Warehouse 19, at the docks.

Hector will go there himself; he's sure he will find more info there. As all of this was happening, a little insect was following him all along, it got all the information it also needed, so Johnny now knew things more clearly. "I see, this news is good now Maybe I should try to hack on some government files and maybe I can find more pieces of information on Onyx." Some hours later, Hector returned home.

The day after the late-night meeting, Hector woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. He headed downstairs, where he found Johnny already awake and tinkering with a small robot at the kitchen table.

"Good morning, my boy," Hector said, ruffling Johnny's hair affectionately. "Did you sleep well?"

"Morning, Grandpa!" Johnny replied cheerfully, looking up from his project. "Yeah, I slept great. Check out this robot I'm working on - I'm trying to get it to bring me juice all on its own!"

Hector chuckled at his grandson's antics. It seemed no matter what darkness he faced out in the city, Johnny's youthful spirit and innovation never ceased to lift his own mood.

Just then, Nel emerged from the kitchen holding two plates of pancakes dripping with syrup. "Good morning, sirs! I made your favorite breakfast to start the day off right."

"It looks delicious as always, Nel," Hector said warmly, taking his place at the table. Johnny eagerly dug into the sweet pancakes, getting syrup on his cheeks.

Later, after Johnny left for school, Hector retreated to his study to review his notes on Onyx. But his mind kept going back to the pleasant morning - Johnny's laughter, Nel's thoughtful care. It was these small joys that kept his spirit strong.

That afternoon, when Johnny returned, he burst into Hector's study with excitement. "Grandpa, guess what? I got an A on my robotics test."

Hector beamed with pride, putting aside his work to give Johnny a high five. "That's my boy. I knew all that tinkering would pay off." Johnny talked a mile a minute about his day while Hector listened happily.

In the evening after dinner, they headed out to the yard to get some training in. Johnny was eager to show off his developing skills. As they laughed and sparred beneath the setting sun, the lingering darkness couldn't touch them. They had each other, come what may.

Before bed, Nel tucked Johnny in snugly and kissed his forehead. "Sweet dreams, my little hero," she said warmly. Down the hall, Hector slept peacefully, renewed by the simple joys of that day.

The battle against evil was constant, but life went on in pockets of light - small moments of connection that sustained the soul. For now, Hector and Johnny savored this brief respite, gathering strength for the challenges ahead.

The next day, Hector headed to the docks alone to investigate Warehouse 19. He was more cautious than ever, constantly scanning for any sign of guards or unusual activity.

As he searched the perimeter, he noticed recent tire tracks leading away from the warehouse toward a more secluded area of the docks. His instincts told him to follow them.

Hector tracked the tracks carefully, one hand on his concealed weapon in case of an ambush. The trail ended at an old, decrepit warehouse with boarded-up windows.

Peering inside, Hector could barely make out stacks of large wooden crates. Moving silently, he managed to slip inside through a broken door. Prying open one of the crates, his breath caught in his throat.

Inside was a stockpile of illegal weapons, including military-grade assault rifles. And branded on the crate lid was an ominous black scorpion—Onyx's emblem.

Hector's pulse pounded. After all these years, he was close again. As he moved to investigate further, he heard voices approaching. He quickly darted behind some crates just as two armed men entered.

"Onyx wants these shipments moved within the next 48 hours," one said gruffly. "No mistakes."

Hector's fist clenched at the mention of that name. He had found a solid lead at last. Slipping away unseen, Hector exited and headed home, his mind racing with this new evidence.

Unbeknownst to him, one of Johnny's technopathic drones had followed him and recorded everything. Now Johnny had the information too. They were one step closer to finding Onyx at last. But the path ahead was still filled with shadows...