
Kenpachi in One Piece World

Kenpachi in another world, read more to see what kind of adventure and enemies he will face.

drragoon · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

‘Fried Food Lovers’ Bar

Kenpachi observes his surroundings slowly to see if there are any other worthy opponents he could fight. He is a fighting junkie, a generous person when it comes to fights and someone who has issues with directions.

"Where am I? Tch, if only Yachiru was here…" Kenpachi scratches his head looking around the vicinity on top of a high wooden platform meant for public executions which he thought had tough opponents.


"That's weird… It's been ages since I've felt hungry" Kenpachi then makes a grand entrance down from the tall wooden structure landing quietly down on the cobblestone footpaths.

The residents came out slowly from their houses.

"I think it's safe now…"

"Is that pirate still there?"

"I'm starving… I wanna go to Fried Food Lovers"

Kenpachi perked his ears when someone mentioned 'Fried Food Lovers', he flash-steps behind that person.

The person was a man who was half human and half fishman, he has quite a big stature and has a height of 1.95m. His name was Sapi, he sells fish as a fishmonger.

"Aye…" Kenpachi spoke behind Sapi with his hoarsed deep voice.

"EEEE?!" Kenpachi scared Sapi quite a bit causing him to trip below on his back unexpectedly.

"Did you say Fried Food Lovers? Can you take me there?" Kenpachi reaches out for Sapi's hands to pull him up.


"Hehehe, I indeed said Fried Food Lovers and I can take you there right now but, you look like foreigner and not from this town. By the way that hair and eyepatch looks sick dude"

Sapi was quite a happy and nice guy around Loguetown.

Kenpachi looks back at himself and points at the little gadgets he has on himself and then proceeds to explain why he needs these to keep his fights entertaining.

"Your a weird one I will tell you that, Heh"

Sapi then leads Kenpachi towards a lively and bustling bar.

"Alright let's go"

"I would like to order 20 Fried Sea Monster Meat and 2 Large Sake" Sapi sat on a wooden seat in front of the counter, so did Kenpachi sitting right next to him.

"That would be 50,000 Belly" A bartender said with a bright smile whilst cleaning two cups for these gentlemen with a cloth.

"So… Kenpachi, you got any money?" Sapi looked at Kenpachi with a cheerful expression.

Kenpachi looked back at him with a solemn expression.

"I don't"

"Hmmm… not good" Sapi looks at his wallet for a good 20 seconds before he proceeds to pay the bartender 50,000 Belly with shaking hands.

"I will sometime try to pay you back Sapi, heh" Kenpachi pats lightly on Sapi's shoulder.


A group of pirates walks into the bar abruptly.

"Buahaha" A dwarf pirate captain came in first looking hairy, thick and cute.


A bullet shot towards the ceiling causing uproar and chaos.

He and his crew pointed their weapons towards each individual within the bar.

"Get your asses on the floor, take all your money out aswell" Vice captain of the 'Big Dwarf' pirates said in a deep, mumbling Viking like accent.

Everybody did what was ordered except for 3 individuals.

Kenpachi and Sapi kept drinking and eating like nothing out of the ordinary is currently happening at the moment.

The third person was hidden and sleeping in the right back corner of the bar as drunk as a skunk. The person had orange long hair, two long scars coming across from the left brow down the chin, were wearing torn, run-down clothes, a scarf which was also equally in a disastrous state and two swords on either ends on his waist.

He was half-sleeping with a wooden barrel of sake.

"Oi… you two over there sitting on the wooden stools as if nothing is happening, I will count to three and if you don't get down by the time I hit one, you best bet your lives will be forfeited"

The dwarf pirate captain said threateningly while pointing his gun at Kenpachi's head as he deems this person more dangerous than Sapi.


A heavy pressure suddenly came out like wildfire across the whole bar but was aiming towards the pirates causing them to put one knee down.

"Tw-o…" Dwarf Pirate Captain Jones shakingly said whilst holding onto his gun not as firmly as before.

"O$&(#N@*#&$E…."Jones made interesting sounds after Kenpachi increased the pressure around his crew bringing about turmoil and disorder.


All the heads of the pirates were falling off of their bodies in unison.

"What… just happened… are we going to be like that" One customer said while crying on the ground.

"Wh—y d—d their heads… just come off like that…" Second customer said chattering his teeth while hugging their wife.

"God… I hope you can yet again give me your holy spirit for this moment…" Third customer said softly and quietly to themselves while bowing in front of the window.

The homeless drunkard in the back right corner opened their right brow a little before than closing their eyes with a goofy expression.

Kenpachi detected that sign of anomaly from the back right corner but then wanted to finish his meal first before pulling out his Zanpakuto and greeting him.


It's evening for Loguetown and the rest of East Blue.

Homeless drunkard opened his eyes and was ready to pay the bartender and leave. He sweep his clothes to get rid of the dust that was being attracted to him around the dark, unilluminated spot of the bar.

Before he could leave the restaurant.



Two swords greeted one crooked blade at one intersection.

"Heh, Let's have a life and death battle shall WEEE!" Kenpachi grinned menacingly.

The homeless drunkard got pushed outside through the wooden doors.

The two positioned themselves with a 10 metre distance between each other in the middle of the streets.

"Why do you need to fight me strong one?" Homeless drunkard said in a calm and hushed voice.

He readied his two swords in an interesting stance, it looked like he was spreading his arms sideways to show off a lot of flaws. But when Kenpachi saw it, he grinned even more.

"Why not, you have those two swords for a reason, heh…" Kenpachi openly admits what he is currently thinking and kept it repressed up until homeless drunkard was sober.

"I guess I will teach you a lesson with my moves" Sobered man said whilst charging up his first move.

He quickly changes his position with right leg back and left leg forward, he then holds his two swords near the waistline while pointing the blade towards the back, he looks towards Kenpachi revealing a dangerous red glint in his eyes.

His biceps, triceps and shoulders expanded tremendously and letting out thin layers of steam.

He breathes slowly and in rhythm.

"Nitoryu: Mabiku Katto(Two Sword Style: Decimating Cut)"