

After Gold Roger's execution and the start of the new Pirate era, many years later a boy was born, a boy who was once held as the most powerful Sorcerer of his time. Now what chaos will he bring to this new world, which is already full of mysteries. "Man what a world, who would have thought someone like me can get a second chance in life." Spoke the white haired kid. "Hey kid, just how could you do stuff like that??" asked the Red haired man. "BWHAHAHA... MY GRANDSON IS AMAZING...." laughed an old man. "This is not good, this time the Fruit has chosen someone more dangerous. We need to eliminate him quickly." said an old bald man. "Hmm... so this is who you have chosen to defeat me.... Interesting." said a mysterious figure.

Phantom_178 · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs



In the East Blue, on an uncharted island. A ship is docked at the beach, the ship is pink in color, has three mast and a duck head figure-head with hearts instead of eyes. The Jolly Roger is skull with left side showing up, has a pink heart on it and two bones cross behind it.

A women wearing many rings on her fingers, swipe her index finger on the railing top, picking some dust on her finger.

"Why there is dust on my bulwark?" she asked. Other pirates on her crew were freaking out at this.

"A Thousand Pardons Lady Alvida!! I-I thought I'd cleaned every inch of this ship...!" one of the pirate started talking, while still freaking out, "I'll clean everything, all over again! Please--!" "Please What...?" asked now known Alvida, while she lift a big iron mace. "Please not the iron mace!! I-I Don't wanna die!!" the pirate tried, but was hit hard by the mace.

"Koby! Who is the Fairest throughout all the seas?" Alvida asked, turning towards a sweating little pink haired boy. "Ahem...Heh Heh... Why you are... Lady Alvida!!" Koby said, "No one compares to you!!" "Correct!! Which is why I will not tolerate anything dirty!!" Alvida started to speak glaring at Koby, "The ship must be as clean and beautiful as I am. Understand? Remember Koby, were it not for your vast knowledge of the seas, I would feed you to the sharks! But don't push your luck!"

"Y-Yes... That's very kind of you." Koby said fearfully "Other than that, you're worthless!" she said, than kicked him on his face, "Here, shine my shoes!!" "Y-Yes Lady Alvida! Right away!" Koby said as he took a cloth and started to clean her shoes. "Hurry up!! I don't want to see even one speck of dust on this ship!!!" she yelled to other pirates.

"AYE AYE!" all the pirates yelled back.

As this happens, we can now see more of this Alvida figure. She is a very huge and fatty women, with a lot of freckles on her face. She is also wearing a captain's coat, a cowboy hat and finally she has a huge iron mace resting on her right shoulder. This is IRON MACE ALVIDA, one of the feared East Blue pirate.

"That's enough!! You're pathetic!!" Alvida said to Koby and kicked him again, but this time making him bleed from the nose. He fell on his butt, "Heh Heh Heh... sorry..." he said to her while fixing his glasses and had a fake smile on his face. "If you've got time to grovel, then you've got time to scrub the toilet!!" she said. "HeH HeH... Yes Milady! Right away..." he said, while blood still dripping from his nose. "You better be..." Alvida said and left.

As she left, Koby's smile dropped to one of a sorrowful expression. He left the ship to the cost of the island, small tears were flowing from his eyes. As he walked around the dirt pathway, he soon reached to another side of the small island and sat on a beach.

"Why... 'sniff' why me!!..." he trailed off.

"Hey buddy! Why a low face?" a voice asked beside him.

He screeched like a girl and jumped back in surprise and dropped his glasses. He picked up his glasses and put it on and looked ahead only to see a young handsome boy at a height of 5'9, with messy long snow white hair coming down to the back of his neck. He is wearing a v-shape long white t-shirt, a grayish black lose looking half-pant which ends just above his knees and black boots. He also had brown colored leather bag hung over his right shoulder by one of its strap, a black-tint round sunglass over his eyes and finally his head is adorned by a Straw-Hat, which has a red ribbon wrapped around its rim.

"Aaa....W-Who are you?" Koby asked in shaky voice. "Oh My!! You my friend can call me Monkey D Luffy. And who might you be?" asked the now seventeen years old Luffy with an amused smile on his face. "Ah...! I'm Koby sir" Koby said. "Sir huh!! It's been a long time since someone called me sir and that to a pink haired boy, 'sigh' Memories." This confused Koby, as he didn't know what Luffy is talking about. "Well beside that!! Koby if you don't mind telling me where I can find something to eat and if there is some sweets too." "S-Sure sir..." Koby trailed off and started walking towards a small cabin.

They walked in silence, and time by time Koby was glancing randomly towards Luffy, who was just looking at his surroundings.

"Well we are here" Koby said and opened the door of the cabin and entered in only to see three pirates were already inside and trying to open a big barrel of alcohol, but stopped when they heard door opening and they freaked out like little kittens. They looked towards the door and sigh in relief seeing it's only Koby with some random guy. Then they started to fume in anger.

"KNOCK BEFORE YOU OPEN THE DOOR YOU IDIOT" one of the pirate shouted at Koby, who flinched and started to sweat and step back. "Yea, I thought for a moment it was captain and I was going to die." said the second pirate wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead. Then the third one looked behind Koby to see a teen standing there, "Huh... Hey! Who the hell are you?" At this other two pirates also noticed the boy and asked the same thing, "Yeah... now that you mentioned it!! Who are you?" Others asked.

Luffy who was eating an apple from another barrel suddenly perked up at this and looked behind himself and then at the three pirates, "Huh!! You guys talking to me?" At this all three of them sweat dropped then suddenly they all yell together with their teeth turning into shark like, "OF COURE! WHO THE HECK ELSE WE'RE TALKING TO!!?" "Jeez! You guys should relax a bit" Luffy said poking his ear with his pinky finger.

Then one of the pirate took out his sword and pointed towards Luffy, "What were you doing in here!?" But instead of answering, Luffy grabbed Koby and vanished from the site. Before any of the pirates could contemplate what happened, they heard a loud voice and breaking of the walls. "BACK TO WORK, YOU SCURVY DOGS!!!" Alvida yelled breaking the wall of the cabin with her mace.

All three pirates were knocked to the ground. Groaning, they started to pull themselves up to sitting position, but noticed a towering figure shadowing them. They all look back only to see Alvida is standing there. "You lazy swabbies! Who's the Fairest throughout all the seas?" she asked in dangerous tone.

"LADY ALVIDA! YOU ARE... OF COURSE!" all three yelled in unisons.

"And you dare to defy me?" she asked.

"W-What!? Never! Not in a million" one of them said.

"Don't play dumb with me! I could hear you talking all the way from the ship!" she trailed off.

"W-What!? N-no captain... it was someone else." One pirate said.

"Yes captain! We have an intruder!!" the second one said.

"Yeah! That good for nothin' Koby brought that feller here!" the third one said.

"What!? Could he be bounty hunter... After the price on my head?" she said, "Koby you traitorous little runt!"

"But the only bounty hunter bold enough to come here..." the first pirate said but was cut by the third one.

"That's ridiculous!! The NAVY has him locked up..."

"But if he's as clever as they say... He might've escaped!" Alvida started talking, "And they say that the infamous RORONOA ZORO is that clever!!"


Luffy soon appeared in the clearing of the forest with Koby on his shoulder. He dropped Koby to the ground gently. Koby was startled from what just happened few moments ago, he remembered that he was in the cabin, watching the conversation between Luffy and those pirates. Then all of a sudden he was grabbed by Luffy and in a blink of an eye he is here somewhere in the forest.

"Wha... What just happened?" Koby asked as he looked at his surroundings. "Oh... Nothing to worry about! We're safe." Luffy said fixing his hat. "W-What do you mean by 'We're safe'" "Ah... Well while when those pirates are talking to me, someone was going to bash the wall behind us, so I just grabbed you and now we're here." Luffy said.

"Ohh..." Koby said, rubbing his head in tension. "So... What is this place and what are you doing here?" Luffy asked. "This island is the hideout of IRON MACE ALVIDA, the Lady pirate and I'm her CABIN BOY." Koby said. "I see... Well none of that really matters to me." Luffy said rubbing his chin.

"Oh..." Koby said.

Suddenly Luffy asked, "You wouldn't happen to have a dingy, would you? Mine got sucked into a giant WHIRLPOOL." Koby got shocked at hearing this, "What!? You got sucked into a giant whirlpool!?" "Yeah, it caught me by surprise!" Luffy said. "You're lucky to be alive! ...But if it's a dingy you want, I have one...Sorta..." Koby trailed off.

Then Koby guided Luffy to another place, when they came to the location, Luffy noticed something. "Huh!!! What's this!? A coffin?" Luffy asked looking towards a weirdly built boat. Koby chuckled nervously, "Well... I built it myself. It took me two years..." Luffy looked at Koby with raised eyebrow, "Two years!? And you don't want it?" Koby now has a very sad expression, "... l really don't need it anymore. I built it to escape from this place..." tears were leaking from his eyes, "... But I don't have the courage to try it. I guess it's my fate to be a cabin boy for the rest of my life. But I once had a different dream."

"Why don't you just escape?" Luffy asked looking at Koby.

"N-No way! Just thinking about what Alvida would do to me if she caught me makes my bladder weak..." Koby said shaking his head in no manner, "I just can't risk it..." "How you got captured on first place!?" Luffy asked, getting very amused for some reason. "I'll never forget that fateful day... I just wanted to go fishing... and I boarded a pirate ship by mistake. That was two years ago. In exchange for my life, I've been working as their cabin boy." Koby said. Luffy just looked at him, "For real!!?" Koby nodded in sadness, "For real." Luffy than cupped Koby's face started to inspect him, "Hmmmm... Well... You're kinda clumsy and dumb! And you're gutless too. You really are worthless!" he said with a hardy laugh. "You don't have to be that frank..." Koby said, who now had a dark cloud on his head. "But you're right. I don't have the guts to sail at a giant whirlpool like you..." Luffy just puffed up his chest in pride, "Of course, cause 'I am the Strongest'" then he began to rub his chin in deep thought, "Or am I now??" he said while remembering someone he knew. 

Koby just looked at him as if he is some kind of alien, then he sighed and asked "Luffy, why did you go to sea anyways?" At this Luffy had a huge grin on his face, "Well, Ya see... I'm gonna be the FREEST MAN IN THE WORLD, it's not like I'm not free right now, but more the merrier and for that I've to become the KING OF THE PIRATES." Koby was shell shocked at this, "K-king of the Pirates!!? But... you'd have to make the WHOLE WORLD kneel to you!!! WEALTH, FAME, POWER— you'd to achieve it all!!! Don't tell me you're after GOLD ROGER'S lost treasure, 'ONE PIECE'!!!"

Koby stops and took a deep breath. Luffy has an amused look on his face. Koby started again, "Do you want to die!? Every pirate in the world is after that!!" "And so am I." Luffy simply stated. Koby was now whole different level of shock and started to shake his head furiously, "BUT THE ODDS AGAINST YOU ARE ASTRONOMICAL!!? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! YOU WANT TO BE KING OF THE PIRATES IN THE GOLDEN AGE OF PIRACY!? IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN!!"

Suddenly Koby fell on his back, while there is now a comical bump on his head. "HEY! W-Why'd you hit me?" he asked. "You were HYSTERICAL." Luffy said, while his fist was at the front smoking. Koby got up and started rubbing his bump, "Okay I'm used to it. Heh Heh Heh..." "I am not gonna die…" Koby stops rubbing his head, "HUH!?" Luffy looked at him, "I've set myself to achieve my goal... and if I die trying... then at least I tried!" Luffy said, than he thought, 'Yeah, bullshit…die and me!!! Hahahahaha. But still I should not slack off or something like Sukuna will happen again.' While he was in his own thought, Koby hearing Luffy's words is now flabbergasted, 'What guts... What DETERMINATION!!' he thought.

"Y-You're not even afraid to die!?" Koby trailed off. "Yeah and I believe I'll succeed too. Or am I just deluding myself..." Luffy said with a thoughtful expression. Koby started to cry freely now, 'I never looked at it like that before!!' he thought, while sniffling. Luffy turned towards Koby with a curious gaze. "Maybe... I can be like that! If I'm willing to risk my life trying..." Koby mumbled. "Huh?" Luffy looked at Koby.

"... Maybe it's possible! Do you think I can join the navy!?" Koby asked. "The Navy!?" Luffy asked. Koby get up, tears were now rolling down his cheeks, "WE'LL END UP BEING ENEMIES... BUT I WANT TO JOIN THE NAVY AND FIGHT THE BAD GUYS!! IT'S BEEN MY DREAM SINCE I WAS A LITTLE KID!!" He stops and took a huge breath and look at Luffy again, "Luffy! Do you think I can do it?" "How would I know?" Luffy asked with amused look, but internally he is happy seeing the figure of his student Yuji Itadori in Koby.

"Well I'm gonna do it!!! What've I got to lose!? I don't wanna be a miserable cabin boy my whole life!! Better to risk my life trying to achieve my dream! I'll join the Navy... and then I'll capture Alvida!!" as Koby finishes his speech, suddenly the small boat which he made was slammed down by huge mace.

"Who are you going to capture, runt!?" Alvida asked suddenly appearing there with all the other pirates.

"AAAHHHH!!!" Koby screamed at this. Luffy just has a deadpan look on his face. Koby was now terrified, "M-My boat!" "YOU LITTLE SNEAK! DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU COULD ESCAPE FROM ME!?" Alvida yelled, then she looked at Luffy's face and started to blush, "Well hello there handsome, you sure don't look like 'Pirate hunter' Roronoa Zoro…. Are you by chance heard about my fairness and come here to marry me…." She started to act like a little school girl. Luffy's eyes started to twitch furiously, "No shit… lady gorilla!!!"

At this everyone's jaw dropped to the ground. Alvida who was just blushing, now has a furious expression on her face. Every other pirates were shouting like, "HOW DARE..." or "NO WAY!" Koby immediately grabbed Luffy by his hands and started to shake him furiously, "LUFFY!! TAKE IT BACK!! THROUGHOUT ALL OF THE SEAS, LADY ALVIDA IS..." he was about to say something, but stopped because Luffy's previous statements started to ring in his mind, "Lady Alvida is..." he is remembering every word Luffy has told him about his dreams. Then he cried with loud voice.


Once again other pirates jaw dropped, but this time because of fear. Suddenly a huge figure was looming over Luffy and Koby. Koby gulped in fear. A tension surrounded the area, which was broken by a boisterous laugh of Luffy.


Koby looked towards Luffy in surprise then looked at Alvida, whose face was red with anger.

"YOU LITTLE--!!" she yelled.

Koby screeched like a little girl, tears were flowing freely from his eyes and he thought, 'I said it and I won't take it back! No more cringing for me!! From now I'll fight for my dreams!!' Alvida raises her mace to strike down on both of them. Koby was going to close his eyes, when he saw Luffy stepping between them.

"Good for you Koby!!" Luffy said.


"It makes no difference to me... you're both going to die." Alvida yelled and brought her mace down on Luffy, who just pulled down his hat so it does not get damaged. The mace hit Luffy's head, but instead of blood splattering everywhere, it just bounced off his head. "That didn't hurt! 'Cause I'm made of rubber!" Luffy said with a huge grin and put his Straw-Hat back on his head.

"Impossible! No one can survives the Iron Mace!!" she screamed, but stopped when she noticed Luffy's straw hat and then took a good look at him and she immediately stepped back and started to sweat profusely. Everyone got a confused look at why Alvida was frightened. "Y-You!! W-Why is a monster like you is here in East Blue?" she asked fear emanating from her face. Koby got confused, why she is afraid of Luffy. "Oh... So you know me!?" Luffy asked with his mocking smile.

"Y-yes... Y-You are the STRAW HAT MONKEY D LUFFY, SECOND DIVISION VICE-COMMANDER OF WHITEBEARD PIRATES." She yelled. Silence, was the only word which can describe this situation. Then all hell broke lose.

"WHAAAAAT!!?" everyone yelled.

"Y-You mean, he is the STRAW HAT LUFFY, with the bounty of 354 MILLION BERRIES." One of the pirates shuttered. Koby's jaw has by now made a huge crater in the ground, he cannot believe what he was hearing. This guy, whom he was talking before, whom he had called idiot suicidal for his dreams, is the top strongest pirate in the WHITEBEARD PIRATE, who is known as the strongest pirate in the world. This guy is associated with that man.

Sigh "I am really tired of telling people that, I'm not a part of that OLD MAN'S crew. I was just a temporarily member." Luffy said with a frustrated look. "Well, let bygone be bygone... but for you whale of a lady..." Luffy said and throw his right fist back. But what surprised everyone was his hand stretched back.



"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Alvida yelled, but was soon stopped by Luffy's fist.

"GUM-GUM PISTOL!" he said and brought his fist forward with unseen speed and punched her in the gut, sending her flying in the horizon. You can clearly see a spark at the distance.

"H-His arm stretched like rubber..." one pirate shouted.

"Captain!!? He one shot her..." another shouted,

"H-He is really a monster." Another said.

Luffy then tilted his Straw-hat a little forward shadowing his upper face, "Now..." he said gaining everyone's attention. He slowly slid down his glasses from the bridge of his nose showing them his eyes, which frightened the shit out of them, "Give Koby a Dinghy! He's gonna join the Navy!"

"Y-Yes Sir..." everyone said in unison.

Then Luffy started laughing, losing his entire serious demeanor. Koby who was standing beside him was crying tears of happiness, "Luffy..."


In a small boat, Luffy and Koby were sailing away from Alvida's hideout island and was sailing towards Next Island.

"Luffy" "Hmm..." "You're Rubber-man, which means you've eaten those rumored DEVIL FRUIT, right!?" Koby asked. "Yup" Luffy replied without turning back. He is sitting at front of the boat watching the sea. "Incredible!" Koby muttered.

"But Luffy, if you're going after ONE PIECE... that means you've really left WHITEBEARD PIRATES." "For the last time Koby, I've never joined that old man. I was just sailing with them for my own purpose." Luffy said. But Koby completely ignored that, "Say Luffy, I've heard GRAND LINE is also called as PIRATES' GRAVEYARD... is that really true!?" "Hmm... well, if you wanna put that way than, yes it is a dangerous place. But if you're strong or had a strong DEVIL FRUIT, then you can atleast survive its FIRST HALF." Luffy said.

Koby got a confused look, "FIRST HALF!?"

"Well you've to know that one at yourself."

"Oh...okay" Koby said.

There was silence for a moment then Luffy asked, "Hey Koby, that guy is imprisoned at the navy base... What's his name?" "Roronoa Zoro" Koby replied. Hearing the name, Luffy had a huge grin on his face. "Well I'm gonna recruit him." He said. Koby's eyes bulged out, "Now you're talking crazy again! Never Never Never! That'll never happen! That guy's a DEMONIC BEAST! Never" Koby was babbling while Luffy just laid at the corner of the boat, still grinning.

And so the two young adventurers sail on towards the naval base and... Destiny!


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