
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Kỳ huyễn
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154 Chs

Playing around but ending up being played

"Do not act recklessly!" Mu Xiaomei's heart couldn't help but beat faster. She was truly afraid that Zhao Yafang and the others would cause trouble.

They really thought that Li Dashao had no temper. When his temper flared up, it was quite something!

"Haha, don't worry!" Zhao Yafang giggled and threw a flirtatious glance at her. She then opened the dormitory window, leaned out, and called down to Li Zhi standing under the banyan tree, "Hey handsome, are you all alone?"

Li Zhi looked up at the person calling from above and then glanced around. It seemed like he was the only one there.

"Are you talking to me?" Li Zhi pointed to himself in confusion.

Zhao Yafang giggled and said, "Yes, it's you." I just went through a breakup and urgently need someone to accompany me. You look quite pleasing to the eye. "Would you like to go out with me?"


Would you like to go out with me?

Li Zhi looked at her and chuckled, "Sure, shall we leave now?" "Shall we go for a meal first, or straight to a hotel?"

"You rascal, wherever you want to go, we'll go." What is your phone number? I'll call you! Zhao Yafang asked in a flirtatious manner.

Passersby and even the nearby students were stunned. So bold? Looking up at the female dormitory building, the female student appeared quite elegant, with a well-proportioned figure. How could she be so shameless?

Jealousy surged, and it was almost as if someone wanted to shout, "Get out of the way, let me handle this!"

"Calling is too much trouble." I'll wait here for you. When you come down, we'll leave directly," Li Zhi said with a smile.

He wasn't stupid. Even if a woman were heartbroken and wanted to find a man, she wouldn't be so brazen and loud. It seemed like she hadn't been drinking, so she wasn't drunk. There was only one explanation: she knew him and was deliberately teasing him.

The spring breeze blew, and the drums of war sounded. Who was afraid of whom!

Li Zhi was 90% sure that this "flirtatious" woman was Mu Xiaomei's roommate.

Zhao Yafang looked around and giggled, "That's fine too." Please wait for me; don't run away. "I'll be down in a moment!"

Li Zhi smiled and replied, "Okay, I won't run." I'll be standing here, waiting for you. "Whoever runs is a coward!"

That smug look made Zhao Yafang want to jump down from upstairs and kick him.

Turning to Mu Xiaomei, Zhao Yafang smirked and said, "See, your man doesn't seem very reliable!"

"Exactly, he looks like a fickle scoundrel." "It's better to break up with him early to avoid future losses!" Fang Yuanyuan chimed in.

Mu Xiaomei knew Li Zhi's character better than anyone else in the dormitory. Blushing, she defended Li Zhi, saying, "How can you blame him?" Fangfang is so clumsy that even standing eight feet away from the seashore, she could be knocked over by the waves. "Which man could resist that!"

"You, Mu Xiaomei, are actually defending a man." You're calling me shameless and exposing myself for your future happiness. I'm sacrificing my image for you, and you turn around and say this about me. "I'll show you!" Zhao Yafang playfully pounced on Mu Xiaomei, and the two of them began play-fighting. Zhao Yafang was naturally carefree and playful, with a bold and unconstrained temperament.

After the commotion, Zhao Yafang looked at Mu Xiaomei and asked with a smile, "May I go down and meet your boyfriend?" "Will you be able to bear it?"

Test him?

Mu Xiaomei muttered to herself. She wasn't afraid of Zhao Yafang "testing" Li Zhi, but she was afraid that her good friend would "sacrifice" herself and end up being ignored.

"Go ahead, but if anything goes wrong, I won't take responsibility!" Mu Xiaomei replied.

Zhao Yafang giggled and said, "Don't worry, you don't need to take responsibility." "I'll go down first, and you can come down in ten minutes."

With that, she put on her clothes and walked outside the dormitory!

Li Zhi waited downstairs and checked the time. It was 11 o'clock in the morning. He really didn't remember Mu Xiaomei's birthday, even though she had mentioned it to him before. In the past, Li Zhi's world revolved entirely around himself, and he didn't care about other people's feelings!

Clack, clack, clack!

The sound of high heels tapping on the concrete.

He looked up and saw a beautiful woman with a figure that could easily score ninety-five points, smiling as she walked towards him. Li Zhi immediately recognized her. Wasn't she the girl who had just talked to him upstairs?


Her voice was quite pleasant to the ears.

Li Zhi squinted and smiled, "Shall we leave now?"

"I don't mind!" Zhao Yafang smiled with an indifferent expression on her face. She didn't believe that the other person would leave Mu Xiaomei behind and go out with her to fool around.

All the words were unnecessary. Was she not afraid, but did Li Zhi care about her?

She secretly laughed and walked over, reaching out to grab Zhao Yafang's waist, leading her towards the school gate. Her hand didn't stay still, moving down to lightly pat the other person's perky buttocks, praising with a smile, "Not bad, not bad." "Just the type I like, not too fat or too thin."


"You bastard!"

Feeling touched without reason, Zhao Yafang reacted like an angry cat, screaming and jumping away from Li Zhi, glaring at him with fury.

Li Zhi pretended to be puzzled, frowning, and said, "What's wrong?" Why are you cursing at me? Are women nowadays all like this? Do you know what kind of behavior you're exhibiting? "A shrew, it's really despicable!"

"You're the shrew, your whole family are shrews." "I...," Zhao Yafang was so angry that she didn't know what to say. She felt so wronged. She just wanted to come down and tease the other person, but she didn't expect the other person to be so bold and daring. People were coming and going, and Mu Xiaomei was still watching from the dormitory building. How could he be so audacious?

"Stop!" Li Zhi interrupted her, saying seriously, "Let me clarify this first." I am a man, a real man. I admire beautiful women, and my sexual orientation is very conventional. So, it's not right for you to call me a shrew. The term 'shrew' is a derogatory label for an unpleasant woman, which may apply to you, but it certainly doesn't describe me. Also, you're so young. Do you really want to be someone else's mother? "Isn't that a bit too shameless?"

"I don't know, shameless." "I don't know, shameless, you…" Zhao Yafang didn't know what to say.

"Don't be in a hurry." Although you've just gone through a breakup, it's not your fault. But you can't let your period come early. This is a disease, you know? "Come, follow me, take a deep breath, inhale… exhale," Li Zhi said.

"…" Zhao Yafang gritted her teeth. Who is this person really? So shameful, so infuriating. She wanted to pounce on him right now.

"Do you want to bite someone?" Biting is not right. Only dogs bite people... Hey, beauty, I was just joking. "Don't take it seriously," Li Zhi dodged and called out as Zhao Yafang approached.

Zhao Yafang didn't want to speak. She didn't even want to move her mouth.