
Inhuman Sorcerer in The MCU

*EVERYTHING BELONGS TO MARVEL AND DISNEY EXCEPT MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS AND CONCEPTS* A teenager reborn having only live long enough to watch the first avengers movie is thrust into a combo universe of the MCU and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He awakens to completely unrecognisable circumstances being raised by some wizard and apparently he has powers? Maybe he’s a mutant… and why is a bald sorcerer woman rocking me. *THIS IS MY FIRST ATTEMT AT WRITING* So criticism is welcome as long as it’s constructive, I am currently a uni student so I’m not sure how often I’ll upload as well. The cover art is generated by AI, and I use AI to assist in proofreading my writing. You have been warned, I know people don’t appreciate being smacked in the face with AI writing without being told.

MorTemTK · Phim ảnh
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Time Flies…

March 15th, 1993 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

David's confidence in his abilities grew, bolstered by the encouragement of his mother and the progress he made in his training. He began to experiment with more advanced techniques, pushing the boundaries of what he thought possible. Yet, amidst his pursuit of mastery, he remained grounded by the teachings of humility and wisdom imparted by the Ancient One.

Over the past few months, He had focused solely on unlocking the full potential of his ionic Aura. Initially, all he could do was fly and absorb impact forces from external sources. Now, he empowered his body with ionic energy while using it, enhancing all his physical parameters. He had developed a method of spreading ions in the area around him while maintaining control, allowing him to sense changes in the environment his ions inhabited.

In the garden, a four-year-old David stood blindfolded and earplugs in place, surrounded by crossbows with blunt bolts loaded into them. A blue aura enveloped him as he breathed steadily. With each passing moment, a crossbow fired, the bolts aiming for different areas on his body. The atmosphere crackled with tension as the bolts shot through the air with surprising speed. His senses were heightened, and he moved with uncanny agility, dodging the projectiles with precise, fluid movements. He leaped, rolled, and twisted, evading each bolt by a hair's breadth, until he caught the last one fired at his back with a deft grab. Beads of sweat glistened on his brow as he removed his blindfold, a triumphant grin spreading across his face.

"Well done, David," his uncle Wong praised. "You're getting better at this 'ionic sense' as you call it."

"Yeah, it was hard in the beginning, but it's gotten way easier to control. Maintaining my Ionic Aura is almost second nature at this point," David said excitedly.

After completing his afternoon training, David took a nap. Upon waking, he bid goodbye to his mother and activated his ionic Aura, blasting into the sky. As he gained altitude, the winds whistled by his ears. He soared above the clouds until he reached a deserted mountain valley.

With intensified glowing eyes, David generated ions around him, altering the clouds' appearance from fluffy white to dark storm clouds. Lightning crackled among the clouds, yet it didn't strike the ground as David controlled the release. He aimed his palm at a particular tree, creating a tunnel of ions resembling a cannon. Positioning the makeshift cannon at the centre of the storm clouds, he released the pent-up energy, and a lightning bolt as thick as a person struck and decimated the tree. "Phew, looks like I'm getting better," he thought, observing the result of his new technique, though he knew he could only use it on someone like the Hulk with a clear conscience.

July 7th, 1993 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

As the warmth of summer enveloped Kamar-Taj, David found solace amidst the tranquil beauty of the temple gardens. Surrounded by vibrant colours and fragrant blossoms, he often retreated to meditate, seeking clarity and inner peace. In these moments of stillness, he felt a deep connection to the world around him, attuned to the subtle rhythms of nature.

Having just turned five years old, David felt as though he had lived more in these five years than in his previous life. While he relished the act of training and the journey he was on, he also cherished the sense of belonging he found within his makeshift family. Though the Ancient One wasn't his biological mother, she had become everything to him, providing the love and guidance he never knew he needed until now.

After completing his meditation, David returned to join his mother for tea. The Ancient One poured steaming cups of aromatic tea, the scent mingling with the floral fragrance of the garden. Sitting together on a quaint wooden bench, they sipped their tea in comfortable silence, the only sound the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.

As they enjoyed their tea, the Ancient One spoke softly, sharing stories of her adventures and the lessons she had learned over the centuries. David listened intently, captivated by her wisdom and the warmth of her presence.

"It's amazing how much history this place holds," David remarked, breaking the silence. "I can't believe I'm a part of it now."

The Ancient One smiled, her eyes reflecting the sunlight filtering through the canopy above. "Yes, Kamar-Taj has a long and storied past," she replied. "But it's the present and the future that truly matter. You have a bright future ahead of you, David. I know it."

David's heart swelled at her words. He knew he was in the right place, surrounded by people who cared for him deeply. As they continued to chat, the bond between them grew stronger.

June 30th, 1994 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

As the monsoon rains descended upon Kamar-Taj, David's training took on a new intensity. With each passing storm, he sought to harness the elemental forces of nature, further refining his control over the elements. The crackling energy of lightning and the soothing rhythm of raindrops became his allies, guiding him on his path towards mastery.

Amidst the tempestuous weather, David felt a profound connection to the natural world around him. His powers surged, ions abundant in the air, ready to obey his every command. Grateful for the protection of his ionic Aura, which kept him dry amid the deluge, he ventured into the empty valley to hone his skills.

Dancing gracefully amidst the rain, David's movements were a symphony of martial art forms. With each punch, a blue plasma in the shape of a fist shot forward, crackling with energy. Every kick was followed by a trail of plasma, tracing its path through the air until it exploded on impact with a resounding boom. The impact zones bore witness to the varying degrees of energy contained within his plasma strikes, some creating deep craters while others left only small imprints in the earth. His mother's words echoed in his mind, emphasising the importance of control above all else.

Having completed his rigorous training regimen, David returned to the temple, content to spend the remainder of the day in leisure. Sometimes, amidst the chaos of his training, it was good to simply relax and let his mind wander aimlessly.

January 1st, 1995 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

The dawn of a new year filled Kamar-Taj with renewed hope and optimism, casting a bright light on the possibilities that lay ahead. For David, it was a time of reflection and renewal, as he set new goals and aspirations for the months ahead.

As the clock struck midnight on New Year's Day, David found himself in the bustling streets of New York City, surrounded by the vibrant energy of the city that never sleeps. With his mother and uncle Wong by his side, he marvelled at the spectacular fireworks display illuminating the night sky, a dazzling array of colours painting the darkness with light.

After the fireworks had faded into the night, his mother led him to a secluded alleyway where they could take flight, his body enveloped in the comforting embrace of his ionic Aura while his mother flew using other means. As they soared gracefully through the air, high above the city streets, David couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration and freedom wash over him. Below, the bustling city seemed to fade away, replaced by a serene sense of peace and tranquillity.

As they flew, David and his mother shared laughter and conversation, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. Meanwhile, Uncle Wong could only watch from below, his feet firmly planted on the ground, a bemused expression on his face as he called out to them in jest.

In that fleeting moment suspended in the air, David felt a profound sense of gratitude for the life he had been given, and the people who had become his family. As they continued to soar through the night sky, the lights of the city twinkling below them, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the adventures that awaited him in the year ahead.

June 12th, 1995 - Earth

Kamar-Taj, Kathmandu - Nepal

As summer approaches, David's mother surprises him with an unexpected errand. "David, you've been talking about wanting to buy music on your own lately, haven't you?" she inquired, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. Despite his contentment with his newfound family and life, David couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of independence.

"Yeah, are you finally going to let me go?" he asked eagerly, his anticipation palpable. His mother smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Yes, darling. I'll open a portal for you near a RadioShack store. Enjoy your adventure," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement.

As she opened the portal with a mischievous glint in her eyes, David eagerly stepped through oblivious to the look in her eyes, his heart pounding with excitement. However, as he emerged on the other side, he was met with a sight that left him utterly stunned.



Thanks for ready, leave a review to let me know what you think and with any suggestions