
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs


As the people wound down and everyone prepared to tuck in for the night, Raj called Karthikeya over.

"I need you to come with me to Tayattu's hut," Raj said quietly, his tone serious.

Karthikeya looked puzzled but nodded. "Alright, Raj. Let's go."

They moved silently through the darkened grounds of the haweli, making their way to Tayattu's hut. Karthikeya tried to strike up a conversation, but Raj, intent on their mission, kept his responses short, focusing on the task ahead.

As they approached Tayattu's hut, a faint hissing sound made them stop in their tracks. Karthikeya's worry was evident as he whispered, "What do you think that is?"

"Let's find out," Raj replied, motioning for silence. They crept closer, trying to stay out of sight.

As they neared the hut, they could hear Tayattu's voice, speaking in a low, sinister tone. "Tonight, I will kill Karthikeya. The snake remembers his scent. Once it's hypnotized, it will do my bidding."

Hearing this, Raj saw their chance. He burst open the door, catching Tayattu by surprise. Inside, Tayattu was hunched over, attempting to hypnotize a snake. The sudden intrusion startled the snake, and it struck, sinking its fangs into Tayattu's arm.

Tayattu cried out in pain, dropping to the ground and writhing in agony. Raj and Karthikeya sprang into action, grabbing Tayattu and rushing him out of the hut. The commotion attracted the attention of the people, who gathered around, their faces filled with concern and curiosity.

"We need to get him to the hospital, now!" Raj shouted. They quickly loaded Tayattu into one of the cars and sped off towards the nearest medical facility.

At the hospital, Tayattu was admitted and received the necessary treatment. The doctors managed to stabilize him, but he remained unconscious. As Raj and Karthikeya waited anxiously, a crowd of villagers gathered outside, murmuring among themselves.

"What's going on? What happened to Tayattu?" one of the villagers demanded.

Raj stepped forward, his voice calm but firm. "Tayattu was bitten by a snake. He was trying to use it to harm Karthikeya. We found him in the act and brought him here to save his life."

The villagers were shocked, their murmurs growing louder. "How can we trust you?" another villager shouted. "We need proof!"

"The only proof we have is Tayattu himself," Raj replied. "He's in the ICU now. We need to wait for him to regain consciousness."

Village head Raju stepped in, helping to calm the crowd. "Everyone, please. Let the doctors do their work. We will keep an eye on Tayattu's condition. In the meantime, let's not jump to conclusions."

Reluctantly, the villagers dispersed, and Raj and Karthikeya made their way back to the haweli. Before they left the hospital, they explained everything to Raju, who reassured them that he would keep people watching over Tayattu and notify them immediately if he woke up.

Back at the haweli, the atmosphere was tense but quieter. Raj and Karthikeya sat down, exhaustion and relief washing over them.

"Karthikeya, I know this has been a lot to handle," Raj said softly. "But we're in this together. We'll face whatever comes next."

Karthikeya nodded, a look of gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, Raj. I don't know what I would have done without you."

As the night deepened, they both knew that the road ahead was uncertain. But for now, they were ready to face it, together.

The next morning, Raj and Karthikeya woke up early, the events of the previous night still fresh in their minds. As they sat down for a simple breakfast, Raj turned to Karthikeya, eager to learn more about the village's mysterious happenings.

"Karthikeya," Raj began, "I've been curious about this village. You mentioned something about an old temple and some mysterious deaths?"

Karthikeya nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, Subrahmanyapuram has a dark history. There's an old temple dedicated to Subrahmanya Swami that's been closed for years. People believe it's cursed because of a series of mysterious deaths, supposedly caused by snake bites. Anyone who tries to investigate the matter ends up dead."

Raj feigned ignorance, though he knew all of this from his previous life. "That sounds eerie. Have you looked into it?"

"I have," Karthikeya replied. "I found a diary written by Shankar, an Endowments Department official who was researching the temple's mystery. He was killed by a snake bite, right here in this building where we're staying."

Raj raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Did the diary say anything useful?"

Karthikeya leaned forward, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Shankar discovered some unusual things about the temple. But before he could uncover the whole truth, he was killed. I think he might have been onto something, and his death wasn't just a coincidence."

Raj nodded thoughtfully. "Do you have any leads?"

Karthikeya sighed. "There is one person who might know more. Srivalli's father was a priest at the temple before it was shut down. He might have some valuable information."

Raj's eyes lit up with interest. "Then we should definitely meet him. He could have insights that Shankar missed."

Karthikeya agreed. "I'll arrange a meeting with him today."

After breakfast, they prepared to visit Srivalli's father. Karthikeya made a few calls and soon had the meeting set up. As they walked through the village towards Srivalli's house, Raj took in the surroundings, noting the quiet tension that seemed to hang over the place. The villagers eyed them warily, a mix of curiosity and suspicion in their gazes.

When they arrived at Srivalli's house, she greeted them warmly. "Good morning, Raj, Karthikeya. My father is expecting you."

They followed her inside, where her father, an elderly man with a kind but weary expression, sat waiting for them. He stood up to greet them.

"Namaste, Karthikeya, Raj," he said, gesturing for them to sit. "I understand you have questions about the temple."

"Yes, sir," Karthikeya began. "We're hoping you can shed some light on the mystery surrounding the Subrahmanya Swami temple. We've heard about the deaths and the snake bites. Is there anything you can tell us that might help?"

The old priest sighed deeply, his eyes reflecting years of burden. "The temple was once the heart of our village. But everything changed when people started dying. The deaths were attributed to snake bites, but I believe there's more to it. The temple holds secrets that many have tried to uncover, but none have succeeded."

Raj leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "Do you know what those secrets might be?"

Srivalli's father hesitated, then nodded. "we have to visit tanjavur for that."

Raj and Karthikeya, accompanied by Swamy, set off for Tanjavur with a renewed sense of purpose. The journey was long, but their determination kept them focused. They arrived in Tanjavur, a town rich in history and ancient architecture. Their goal was to learn more about the unique construction of the Subrahmanya Swami temple and its historical significance.

Upon reaching Tanjavur, they sought out an old priest known for his knowledge of the temple's history. The priest, a venerable man with a long white beard and wise eyes, welcomed them into his modest abode.

"Namaste, respected priest," Swamy greeted him with folded hands. "We have come seeking knowledge about the Subrahmanya Swami temple in Subrahmanyapuram."

The priest nodded, motioning for them to sit. "Ah, the temple of Viswakarma's design. It is indeed a marvel of our heritage. What do you wish to know?"

The priest smiled, his eyes twinkling with the light of ancient knowledge. "Indeed, the temple is a masterpiece. It was commissioned by King Kirtivarma of the Dravid Kingdom when his realm was struck by severe famine and drought. Desperate for divine intervention, he vowed to build a temple dedicated to Lord Subrahmanya Swami if his kingdom was blessed with prosperity again."

Raj listened intently as the priest continued. "Viswakarma, the divine architect, designed the temple in such a way that on Kartika Pournami, the full moon night, the moon's rays fall precisely on the feet of the deity. The diamond placed there reflects the light back with a thousand times more intensity. This miraculous event was seen as a divine sign, and indeed, after the temple was built, the kingdom flourished once more, never again facing famine or drought."

Raj couldn't help but be awed by the story. "So, the temple brought prosperity to the kingdom?"

"Yes," the priest affirmed. "The temple became a beacon of hope and faith. Its fame grew far and wide, attracting devotees from all over. However, in recent times, I have heard troubling news of deaths occurring near the temple. "

Karthikeya's brow furrowed. "Do you think the deaths could be connected to the temple's unique features or its history?"

The priest sighed, a shadow crossing his face. "It is possible. The temple holds many secrets, and disturbing them could have unforeseen consequences. But remember, the temple was built to protect and bless the land. If the balance is disturbed, there could be dire repercussions."

After expressing their gratitude to the priest, Raj, Karthikeya, and Swamy left Tanjavur with a deeper understanding of the temple's historical and spiritual significance. They made their way back to Subrahmanyapuram, arriving by evening the next day, their minds filled with the priest's words.

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