
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Mu Xiaomei’s Birthday

"Has he arrived?"

Mu Xiaomei's good friend in the dormitory asked, and the other roommates were also present, including Fang Yuanyuan, who had previously suggested that Mu Xiaomei go swimming.

Mu Xiaomei blushed and nodded, saying, "He's here!"

"Hehe, when did he arrive at the dormitory building?" Zhao Yafang teased that her relationship with Mu Xiaomei was the best in the dormitory. She was also a first-rate beauty, although not as outstanding as Mu Xiaomei in general. She was very attractive, with thick lips that possessed a beauty and allure that Mu Xiaomei lacked.

"I don't think it will be too long!" Mu Xiaomei couldn't be sure. In the past, she would never have let Li Zhi come to the female dormitory building to pick her up. His temperament was such that he could easily decline. When he wanted to see her, he might even suggest that she choose the hotel and book the room, waiting for him to arrive.

Sometimes, Mu Xiaomei wondered why, out of all the wealthy men who had pursued her, she was only captivated by this 'Young Master Li'. Was it because of their first encounter?

Mu Xiaomei never admitted to having a masochistic tendency, but in the eyes of her friends, her willingness to endure such treatment was akin to enjoying being mistreated.

She had once prayed for Young Master Li to change even just a little because of her, but she hadn't expected the change to be so significant.

It was so significant that she found it difficult to adapt.

"Hmph, we've summoned Little Beauty, and he still dares to be late?" Zhao Yafang glanced at her wristwatch and said with a playful smile, "Give him five minutes." If he's not here in five minutes, we'll make him kneel at the dormitory building entrance and sing 'Conquest' three times in a row, not one less!

Mu Xiaomei was frightened by her good friend's words. Wasn't that just "fooling around"? Is it appropriate for Young Master Li to sing "Conquest" at the entrance of the dormitory building and then kneel down?

If Young Master Li were to get angry, he might not just use a loudspeaker to curse her ancestors. He didn't care whether she was the campus belle or not, a beautiful woman or not.

Mu Xiaomei blushed and said to Zhao Yafang, "Five minutes?" It takes more than five minutes to run from the school gate to the female dormitory building. "He can't fly; you want to exhaust him!"

Zhao Yafang looked at her with a half-smile and said, "Oh, why are you so worried?" Isn't it a bit much? "If you have a man in the future, will you just cast us, your dear sisters, aside?"

Fang Yuanyuan chimed in with a hint of sarcasm, "Exactly, what's so great about men?" They don't even recognize the sisters in our dormitory. If you want to find a boyfriend, you should at least let us help you choose. Be mindful of the number of people following you from behind. "Suddenly launching a surprise attack makes it difficult for us sisters!"

"What's difficult for you?" "It's not like you're looking for a boyfriend!" Zhao Yafang turned to her and retorted.

Fang Yuanyuan's popularity in the dormitory was only average, and she was somewhat snobbish. At the beginning of her freshman year, she had looked down on Mu Xiaomei, but for some reason, her attitude had changed slightly later on. However, her relationship with Mu Xiaomei was not as close as the one between Mu Xiaomei and Zhao Yafang.

Among girls, if I choose to play with you, I won't play with her, even if we live in the same dormitory; there are still differences.

Mu Xiaomei found it difficult to express certain things, but Zhao Yafang was indifferent.

"I'm just looking out for Xiaomei, afraid she'll meet the wrong person!" "What's with the attitude?" Fang Yuanyuan was unhappy.

Zhao Yafang wanted to say something, but Mu Xiaomei pulled her back. They were all under the same roof, and there was no need to cause a rift.

"You just take care of yourself!" Zhao Yafang rolled her eyes and turned back to playfully tease Mu Xiaomei.

Today was Mu Xiaomei's birthday, and everyone in the dormitory knew. Zhao Yafang had a good relationship with Mu Xiaomei and had suggested a few days ago that Mu Xiaomei should consider introducing a boyfriend. It was her cousin, who also attended a nearby university. During the May Day holiday, he saw Mu Xiaomei's photo on Zhao Yafang's phone and was immediately captivated by her. He asked Zhao Yafang to introduce him to Mu Xiaomei and offered numerous benefits.

As cousins, they were very close, and Zhao Yafang also had the idea of matchmaking them, hoping that they would hit it off, even though she knew Mu Xiaomei had high standards. But just in case they hit it off!

Mu Xiaomei had been annoyed by Zhao Yafang's nagging for the past two days and, without thinking, blurted out that she already had a boyfriend.

This was bad. Zhao Yafang mentioned that Mu Xiaomei had done an excellent job of keeping her boyfriend a secret, even from her.

At first, Zhao Yafang thought Mu Xiaomei was deliberately making excuses, but later, it seemed she wasn't.

Since it was Mu Xiaomei's birthday today, she could have made an excuse that her boyfriend was busy and didn't have time. However, on her birthday, her boyfriend couldn't possibly be too busy to show up, right?

Zhao Yafang suggested, and the whole dormitory agreed. Mu Xiaomei couldn't refuse, so she called Li Zhi and asked him to come to the city. She insisted that he come to the female dormitory building to pick her up.

She hadn't thought about how to cover up the lie yet, but it shouldn't be too difficult for Li Zhi to pretend to be her boyfriend, right?

The campus of Haicheng University was vast, and it took Li Zhi over ten minutes to locate the female dormitory building.

"I'm here." "Which door are you at?" "I'm standing under the large banyan tree beneath your dormitory." Li Zhi called Mu Xiaomei.

Mu Xiaomei lived on the fourth floor of the female dormitory building, at door number 1, directly opposite to where Li Zhi was standing. Without anyone saying a word, everyone rushed to the dormitory window to peer down, curious to catch a glimpse of the man who had won the heart of Mu Xiaomei, the campus beauty.

"Is that him?"


"He looks pretty good!"

"He's somewhat handsome!"

Fang Yuanyuan muttered, "Handsome?" I think he's quite ordinary. "He's much worse than Zhao Kang in our class!"

Li Zhi hadn't dressed up intentionally. His entire outfit, including his underwear, probably didn't cost more than two hundred yuan.

Fang Yuanyuan was the type of woman who assessed people by their attire, using wealth as the measure of worth, attractiveness, and goodness. At first glance, she didn't think much of Li Zhi standing downstairs.

"He's okay, but he's a bit worse than my cousin!" Zhao Yafang turned to Mu Xiaomei and teased, "Little Beauty, are you sure you like him, or do you want to change your mind?"

Mu Xiaomei muttered to herself, "I don't want to change; I just don't know if he's willing."

She knew that finding a man like Li Zhi, who would only be faithful to one woman in his lifetime, was too difficult. Mu Xiaomei was not the kind of woman who could make him give up the entire forest and remain faithful to her for life.

"Hehe, in that case, we won't be polite..."