
Chapter 4: intermission between battles and parts of 066 past






066 thought 'WAIT SHIT!!! I didn't test my new magic fuck how could I have forgotten something so god damn simple!'

A loud voice spoke through a series of speakers in the surrounding are "subject 066 stay where you are! A team is coming to collect you do not resist."

Internally she sighed 'time to go back to the lab again ive been here only a day and I'm already bored as a college student in a Monday morning without being high as fuck'

<3rd POV>

Getting up from sucking dry the corpse she lightly smiled and thought to herself 'shit if not for my regeneration I'd be dead right now, I became too overconfident and got hurt because of it plane and simple.' As 066 thought this a group of men around 20 in number surrounded her wearing the same rip off Darth Vader attire from before.

One male stepped forward who unlike the others had a single noticeable gold star on the left side of his chest plate. "Subject 066 I am general Hyde you are to be restrain and returned to the lab to continue your examinations" as he stepped forward an easily noticeable flash of hostility came through 066's eyes but went ignored. The man pulled about a pair of highly advanced looking handcuffs from his large pocket in his robe.

066 looked at him and said with a teasing smile "straws or tubes pick one?" The general Hyde looked confused as he put hand cuffs on the girl and decided to humour her. "Straws why?" He said in a strong southern accent.

066 smiled and giggled maniacally "because that's what your gonna be pissing out of now." Just as he was about to question her she dropped the sharp piece of scrap metal that landed on her knee. Using that knee she kneed him in the balls and by product the jagged piece of scrap metal being stuck in his balls.

"Aaaahhhhh!" A blood curdling scream ensued "get the bitch now! BEFORE I KILL HER ASS aaaah!" The guards under his command quickly grabbed the girl which was laughing evilly and dragged her away to the nearest containment cell.


In a room full of men and women in black suits they sat around a round table looking at a holographic 2 images displayed on it. The first image was of a 4 years old girl with purple hair that went to her knees. The second image was of a the same girl but in this picture she was covered in blood and had a strange pair of horns on her head, her canines (fangs) seemingly larger too. The men there were currently very concerned and some even excited.

7: "can anybody here tell me what the hell that THING is! All I was aware of was the child had some ridiculous healing factor that made her practically unkillable not she was the fucking Antichrist the fuck is going on here!"

3: "look 7 I can understand your confusion I managed to acquire the details on this child from the scientists and her information before the experimentation."

Hearing this everybody was relieved because now they may at least find something out about the strange anomaly that is 066. 3 changed the holograph to display her personal profile.

{name: Asuramaru Hyakuya (066)

Age: before acquisition 2

Gender: female

Birthplace: Romania

Blood type: ???

Mother: ???

Father: ???

Siblings: Krul?

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Information: this child was acquired during a raid on the HYAKUYA orphanage. They were part of a small religious organisation called the HYAKUYA sect. They used the children in the orphanage as experimental subjects. When rescued before going into a state of shock she kept repeating 'Sis Krul where are you?'

Whilst the raid was a major success they began executing their test subjects and deleting all of their data to hide their research we believe since no staff on the premisses were named krul, crule, crool or anything similar we believe Krul was another one of her fellow test subjects that was executed. The only survivor being Asuramaru he was later discovered to have an absurd regeneration factor some hypothesise this may be because of stem cells, others because of an innate magic.

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Research notes (by doctor Yuchi): subject 066 is a highly research subject her regeneration is phenomenal even comparable to that of a highest grade healing spell even her atoms don't seem to age only replicate some amongst the community even believe it is impossible for her to die of age to which I must concur with our research so far that does seem to in fact be the case.

We did try transfusing her blood into other participants but the aforementioned people began showing negative symptoms: they began with a light cough then to sudden outbursts of rage becoming highly volatile slowly being driven to insanity. So far out of the 10 subjects non has lasted more than 5 hours before insanity the shortest Lasting 2 hours. (Project scrapped)

We have recently been experimenting with her DNA but the strange thing is her DNA is seemingly completely dead, meaning that it is unable to be cloned ore even implanted into a womb. We tried revitalisation magic on it but it failed however due to an accident of a colleague we discovered something interesting when another DNA came into contact with 066's DNA it is assimilated or devoured strengthening the DNA of 066. It is now hypothesised amongst the scientists that her innate power is not regeneration but in fact adaptation. (Project partial success)}

4: so essentially all we know about this girl is she is the result of some potentially heavily unorthodox human experimentation and possibly gained some strange abilities through it? Personally I am of the opinion we should keep a closer eye on 066 or Asuramaru. By the looks of things she seems to grow in power via feeding off of blood perhaps we could try feeding her to test the affects on her?

1: indeed I agree with number 4 we should try and discretely test her like testing if different blood types have different affects etc. However Will the second stage proceed as planned or shall we withdraw her as an unknown and potentially dangerous variable?"

10: I think we'll proceed as planned if we stop here we will loose valuable resources and test data, we can't suffer any set backs if we want to progress further as the 10 master clans.

Everyone there agreed with his statement without the 10 master clans Japan would quite easily fall into ruin since they were the main producers of modern magic prodigies.

6: but still hahaha did you hear that line of her 'straws or tubes pick one' I was confused but it was Fucking hilarious to watch hahah! Even though we need to pay the insurance bill for him it was by far worth it... we'll time to check off it seems have a nice day guys.

One by one the people left the room with a renewed vigour in his steps. Today may prove to have been a fatal consequences for themselves unknowingly for when one stares into the void the void stares right back at you.


A/N: this chapter was meant to flesh out some of the background of the world do since its short ill give you an omake with your favourite nut job.

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Melancholy: hey Asu-Chan do you have anything to say or ask the audience or me?

Asuramaru: hmmm let's see will I stay flat throughout the series?

Melancholy: *cold sweat* well Asuramaru that is a very complicated question you see...

Asuramaru: *summons blade* also why do I have a skill called [innate insanity] I'm perfectly sane isn't that right Timothy!

Eldritch horror: T'nod etaicossa em htiw uoy tun boj.

Asuramaru: see even Timothy agrees with me and he's Timothy.

Melancholy: 'it seems she can't read words backwards good to know' "yes yes I agree with Timothy"

Asuramaru: well anyway I've got to go murder some people bye bye big sis M

Melancholy: bye!

*asuramru leaves*

Melancholy: I'm sorry Cthulhu she's a bit weird even I'm freaked out a bit by her. Also speak normally now she's gone.

Cthulhu: meh it's all good man wanna go create a few black holes and watch a few galaxies burn?

Melancholy: sure that sounds fucking therapeutic right about now.

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Well if you have any questions for Asuramaru and she'll answer them personally. Anywa if your enjoying the story please leave a review it helps motivate me.

I’ll try doing 2 chapters on Monday have a good day

Dao_of_Melancholycreators' thoughts
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