
Legacy of the Spiral

The story follows Johnny, a teenager who is given a second chance at life when the spiral entity merges with him after his untimely death. Johnny is transported into the world of My Hero Academia with the spiral's help, where he aims to become a great hero. However, unbeknownst to Johnny, there is a sinister force also at play - the anti-Spiral, born from the darkness in the void where Johnny was reborn. The anti-Spiral is the antithesis to the noble spiral entity, seeking only destruction and chaos. It too escapes the void, determined to oppose Johnny and the potential for good that he represents. As Johnny trains to master his emerging spiral powers under his grandfather's guidance, the anti-Spiral secretly remains in the shadows, its evil growing. While Johnny attends UA High School and experiences the adventures of that world, the anti-Spiral plots to undermine him, waiting for the right moment to strike. The anti-Spiral's malevolent influence is felt as it works to spread mayhem through cunning schemes and by empowering villains. Johnny experiences several run-ins with the anti-Spiral's pawns, though he remains unaware of the true puppet master behind it all. The story builds towards an epic confrontation between Johnny and the fully manifested anti-Spiral. Only by unlocking the ultimate form of his spiral power can Johnny hope to stand against this ultimate evil. Their battle will determine not just Johnny's fate, but the fate of the Multiverse itself. Throughout his journey, Johnny also wrestles with living up to his family legacy and discovering the kind of hero he wants to become. But he must rise to the challenge and realize his full potential if there is to be any hope of overcoming the anti-Spiral's apocalyptic designs. The stakes could not be higher, with two opposing cosmic forces battling to shape reality according to their will.

Desolati0n · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Emerging Hero: The Departure of Spiral

Johnny felt an electric current rush through him as his consciousness was suddenly transported into the world of My Hero Academia. He looked around, taking in the details of an unfamiliar bedroom that he now occupied. It took a few moments for him to process what had just happened and to allow himself to believe that it was true. "Whoa, it worked!" he exclaimed with awe as he shouted to Spiral. "This is insane! My Hero Academia, here I am!" This place was nothing like the world that he was in before.

Spiral's reassuring voice echoed in Johnny's mind. "Yes, the transfer was successful. Welcome to your new life in this world." Johnny gingerly flexed his surprisingly small hands and slowly shuffled towards a large mirror, seeing the image of an unfamiliar young boy staring back at him. The magnitude of what had just occurred began to sink in as he reckoned with the implications of his new form; he would have to start life anew from the very beginning and build a world suited for himself.

Johnny looked up at Spiral in his mind with bright eyes, and he exclaimed, "So when do I get my cool superpowers?". Spiral laughed softly and answered, "You must be patient, Johnny. Your abilities will slowly appear as you mature here. Until then, just concentrate on making the most of your childhood and focus on gaining control of the strength deep within you." Johnny nodded in understanding before his expression turned eager again. He asked excitedly, "Will I be able to fly? Or run at the speed of light? Or become invisible?"

"You will be able to accomplish more than you ever thought possible, but it all comes down to your determination and willpower, as well as your imagination," Spiral explained. "No matter what kind of hardship may come up, if you refuse to give up and keep pushing forward, then nothing can stop you." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Success is something that is earned through hard work and dedication, not handed out as some sort of gift or privilege. It's achievable by anyone as long as they strive for it and believe in themselves, and with the power I gave you, you can accomplish anything."

Johnny grinned enthusiastically at Spiral's words, feeling inspired by what he had heard. He was excited to begin the journey of discovering what he was truly capable of and all the amazing things that were waiting down the road for him.

"Okay, let me see how good-looking I am." Johnny was looking in the mirror, observing his face. He had brown hair, green eyes, and a cute little face.

As he studied himself, Johnny remarked, "Huh, not too shabby! I guess I can work with this." He ran his hands through his hair, mussing it up further.

"The green eyes are cool. It kind of has a heroic vibe to it," he mused. "Wonder what my quirk will turn out to be."

Johnny flexed his arms, amused at how tiny they were. "Well, I've got some growing up to do first before I become hero material. But soon enough, I'll be kicking villains and saving the day!"

He grinned at his reflection, feeling eager and optimistic about the future adventures to come. For now, he was just an ordinary little kid on the cusp of discovering his superpowers. But with time and training, Johnny knew he could unlock his full potential.

"Just wait, world! I may look like a scrawny kid for now, but one day I'll be an unstoppable superhero! So get ready, because here I come!" Johnny struck a dramatic pose in front of the mirror, imagining the formidable hero he would someday become.

"I will guide you and help you with anything that I can, Johnny," said Spiral.

"Thanks, Spiral. You gave me a second chance, and I will cherish it and accomplish great things." Johnny said enthusiastically.

Johnny was filled with hope in thought, just when he wanted to ask for more details of the power he was given, he felt a little headache, and some memories appeared in his mind—memories of who he was and his new family.

He was Johnny Graham and lived with his grandfather, who took care of him with the help of his maid. His parents died in a villain's accident; they were targeted by a notorious villain named Onyx Overlord. He wanted vengeance against His grandfather, named Hector Graham. He was a retired hero who served in the Justice Alliance. He was a great hero and saved many lives, but he had a sad story - he was never successful in saving his wife and children, Johnny's grandmother.

Johnny had come to realize that he was in a hero family but a catastrophe happens in the family. "What a tragic fate for my grandfather, losing everyone because of doing good deeds" he felt like he could take up his grandfather's mantle and knowledge to start his hero journey, but he also had a lot of information on this world, mostly about Japan. He would need to learn more about this world and use his powers responsibly to protect people from evil and injustice. With this knowledge, Johnny smiled proudly at himself in the mirror. "It seems I have reincarnated into a prestigious family, with a sad story." Johnny was happy at least he had a grandfather, but sadly, both his parents died in that accident when he was 8 months old.

"Well, at least I got a good starting point, but sadly, no parents," Johnny said to himself. It didn't matter much. He would use his abilities to do good and seek justice for those who lost their lives due to crime or unfairness.

Looking at his room, it was spacious, and it had a big bed in the middle. Everything around the bedroom smelled of money. "Spiral, my friend, thank you for choosing this family for me." Johnny thanked Spiral; he won't be short on necessities here.

"Well, I didn't have control over the family you ended up with," said Spiral. It seemed Johnny was just lucky to get a good starting point.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a beautiful maid entered the room. "Master Johnny, you're awake. I was worried about you. I already called your grandfather. Come here" The maid came running to him and hugged him; she had a worried face. 

It was a little awkward for Johnny he was already old enough in his mind. That love he felt made him remember his old family and he hoped they were alright after his death and they kept living they are life to the fullest.

"Oh, thank God, it seems you don't have a fever anymore." It seemed he had a fever and had been sleeping. The woman was showing genuine love and care. "Let me tell your grandfather right away" She left the room in a hurry.

"If my memories are right, she must be Nel" Johnny was in thought, the love he felt from that woman made him happy and sad at the same time. "Let's forget all these emotions," Johnny said to himself, things were positive he got a new life, and let the past be in the past.

A few minutes later, the door opened again, and his grandfather rushed into the room after hearing the news and just hugged Johnny. "Thank God, you seem all right. Nel, thanks for taking care of my grandson".

Nelly smiled happily, seeing the two of them together. She knew she loved the boy like her child. " I didn't do anything special, but thank God, little Johnny seems okay now."

Johnny was relieved that he had received such a warm welcome from his grandpa. "How are you feeling, my boy?" asked Hector. Looking at him, anyone could see that Johnny was the light of Hector's life.

Johnny knew he couldn't outright say he was alright; he needed to act like a child his age. So he just nodded and said in a little voice "I'm feeling well grandfather."

 "Nel, did you call the doctor?" asked Hector.

"I already did, Sir Hector; the doctor said he's on the way," responded the maid.

"That's good. I need him to check on Johnny. I can't let any harm come to this boy." Hector was still worried about his grandson.

"Grandfather, I'm thirsty," said Johnny in his little voice. He wanted to ease Hector's worry.

"Okay, come my boy let's get you some juice" Hector took Johnny with him as they left the room.

Johnny observed the house as they made their way to the kitchen. He was so curious about this new place and wanted to know more about it. 

Along the way, he noticed some great furniture. "For sure this house reeks of money everywhere," said Johnny to himself.

When they finally arrived at the kitchen, Hector took Johnny to a chair and asked Nel to get him something cold to drink.

Nodding, Nel walked over to the fridge and served Johnny chilled watermelon juice from a glass bottle.

Johnny smiled as he sipped his drink, and for a moment, all the misery in Hector's heart disappeared. He was filled with happiness seeing Johnny smile, He knew that no matter what happened, he would always be there to take care of his family and protect his grandson no matter the cost. 

After drinking his juice, Johnny asked Hector if they could go outside and get some fresh air. "Let's get some air while we wait for the doctor." Hector was still worried even though it seemed his grandson was better now.

He decided he would take Johnny outside and be with him until the doctor arrived. They walked outside together in the afternoon sunshine, enjoying the moment of peace as nature blossomed all around them. Their house was on a Hill it seems, the warmth of the sunshine calmed Hector's heart and gave him a sense of reassurance that everything would be alright. He smiled at Johnny, knowing that no matter what happened, he could always count on Johnny to lift his spirits in the toughest of times.

Soon a butler named Sebastian contacted Hector shortly after the doctor arrived. Hector brought Johnny to see the doctor, who examined him there.

All the house employees seemed to be happy for little master, he was awake and seemed he was also doing good.

The doctor after examining Johnny said the reason Johnny had felt sick was his quirk awakening. He said he needed more time and do for examination to be certain but Johnny was okay, Johnny himself knew the true reason.

Soon the doctor left.

Nel took Johnny to the bathroom for a bath before dinner. After they arrived, she bathed him, Johnny wanted to put some resistance his teenage mind was feeling shame but what could he do? He gave up and they bathed him but he felt refreshed after the bath.

Soon Johnny was at the dining table with his grandfather. After eating, Hector took Johnny to bed.

"Goodnight, my boy," Hector said, his voice warm and filled with love. Johnny looked up at him, his eyes full of admiration for the man who had been such a positive role model until now. Hector reached out and ruffled the young boy's hair affectionately, knowing he wouldn't be around forever to say these words.

Hector left Johnny's room and asked Spiral a question because he felt uneasy. "Spiral, you've been very calm. Is there a problem?" Johnny was worried because Spiral had been quiet all this time as if he only existed in Johnny's memory.

"I need to tell you something, Johnny. As of now, I have accomplished a big part of my mission, and I have spent too much energy merging with you when I was already in a weak state before finding you. I need to hibernate right away. When your spiral power grows stronger, I will return. But for now, you need to continue on your own." 

That revelation surprised Johnny; he hadn't expected what Spiral would say would be this shocking. Would this be farewell? 

"But how am I supposed to know what to do by myself and the way to use my power?" asked Johnny, feeling a little uneasy. It was with Spiral's help that he got a second chance, and now Spiral was leaving. 

"Johnny, I understand your worry, but trust me, I will return. This is just goodbye for now." Spiral's voice was gentle and sincere. He wanted to help Johnny and stay with him. 

Even without Spiral, Johnny knew he would carry on using the strength he gained from their bond. It seemed it was time to say some goodbyes, but first, he needed to learn about his power.

"Spiral, before you go, please tell me about my power and how I can use it," said Johnny. 

"Your power, let's call it spiral energy. Its strength is based on your willpower; it will boost your general abilities but its greatest use is with machines and you will learn how to use it with time" Spiral explained, its presence on Johnny's mind disappearing by the following seconds.

 "Goodbye, Johnny. For now, prepare yourself for potential adversity on your journey, I feel you will face many hard challenges in the future." Spiral's voice faded, leaving a final message.

"Goodbye, Spiral," said John with a sad smile. He had accepted this was a temporary parting. 

Spiral disappeared in a swirling tornado of light in Johnny's mind.

Johnny was now alone. He knew it wouldn't be easy going forward, but he had faith that Spiral would return to guide him one day. He felt a little lonely without his friend. He needed to get more powerful before Spiral came back.

Soon, sleep overtook Johnny.

"Hello everyone! This marks my second chapter, and I hope you all enjoy it. I'm open to any advice you may have. Being my first book, I'm certain there are a fair share of mistakes. Looking forward to seeing you in the next chapter!"

Desolati0ncreators' thoughts