
Kenpachi in One Piece World

Kenpachi in another world, read more to see what kind of adventure and enemies he will face.

drragoon · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

A Match?

Kenpachi gazes the sobered man's moves with a glimmer of hope and exhilaration.

This time, he wouldn't show off his bare chest to his opponent, instead some genuine respect.

Kenpachi grabs on his Zanpakuto a little tighter than usual and points it towards the man.

"Come at me with your best shot" Kenpachi smirks.

The sobered man dashes at Kenpachi and phases through him at an unnatural high speed.






The sobered man looks back at Kenpachi and seeing his right shoulder hit with a deep horizontal cut at which blood came cascading out like a fountain spraying all angles.

"Hoh..." Kenpachi looked back and delivered a diagonal slash towards the sobered man.


Repeated exchanges happened at rapid speeds causing thick 5 metre craters across Loguetown's cobblestone footpaths.

"I can't get enough of this!" Kenpachi kept slashing and poking towards the sobered man as if he isn't getting tired but more, increasing the pace with each exchange.

The sobered man had an overwhelmed but yet, excited expression.

Both once again stood their ground and positioned themselves from one another.

The vicinity of the fight was already empty as pedestrians went far away from the scene.


The sobered man had a cold sweat running across his back. He started to roll up his long sleeves, take out a small wooden box behind his back pockets of his worn and torn clothes.

He begins opening it in front of Kenpachi. In there was an image of his daughter, it was incased within a small necklace's cylindrical case. The image had broken glasses and was stained red on the arm of the figure.

He looked back at Kenpachi who was standing still waiting and eager to see what else this man had to offer even though his whole body was riddled with cuts and stabs.

"My daughter..." The sobered man looked downcast.

"Those damn Globe headed, snot nosed entitled bastards..." He grinded his teeth.

"I won't let anyone stop me from searching for her!" His whole body started to envelop in an unusually different aura.

The aura was crimson red as if he is searching for blood, the inner aura was extremely dark and near black. And suddenly...




Thick crimson and dark aura increased in magnitudes, it stretched to a width of 10 metres and is skyrocketing to the sky creating a massive demon like face.

His arms started to clad in apparent crimson metal like substance giving off a dangerous aura. It caused Kenpachi to have a massive grin on his face.

The dark red metallic substance slowly transferred to the two swords he was holding firmly.

Red spirals spun around the two blades like a spring. His eyes staring daggers towards Kenpachi.


"I will start trying now strong one!" The sobered man readied a different stance against Kenpachi.


Kenpachi looks at an unrecognisable figure in front of him. He went ahead to use his left hand to cover his left eye which was originally covered in a black eyepatch.

"This is it! THIS IS IT!"


Kenpachi looked at the figure in front of him with a neck bending backwards, wide open eyes, a devilish smile and a blood pumping and ecstatic body expression.

"You... are worthy of me taking my full power"


He drags his fingers across the edges of the eyepatch.

"I guess I can take this off just for you..."


The eyepatch fell off...




The earth started rumbling at the sight of this 2.02m tall man standing ontop of it.

The golden yellow aura spiked around Kenpachi's figure expanding to a 10 metre radius and was also soaring towards the sky like a beam from a beacon.

It distorted the air molecules around the vicinity and creating massive gravitational pressure across an even bigger radius causing every single townsmen who were outside or indoors nearby to collapse on the ground in confusion.

A perilous yellow glint shines from the eyes of Kenpachi and was staring directly at the sobered man.


"I am the 11th Squad Captain of the 13 Gotei, Kenpachi Zaraki. What is your name swordsman?"


The sobered man looks at the newly powerful Kenpachi with a sense of anxiety and yet, feels that he longed for this moment.

He went ahead and said his name.

"I am Demon Hideo"

"Demon Hideo… Let's have a great time!"

Kenpachi flash-steps behind Hideo to unleash a devastatingly powerful back slash aiming to one of his non-vital spots.

Hideo turns his head back and delivers a counter by spinning his whole body whilst grabbing onto his two swords together forming a windmill like motion on the spot to deflect Kenpachi's attack.

The windmill counter sent Kenpachi flying back to a nearby tall building rupturing it from its roots, causing the whole building to suddenly collapse on top of him.


Kenpachi comes out unscathed sweeping all the dust from his clothes.

He grabs his Zanpakuto with his right hand to then unleashing a strong one handed slash towards Hideo.

Hideo detected a huge threat coming towards him and so charges one of his secret moves.

"Nitoryu: Oni No Iki(Two Sword Style: Demon Breath)"


Both Kenpachi and Hideo attack at an intersection causing a massive 100 metre crater below their feet destroying buildings across Loguetown and even shattering the executional tower.

All the civilians watching from a far ran as far as they could.




The fight caused mayhem and chaos throughout Loguetown and even nearby pirates, pirate hunter and marines ran for their lives as if they saw two monstrous beings that would decimate them in a split second.

A marine who had a rank of Captain was watching the fight afar, injured and having a smoke with his two cigars on top of a building.

"Why are these powerhouses even here anyways, they seem atleast Admiral level… Tch…"

Kenpachi was riddled with cuts and stabs while Hideo had just a few sword marks scraping across his clothes and skin.

Both separated from one another…

They look at each other in the eyes…

Hideo looks at Kenpachi and asks in a calm and serene expression, "why haven't you used your left hand yet?"

Kenpachi was gasping for some oxygen and trying to take a quick break.

"Demon Hideo… Heh… Heh… I just wanted to enjoy this battle for a little longer.. Heh…"

Kenpachi then looks at Demon Hideo with a different expression, it was both excitement but a little more, demonic.

His left hand started to grab onto the Zanpakuto…

"HAHAHA! I shall take this fight up a notch DEMON HIDEO!"

Kenpachi's Reiatsu yet again expanded and increased unimaginably creating a massive yellow aura outline with a dark and gloomy skull face up in the skies.

Kenpachi holds his Zanpakuto steadily with a proper kendo stance, one feet forward, one feet backward. His one Zanpakuto did a perfectly linear vertical downwards slash creating after images with each movement of the blade.


Demon Hideo holds onto his sword, all his arm and shoulder muscles expanded and condensed at that order, he points his two blades together at a diagonal angle to the right, his feet spread apart scraping across the destroyed terrain…


Hideo breathes in and out slowly…

"Nitoryu Ogi: Jigen Kiri(Two Sword Style Secret Technique: Dimensional Slash)

They both moved at light speeds towards each other, their blades meet each other.


The Island started to crack and create a massive crevice within the middle, raging waves started to course through it, broken cobblestone and dirt underneath started to fall off the edges, townsmen started to fall into the water and some drowning.

That one exchanged cut Loguetown in half…

I can’t really think of ideas of how Kenpachi does at his absolute best so Imma just improvised something I would deem similar.

drragooncreators' thoughts