
Interstellar Manufacturer

In the Nebula i9 intelligent factory system, there is nothing you can’t think of, and nothing it can’t manufacture. As long as you have money, it can make you rule the world. From creating the first rudimentary-level factory to the emergence of the prototype of a huge commercial empire, this is just the beginning. Spanning different industries, different races, and different worlds, only the most primitive trade, manufacturing, and selling. Exchange the resources in hand for the needed items, as well as wealth.

flowing_clouds · Fantasy
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154 Chs

This world is a bit dark!

Li Zhi was startled; this woman really wanted to come over and "bite" him. Snarling and scratching like a madwoman, she pounced on him regardless.

This joke has gone too far!

"Stop!" "If you dare to come over again, believe me..."

Zhao Yafang's eyes sparkled with fire as she stared at him and asked, "What else can you do?"

Li Zhi chuckled softly, his voice gentle, "Well, can we call it even?" Let's not make a scene. There are many classmates around, and you don't want to be laughed at.

"Who is causing a scene with you?" "Today, I won't let you off the hook," Zhao Yafang roared, and then attempted to attack Li Zhi once more. She had gone out today, regardless of her image. She had always flirted with others. When has anyone flirted with her?

After suffering such a significant loss, how could she just let it go?

"Damn, you really came." "Are you afraid?" "If you dare to come within half a meter of me, I'll make you walk around naked." "Do you believe me?"

Threatening worked. Zhao Yafang really didn't dare to approach him because she didn't know the details of this 'beast'. What if he really dared? What would she do?

Zhao Yafang's skirt today was neither tight-fitting nor too long. In her haste, she forgot to wear safety shorts.

"Let's talk it out." "There's nothing that can't be resolved, right?" Li Zhi looked at her, smiling playfully.

Silence was preferable. As soon as she spoke, a buzzing sound made Zhao Yafang's head feel hot, and she shouted, "I'm going to fight you today!"

She rushed towards Li Zhi with a "no mercy" attitude.

Li Zhi saw trouble. Damn, he had provoked too much. What could he do? Could he really lift her skirt in front of everyone?

Turn around and run!

Upstairs, Mu Xiaomei watched the "show" below and couldn't help but laugh, muttering to herself, "Well, who told you to love making a scene?" "Now you've suffered, haven't you!"

She knew Li Zhi was like this. If he didn't flirt with you, he would be a devout Buddhist. But if you actively flirted with him, wasn't that asking for trouble?

"Aren't you angry?" Fang Yuanyuan looked at Mu Xiaomei in surprise.

Mu Xiaomei tucked her long hair behind her ear and smiled, "Why should I be angry?" It was Zhao Yafang who went over to cause trouble, not Li Zhi!

After saying that, she picked up her bag and smiled, "Let's go." It's getting late. Let's go eat!"

Mu Xiaomei and her dormitory mates went downstairs, while Zhao Yafang chased Li Zhi around, begging for mercy, but to no avail!

"I can't believe it, you guys are here." Xiaomei, hurry and stop her. She really bit me. Just now, she pounced on me and bit me! Li Zhi saw Mu Xiaomei and the others and ran over with a mournful expression, explaining that he had been bitten by Zhao Yafang, and it was painful!

"Still causing trouble!" Mu Xiaomei looked at the two of them, feeling both angry and amused, and hugged Zhao Yafang, who was still trying to move forward.

With anger in her eyes, Zhao Yafang said, "Just now, this jerk touched my butt." Mu Xiaomei, are you going to do something about it?

Mu Xiaomei smiled wryly and said, "Do something?" How can I do something? Just now, you were trying to make an appointment with someone upstairs, and then you came down to find him. "If he didn't touch you, who else would he touch?"

One sentence left Zhao Yafang stunned. What?

Could it be explained like this?

Is she a good sister?

Looking at Zhao Yafang's bewildered expression, Mu Xiaomei hugged her and comforted her with a smile, "I've told you, you have to face the consequences." Forget about it. You didn't suffer too much; you were just touched. "If you had dared to go to a hotel with him, you might have lost everything by now."

"Aren't you angry?" Zhao Yafang asked, dumbfounded.

Mu Xiaomei shrugged and smiled, "Why should I be angry?"

"But he, your boyfriend, treating me like this, don't you feel a little bit angry?" Zhao Yafang stared.

Mu Xiaomei hugged her and giggled, "It's okay, as long as you're not angry!"


Zhao Yafang felt like there were ten thousand grass mud horses running in her heart. Her original worldview had collapsed, and this new world seemed a bit dark.

"Is this your friend?" Li Zhi came over and asked with a smirk.

Mu Xiaomei glanced at him and coquettishly said, "You're also like this, getting touchy with our Fangfang... even if you want to do something, you should wait until there's no one around!"

Zhao Yafang pushed Mu Xiaomei away and took a step back, saying with a stern face, "Mu Xiaomei, today I have seen your true colors." From now on, you and I are done. We are no longer good friends or sisters. The boat of our friendship has capsized!

"At noon, enjoy your favorite tomato stewed beef - two servings, one for lunch and one to take away for dinner." "Will that help ease your emotional trauma?" Mu Xiaomei asked with a smile.

"Unless you add five more happy fish balls, forget it!" Zhao Yafang snorted, tilted her head, and stubbornly replied.


Zhao Yafang walked to Mu Xiaomei's side, hugged her arm, and said with a bitter smile, "Xiaomei, I've really suffered a lot today!"

"Experience is gained from setbacks." "Next time, remember to check his personality before trying to flirt with someone," Mu Xiaomei comforted her with a smile. She then turned to the dormitory sisters and Li Zhi, saying, "Let's go." It's almost noon. Let's go have lunch!"

Li Zhi shrugged, his arm still stinging from where Zhao Yafang had bitten him; it seemed as though his skin had been broken.

"She's called Zhao Yafang, my good friend, and the rest are my roommates." "That's Fang Yuanyuan..."

During the journey, Mu Xiaomei introduced her dormitory sisters to Li Zhi.

"He's my boyfriend, Li Zhi!" Mu Xiaomei walked to Li Zhi's side, hesitated for a moment, and then hugged his arm.


Li Zhi sighed inwardly. Wasn't it just about being good friends? Although "boyfriend" and "good friend" were only one word apart, they were quite different. If he were to say now that they were just good friends, the other party's feelings would definitely not be too good.

"What special day is it today?" "I'm still confused." "Can you tell me?" Li Zhi asked with a smile.

Zhao Yafang snorted and asked, "How can you be her boyfriend if you don't even know her birthday?" "Isn't that a bit irresponsible?"

She still had some lingering feelings about what had just happened, and her impression of Li Zhi wasn't that great!

"Birthday?" Is today your birthday? Li Zhi looked down at Mu Xiaomei and asked.

Mu Xiaomei blushed and nodded, softly saying, "Actually, I called you here just to catch up." "I haven't seen you in a long time!"

The last sentence was very quiet; probably only Li Zhi heard it!

Haven't we seen each other in a long time? At most, it has been a week!

The dining place had already been booked by Mu Xiaomei. There were six people in their dormitory, in addition to Li Zhi, totaling seven people, so they needed to take two taxis!

While waiting for the taxi, Fang Yuanyuan asked with a hint of curiosity in her voice, "I heard from Xiaomei that you're not in school anymore." Are you starting your own business? "Why don't you have a car?" "It's so inconvenient to go out without an umbrella, isn't it?"

Li Zhi looked at her. She was average in appearance, figure, and temperament, the kind of woman who would typically be overlooked in a crowd. If there were two women, unless one was exceptionally ugly, it was hard to describe them both as beautiful.

"Yes, but purchasing a car requires money, and as a new entrepreneur like me, every penny needs to be used wisely." "Therefore, I don't have any plans to buy a car for now!" Li Zhi smiled and nodded in response.

"Is that so?" What are you doing now? Fang Yuanyuan asked with curiosity.

The other dormitory mates were also curious about what Li Zhi was doing because he was not much older than them. If nothing unexpected happened, he should still be in school.

"I've started a small factory!" Li Zhi said with a smile.

"A factory?" What kind of factory? Fang Yuanyuan asked.

"Processing seafood."

At that moment, a taxi pulled over, and Fang Yuanyuan intended to inquire further, but Zhao Yafang hurriedly ushered her into the car. She and Mu Xiaomei could tell that there was more to the conversation than met the eye; it wasn't just a simple chat!

"Your classmate is quite interesting!" Li Zhi said this after Fang Yuanyuan, Mu Xiaomei, and the other three classmates got into the car and left.

"What's so interesting about her?" She's quite snobbish. I'm telling you, stay away from her. "If you dare to touch her, Mu Xiaomei will definitely have a falling out with you," Zhao Yafang reminded Li Zhi in front of Mu Xiaomei. She had also realized that this man was not easy to deal with; he was not well-behaved.

"Touch her?" Li Zhi shrugged and said with a smile, "You're underestimating my taste!"

"Underestimating?" "Isn't the phrase 'beggars can't be choosers' used to describe people like you?" Zhao Yafang snorted. "You're not exactly well-behaved."

"Are you blaming me?" Mu Xiaomei smiled bitterly.

Zhao Yafang rolled her eyes and said, "Are you blaming me?" "I'm doing this for your own good." ### She's almost... Forget it. I can't be bothered with you.

If she could break up, she could reintroduce her cousin to Mu Xiaomei again; it might not be a bad thing.

Mu Xiaomei hugged Li Zhi's arm and gently pinched him, indicating that he shouldn't be angry; Zhao Yafang was just like that.

Li Zhi didn't have much free time to be angry with her!

The three of them got into the car. Originally, Zhao Yafang was sitting in the front, while Li Zhi and Mu Xiaomei were sitting in the back, which would have been fine. However, Zhao Yafang insisted on sitting in the back.

Are you causing trouble?

Was Li Zhi the kind of person who was afraid of trouble? If you dared to sit in the back, he would dare to sit next to you. As long as you weren't afraid of causing trouble, he would add fuel to the fire.

"To the Star Moon Bay Hotel!"

Mu Xiaomei sat in the back of the taxi with Li Zhi in the middle. Zhao Yafang sat to his left, and Mu Xiaomei sat to his right. The driver couldn't help but envy the situation, thinking that young people nowadays are so open-minded.

Who wouldn't want this kind of happiness?

Zhao Yafang was a little annoyed. Why wasn't this man being more considerate? She sat in the back, hoping that Mu Xiaomei would also sit there. The two of them were good friends and could talk, but Li Zhi interrupted. What was this all about?

Her original intention was not to sit next to this troublemaker.