
Irregular: demon swordsman across the multiverse

A girl born with horns and cursed eyes will struggle to survive in a world where magic is real as you and I. Will she ride to the top and accomplish her goals or sink to the bottom becoming nothing more than a waste?

Dao_of_Melancholy · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: phase 2 the first battle

Haha the second I began writing this 'I'm going slightly mad' started playing on the radio haha.

Also there will only be one chapter today and tommorow since my little brother is getting married and I was luckily chosen to give a speech about my brother... mwahaha






"Hickory dickory dock. The man went up the clock

The clock struck one. The head rolled down

Hickory dickory dock

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock"

Hickory dickory dock. The man went up the clock

The clock struck two. He murdered you

Hickory dickory dock

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

Hickory dickory dock. The man went up the clock

The clock struck three. He murdered me

Hickory dickory dock

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

Hickory dickory dock. The man went up the clock

The clock struck four. He fucked a whore

Hickory dickory dock

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

Hickory dickory dock. The man went up the clock

The clock struck five. He drowned in slime

Hickory dickory dock

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

"Hickory dickory dock. The man went up the clock

The clock struck six. He sucked my dick

Hickory dickory dock

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..."

'What a wonderful song I remember hahahahahaha let's hope the scientists return soon I can't wait to play!' 'Strange I know my mindset has changed but my mind has never felt more clear and free!'

[2 hours left host. Host is currently mentally unstable it is recommended you try and think straight in order to ensure maximum chances of survival]

'Yes...yes i must stay calm let's think clearly yes yes think clearly if I have 2 hours left I may have time to come up with another skill... hmm so I have mainly defense oriented skills like reinforcement. Then I have a recovery skill regeneration. Memory manipulation world be very hard to use in combat with no experience doing it... wait system is mana flammable?'

[it can be in liquid form yet in your body it is not because it is a part of your body it neutralised it's flammable properties]

'Hmmm so outside the body in liquid form it is flammable that's good to know... I'll remember that for later also what can you tell me about my demon sword?'

[ the [demon sword Asuramaru] is instead of housing your soul it is instead a manifestation of your soul similar in concept to a Zanpakutō your sword has many sealed abilities that will unlock under various conditions.]

Hmm so Zanpakutō theory huh. Incredibly interesting so my soul is in the form of a blade interesting... what would happen if it were to break would i die due to my soul being shattered?

[host... do you truly believe that The supreme overlord M would leave such a gaping flaw in her system? Obviously not if your blade breaks you will only experience strong spiritual pain though while it won't kill you it's just as painful as death, if not worse than the pain of death]

'Hmmm so if it's a pain worse than death I could in theory counter balance that by...'

I heard a loud slamming noise coming from down the hallway. 'Fucking crack head who dares interrupt MY inner monologues I'm sure the readers love listening to my thoughts isn't that right reader-chan!'

[shit she lost it]

2 men walked into the room looking directly at me each of them wearing black latex looking suits with strange helmets and batons strapped to their sides. 'Kinda like a dominatrix Darth Vader' I thought chuckling remembering the 6 Star Wars. If anybody said there were 9 she'd say they were cheap knock offs of 4,5,6

Comparison: 4/7: we meet the 'last Jedi' (except not really) and she destroys big space thingy that's evils

Comparison 5/8: the bad guys end up doing something well for once almost destroying the rebels but some plot armour bullshitery saves their Asses.

Comparison 6/9: 'I am you father/ grandfather' moment. Everything goes well galaxy saved.

They were essentially dollar store knock offs of the original with a female lead and new actors for old characters. But disregarding the colossal fuck up that was labelled as the new Star Wars trilogy the men had grabbed her operating table. And put it on a transporter pushing me towards only god knows where.

My face was permanently positioned upwards so all I could see was the pearly white ceiling above my head as I was pushed around. Listening closely I heard hushed whispers about 'gladiator style' and 'combat testing'. I was surprised they were putting me in the arena so soon. I literally knew nothing about killing anybody besides Stab until it stops moving and people with the high ground always win in the end. Let's pray to any Cthulhu or some other eldritch being my instincts as a Vampire/Demon knows more than I do.

Looking above I saw the roof gradually raising as we moved further on eventually they decided to blindfold me the blindfold even covered my nose since it was a size too big for me apparently. for some reason if I were to guess I'd say it was to make sure I didn't map out the place or to hide something. We kept moving and moving until finally we stopped and the men left. A few minutes later my shackles released mechanically. I instantly jumped up from my operating table, ripping the blindfold hastily from my eyes and what I saw shocked me.

There were no more white marble hallways and ceilings, no reek of antiseptics and chemicals instead there was a small forest in front of me large sturdy trees with varying leaf colours but what shocked me most was not this but the wide open blue sky above my head. 'Did they let me go?' I wondered though in my still slightly rational mind I knew that would make no sense.

'Let's think possibilities. The first possibility is I'm in an illusion that should be easy to test' walking up to the nearest tree I kicked it with all my strength as my kick connected with it for a second I saw the tree change colour to pure white marble with no leaves. '*Sigh* I knew it wouldn't be this easy so everything here is a projection on an already made object... that's good.'

I walked through the forest in front of me looking around I saw a few well placed hidden cameras that gave absolutely no blind spots this meant they were probably watching me as we speak. 'Hmmm so if they placed me at one end of the arena the logical assumption would be they placed my opponent at the other let's run in that direction.'

I ran to where I believed the other test subject should be running as fast as my little legs could carry me. Running through the forest I checked every nook and cranny for my opponent yet finding nothing. Just as I was about to give up and let her come to me I saw movement behind a small tree.

'Alright I'll go around the left side and attempt to surprise her' as I darted around the corner i heard a loud gust of wind pressure then a heavy impact to my head. It was a punch.

I fell backwards onto my ass. Looking up I saw a intelligent looking blonde female. She spoke to me with "stupid fool you are too predictable I don't even need to read your mind! Hehe now please do big sis a favour and die for me!" She pulled out a sharp looking scrap of metal from god knows where before attempting to jump on me and stab me with it. As she landed on top of me she plunged it into my gut.

The pain was horrific but pain like this was nothing compared to having your veins ripped open by magic. Her face lit up with a victorious smile and I just had to reign in on her parade. My vision went darker all I could see of the woman before me were red veins full of a substance that made me want to suck it dry.

I moved forwards and in doing so the scrap price of metal dug deeper into where my intestines should have been. I released a shrill laugh "kukuku silly prey you are my food and I like to play with my food" before pushing her off of me.

We stared at each other in the eye here formerly blue eyes turning a shade of grey. "M-m-monster you w-W-what are you" her body trembling.



She is t human her thoughts they are strange when I look into her mind I swear something is looking back at me!

'hsiloof latrom ouy llahs ton truh em I ma ruoy dne. won ied os I nac emoceb erom llufrewop!'

Who no what! What is she!!!


3rd POV

"Hehehe awww is the little bitch scared you were talking all that good shit a minute ago haha" 066 looked at her opponent with clear amusement in her blood red almost demonic looking eyes.

The blonde was now trembling on the floor muttering incomprehensible gibberish "Kill me, please kill me, free me let me die, monster, demon, ...."

066 looked her even more amused than before "hohoho monster is it... well I won't deny it but for now you will die hehe" 066 pounced on the girl and her mouth opened at an unnatural size. 066 powered her mouth that was dripping with saliva onto her prey... draining her of her blood drop by drop as her skin became paler and paler her eyes dilated in pleasure as a content smile crossed her face anyone seeing this would never imagine someone with that kind of face was dying.

Finally the blonde girls eyes closed with a euphoric expression on her face. Licking her lips 066 muttered to herself "kukuku good game but sadly there's no replay option kukuku."

As she laughed she didn't notice but a new small pair of white horns had emerged from beneath her hair and her slightly enlarged fangs became more pronounced.

A screen appeared before her

[20% inheritance complete skill inherited

[Demon contract (max level)]: a contract that can be made once per day to make a contract that neither party is able to break if broken the respective part will die due to violations of the contract]

'Wow that's useful for the future. I saw a final notification' 066 thought

[crude magic circuits has levelled up to level 2 because of absorbing foreign mana via bloodsucking]

066 thought 'WAIT SHIT!!! I didn't test my new magic fuck how could I have forgotten something so god damn simple!'

A loud voice spoke through a series of speakers in the surrounding are "subject 066 stay where you are! A team is coming to collect you don not resist."

Internally she sighed 'time to go back to the lab again ive been here only a day and I'm already bored as a college student in a Monday morning without being high as fuck'