
Legacy of the Spiral

The story follows Johnny, a teenager who is given a second chance at life when the spiral entity merges with him after his untimely death. Johnny is transported into the world of My Hero Academia with the spiral's help, where he aims to become a great hero. However, unbeknownst to Johnny, there is a sinister force also at play - the anti-Spiral, born from the darkness in the void where Johnny was reborn. The anti-Spiral is the antithesis to the noble spiral entity, seeking only destruction and chaos. It too escapes the void, determined to oppose Johnny and the potential for good that he represents. As Johnny trains to master his emerging spiral powers under his grandfather's guidance, the anti-Spiral secretly remains in the shadows, its evil growing. While Johnny attends UA High School and experiences the adventures of that world, the anti-Spiral plots to undermine him, waiting for the right moment to strike. The anti-Spiral's malevolent influence is felt as it works to spread mayhem through cunning schemes and by empowering villains. Johnny experiences several run-ins with the anti-Spiral's pawns, though he remains unaware of the true puppet master behind it all. The story builds towards an epic confrontation between Johnny and the fully manifested anti-Spiral. Only by unlocking the ultimate form of his spiral power can Johnny hope to stand against this ultimate evil. Their battle will determine not just Johnny's fate, but the fate of the Multiverse itself. Throughout his journey, Johnny also wrestles with living up to his family legacy and discovering the kind of hero he wants to become. But he must rise to the challenge and realize his full potential if there is to be any hope of overcoming the anti-Spiral's apocalyptic designs. The stakes could not be higher, with two opposing cosmic forces battling to shape reality according to their will.

Desolati0n · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Journey Begins: A Light in the Darkness

Johnny, a seemingly ordinary teenager who had grown accustomed to the dullness of his school life, had a genuinely good-natured personality that he kept hidden underneath his timid exterior and rarely let others recognize. He didn't realize that this would soon be the day that everything in his life changed. As he walked back home after another mundane day in school, all he could think was how nothing ever seemed to surprise him anymore and how he couldn't expect anything out of the ordinary. "What an ordinary day. All I want is to get home quickly and watch the new season of my favorite anime."

As he was sauntering down the street towards an intersection, he heard a huge truck horn blaring from far away. He stopped in his tracks for a moment, feeling his heart racing as he listened to it getting closer and closer. He looked up and saw it hurtling around the corner, its loud sound still reverberating through the air. It seemed like the driver was in a rush to get somewhere quickly, with no regard for speed limits or other traffic laws. Taking one glance at the approaching truck.

"I need to get out of the way!" Despite his best efforts, it seemed like fate was against him. He thought he would have just enough time to make it, but another person nearby caught him and propelled him right into danger's path. Johnny stumbled as he tried to regain his footing, absolutely frantic now that he was in a situation beyond his control. He felt hopelessness washing over him; without a quick escape route, there was no way for him to move past this, and sadly, it was too late, as Johnny looked in the direction of the truck, which was just a few feet away.

"Oh no!! I am done for." The truck slammed into him, and the agony was worse than he had ever experienced in his life. "Perhaps this is how my journey will come to an end, without me ever fulfilling all the goals I wanted to accomplish. What kind of misfortune did I bring upon myself to get here?" He had never truly appreciated life before this moment, feeling as if he was stuck in a mundane existence that lacked purpose and passion. But now it was late.

Johnny was lamenting about his fate as darkness engulfed him, losing his consciousness little by little and feeling the pain as everything was turning dark. "Father, mother, my time has come. I can't be with you guys anymore. I pray to God that you can have a better future." In his last moment, he prayed, wishing for the best for his family, and finally, darkness took over.

When the morning arrived, the realization that Johnny had been taken away from them so unexpectedly knocked the air out of Johnny's family. Their grief seemed to last an eternity, and eventually, they began to come together and search for ways to manage their pain. His parents took this tragedy as a lesson in life—that life can be short-lived and not a single moment should ever be taken for granted. They cherished every moment they spent with him during his short time here on earth.

In a dark void, something almost surreal was drifting about. It was impossible to make out what it was, but as he gazed at it closer, Johnny realized that it was his soul floating in this infinite abyss. "Where am I? What happened to me? Oh yeah, I remember now; I died." He thought to himself, an overwhelming sense of despair washing over him. He hadn't been able to process the events that had transpired yet; he had been taken so suddenly and without accomplishing anything in life.

He was certain that he had died, but how was it possible for him to still be aware? Was he on his way to the afterlife? A glance around revealed that he was surrounded by nothingness—complete darkness. "Is this death? I guess I have no choice but to accept it," Johnny thought. "But what's next? Is it heaven or hell?" Now filled with questions and curiosity, Johnny felt an increasingly strong urge to find out what lay beyond the darkness.

As if to answer his profound questions, a majestic and blinding ray of light shone through the vast darkness that surrounded him. He could make out a brilliant emerald-green hue; it was mesmerizing. Something within him felt drawn to the light, and he knew without doubt that this mysterious illumination had entered his very soul. He uttered in both awe and admiration, "I don't even know what this light is, but I feel it entering my very being". The serene energy seemed to come alive as it spoke to his mind.

The strange light filled Johnny's mind, and he spoke to him. "Greeting host, you have been chosen by the spiral power. We felt a call out across existence and were certain that you were the ideal choice to become our host. You are the one we have chosen, and it is your decision if you would like to accept us," said the voice from within his mind. Johnny was taken aback at first, unsure of what exactly this meant for him.

Johnny was frightened by all this happening; he had just died minutes ago. What with all this bulshit was he dreaming?

"What are you? Are you perhaps God?" Johnny asked.

"No, we aren't God; all we can say is that we are the last part of a cosmic energy. Our mission is to find the perfect person to keep our power evolving with our host." explained the light.

Johnny was getting what it was explaining; he recalled all the fictional stories he had read when he was still alive; maybe this was the same thing." I see, and why did you choose me of all the people in existence?" Johnny asked because it was so unexpected.

"We saw the potential in you—your courage to take a path less taken, your strength to make tough decisions, and your belief in yourself—all of this made us sure that you were perfect for the job," said the light. "You have been chosen by us to lead us towards achieving its greatest potential and keep the fire of civilization evolving." The light answers surprised Johnny.

He knew he didn't have all those qualities the light talked about.

Sensing Johnny's thoughts, the light answered, "We are sure of all we said; we believe in you."

Johnny took a deep breath; he was wary of the light he couldn't trust all the things it spoke but he also didn't have a choice in this Void of darkness.

"I accept". Said Johnny, little did he know that this decision was going to lead him down an unexpected path with challenges, experiences, and characters that would shape who he would be one day.

"But what should I call you? Can I give you a name, and will you be with me all the time?" asked Johnny.

"Yes, we will always be with you; as of now, we are already one with you," the light said

"To help you be more comfortable, we will be in the form of an interface, like in the games we read in your memories."

"Hey, hey, hold, why are you reading my memory? They are private things on there," said Johnny. He was surprised by the sudden memory intrusion; it made him uncomfortable.

"We just need to know more about your past life and make you more at ease." That was the light response

"I think I am just going to call you spiral." Johnny wasn't good at naming, so he just called it what the light presented itself with.

"So, what's next?" asked Johnny He was impatient to know what the future held for him.

"We will be sending you to a world of your choice to start your journey," spoke Spiral. "It is up to you how far and high you will ascend afterward."

Johnny looked puzzled. "What kind of world can I choose?" he asked hesitantly. Spiral paused briefly before responding, "The world we have in mind for you promises possibilities for growth. It is a place full of potential."

"I am sensing a world dimension nearby; based on your memory, I think it's called My Hero Academia," Spiral said.

Johnny felt happy My hero Academia was one of the manga he loved a lot when he was young.

"Great! I love that world. Spiral, let us go and start this adventure." Happiness was overflowing from Johnny. He was already thinking about what kind of hero he would be.

"Get ready, Johnny; I will start the transfers of your soul right away," said Spiral, getting ready to send Johnny into my hero world.

He was ready to set off on his new journey, confident in his abilities to make it through whatever came his way.

As Johnny and Spiral left the Void, another light appeared; it was red and shone with malicious intent.

What light was it? Why did it appear there? Let us follow Johnny's adventures to know what the future holds for him.

"Hey there, I wanted to mention that I'm writing this story purely for enjoyment, and I'm not entirely sure how far I'll take it. Additionally, English isn't my first language, so please be patient with any mistakes I make."

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