
Chapter 2: skills and preparations







'Hmmmm the system thinks I'm insane... I'm not insane I'm perfectly Fucking sane thank you very much!'

Looking at the shackles on my arms legs I knew there was no way out so I needed a plan a good one at that. 'Let's think I could try finding a way of ripping my arms and legs off then reattach them? No no no there's nothing to tip them off with and they are clamped so tight I can't use shear force to rip it off either.

So that leaves 2 options I can either wait for whoever runs this lab to come back then use geass on him to adjust his memories to wanting to release me. Or secondly I could go along with the experiments.

The final option seems the safest since my mission was to become the 'top weapon' they wouldn't want a weapon that works against them so I'll just continue to lie down here. Hmmm hey system is there any way to get stronger quickly?

[processing options 12%....56%...78%....100% there are a few ways to quickly increase your strength here are your available options

Option 1: speed up your inheritance process: you are slowly reacquiring your body's original power it is currently at 10% inherited there are 5 stages to get too that will drastically boost your power these are: 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% to speed up inheritance to the first stage the requirement is too drink [blood of a virgin] male or female

Option 2: the second option is too find a way to level up your skills or create new ones whilst in captivity.

EST time till their return: 12 hours]

'Hmmmm now this is interesting they won't be back too soon this is good hmmm according to what I know this world had a type of 'magic' though I use the term magic very loosely this world [irregular at magic high] uses codes through CAD's to affect the world around them using a 'mage's' 'mana' as a power source.

Hmmm do if this worlds magic is based off of scientific principles then using mana... for now I'll operate using the hypothesis CAD's are used to help direct mana. So if that was the case all I need to do is learn to control my mana!'

Remembering some tricks from some novels in my past life I closed my eyes and focused on my body as a whole. Analysing my body I felt something strange something similar to a tingly sensation across my body however each time I tried to control on it it disappeared.

I tried again each time feeling slightly closer to touching it. Slowly I realised trying to move it at a fast pace would be impossible so I tried moving this strange energy slowly around my body. As I did I felt my body slowly but surely adapting, changing being reformed into something more powerful until I didn't need to actively move the mana around my body anymore it had become a natural function of my body like breathing (though I didn't need to breath)

The second I stopped focusing and opened my eyes I saw something horrifying there were cuts all over my body in a vein like pattern that were very slowly healing. 'What the fuck!!! Why am I not healing faster! WAIT mana related injuries heal slower so that must mean this is where my mana flowed through! So I can now control the magic in my body hopefully that helps somehow.

[skills obtained:

[crude magic circuits (level 1/10)]: you have created magic circuits through a crude and ineffective method that would kill anybody else. These magic circuits control your mana efficiency and the kind of spells available]

[self reinforcement (level 1/100)]: uses mana to reinforce parts of your body or your body as a whole]

[reinforce object (level 1/100)]: use mana to strengthen objects as a whole or components of objects]

'Wow 3 skills for the price of one feels like an early Christmas! Only with less food and more me bleeding from every orifice and suffering... So essentially just Christmas!'

'Hmmm my skills aren't exactly over powered but if I were to guess I'd say the crude magic circuits can evolve. Right system?'


'Good that is good I would be screwed if the only non CAD magic I could use would be reinforcements. Honestly what scrub only knows reinforcement magics?'

(A/N Hmmm you'd be surprised)

[4:36 hours:minutes left till arrival]

'Damn that was fast!!! It seems I have little time left so let's think science! Magic is glorified science so let's think. I have regeneration from wounds and severed limbs, reinforcement magic for both objects and myself. Good very very good. I have a defensive and offensive skill, a passive healing skill however this works slower on things classified as 'magic'. This is going to be a hassle in a magic based world.... perhaps I should try develop an anti magic technique.... no I have nothing that can help with that currently if I had two CAD's it could be done but I don't even have one.'

So I sat there for who knows how long contemplating strategies, techniques and ways to make myself seem invaluable to whoever ran this project. What will happen next only M knows but the one thing I do know is that it wouldn't have been called Armageddon because it was easy.


<board of directors>

"Hello everybody I am 'snake' we are here to discuss the initiation of phase 2 the testing phase. The 66 subjects have already had most of not all of their bodies thoroughly examine" a large computer was before the man showing 10 images of different animals.

Dog: indeed I believe that we should proceed with the testing phase 2. We have a variety of unique subjects to begin with but before that I must ask what are the specifics of phase 2 exactly?

Rat: were you not here for the last meeting DOG? The subjects will fight each other to the death in one on one fights. This way we can weed out the weak ones. So who are the odds favouring so far with the preliminary results out the way BULL

BULL: the contenders with the highest odds of survival are in first place 011 he has the innate ability to slow and speed up others perception of time a truly formidable ability. Then of course we have in second place 021 she has the ability to read the surface thoughts of her enemies the only known way to avoid it is to divide your mind into two lines of thought. Then there is 018 in third place with the ability to shut off one body function to increase the functions of his others such as shutting off his emotions in order to increase his instincts.

SHARK: so who are they up against? Please make sure it is not too quick they are valuable research materials.

SNAKE (admin):

011 will be tested against 034

021 will be tested against 066

018 will be tested against 001.

HORSE (sub admin): wait you want 021 to fight 066 or codename: Schrödinger! I refuse 066 is FAR too valuable she is according to some of our researchers the key to immortality! Her cells never age only replicate and she heals even from having her heart cut open! I refuse this judgement I call for a vote! All in favour of withdrawing her.


BULL: -1



RAT: -1


CAT: -1

DOG: +1

ALLIGATOR: abstain


HORSE (sub admin): damn! Oh well nothing I can do now the operation shall begin tomorrow on schedule. See you in the observatory tomorrow for the experiment.

[10 members left chat]

[closing server]


Author note:

For those who weren't aware each of those animals represented one of the 10 master clans.

The first fight will continue tommorow.

I've come up with some science-ish skills for her to use here's an example:

Spontaneous combustion + regeneration to heal from burning.

Any ideas for skills would be greatly appreciated

Next chapter