
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs

the retribution

The scene opens with a sweeping shot of the skyscraper's entrance, a gleaming symbol of power and wealth. Security guards, alert and ready, are stationed strategically around the area. The midday sun casts sharp shadows, heightening the tension in the air.

Suddenly, the tranquility is shattered as Raj's sleek black car screeches to a halt in front of the building. The door swings open, and Raj steps out, his face a mask of determination. The guards immediately sense the threat, drawing their weapons as Raj strides forward.

Raj: (into his earpiece) "Omisha, activate the device."

With a swift nod, Raj begins his assault. He moves like a shadow, fluid and precise. The first guard lunges at him, but Raj sidesteps effortlessly, grabbing the guard's arm and twisting it into a disarming move. The guard's gun clatters to the ground, and Raj uses the momentum to hurl the guard into two others, knocking them down.

A guard fires his weapon, but Raj anticipates the move, ducking and rolling forward. He grabs a fallen baton, using it to parry a series of attacks from three more guards. The baton becomes a blur in his hands, striking pressure points with surgical precision.

Raj transitions smoothly from defense to offense, his movements a choreographed dance of destruction. He disarms one guard, using the stolen gun to take out another two with pinpoint accuracy. Each shot is methodical, aimed to incapacitate without hesitation.

More guards swarm him, but Raj remains unflinching. He grabs a discarded knife, throwing it with deadly precision at a guard charging from behind. The knife finds its mark, and the guard drops instantly.

Raj spins, deflecting a blow from a baton and countering with a brutal elbow strike. He grabs the attacker's head, slamming it into his knee with bone-crunching force. Blood sprays, but Raj is already moving to the next target.

The last wave of guards rushes him in desperation. Raj flips a guard over his shoulder, using the momentum to kick another in the chest. He grabs a gun from the ground, firing in rapid succession to take down the remaining threats. The air is filled with the deafening roar of gunfire and the grunts of pain.

With the last guard down, Raj stands amidst a sea of unconscious and incapacitated bodies. His breathing is steady, his expression unreadable. He holsters the gun and takes a moment to survey the scene, ensuring no one is left standing.

Raj: (into his earpiece) "Omisha, I'm in. Begin Phase Two."

He strides forward, stepping over the fallen guards and through the entrance of the building. Inside, the chaos caused by the gas has taken effect, with security personnel sprawled unconscious on the floor. Raj heads straight for the elevator, his mission far from over.

Raj stand determined as the elevator doors close behind him, the tension building for the next confrontation.


The room is spacious and luxurious, a fitting setting for a high-stakes meeting. Vishwank Roy, heir to a powerful mafia family, sits at the head of a large table. Flanking him are Ibrahim, a stern and calculating strategist, and Kalki, a composed and enigmatic figure.

Vishwank Roy: (with a triumphant smirk) "Gentlemen, I have secured the Black Box. With this, our position at the next board meeting is guaranteed."

Ibrahim and Kalki nod approvingly, understanding the significance of the Black Box. The atmosphere is tense but filled with a sense of impending power.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, and the security head rushes in, his face pale with anxiety.

Security Head: "Sir, we have a situation. A gas has spread throughout the building, incapacitating our guards. All floors are affected, and their conditions are unknown."

Vishwank's eyes narrow with anger, his temper flaring.

Vishwank Roy: (slamming his fist on the table) "What the hell is going on?"

Security Head: (hesitantly) "There's more, sir. Someone has taken down all the guards outside the building and is making his way up here."

He gestures to the large screen on the wall, showing security footage of Raj taking down the guards with brutal efficiency. Vishwank's face contorts with rage as he watches.

Vishwank Roy: (furious) "Who is this bastard? I'll deal with him myself!"

He stands abruptly, storming towards the elevator with a murderous intent. Before he can reach it, Ibrahim steps in front of him, placing a hand on his chest to stop him.

Ibrahim: "Vishwank, don't be impulsive. We need to think this through. Running into a fight without a plan is exactly what he wants. We should wait and prepare."

Vishwank glares at Ibrahim, his fists clenched, but he knows Ibrahim is right. He takes a deep breath, trying to control his anger.

Vishwank Roy: (gritting his teeth) "Fine. What do you suggest?"

Ibrahim: "We need to secure the Black Box and ensure it's safe. Kalki, take it and hide it in the panic room. Vishwank, gather your best men and prepare for his arrival. We'll confront him on our terms."

the retribution

Kalki nods and swiftly moves to secure the Black Box, while Vishwank reluctantly follows Ibrahim's advice, rallying his remaining security forces.

The elevator ascends smoothly, the soft hum of the machinery the only sound. Inside, Raj stands calmly, his eyes focused and determined. He adjusts his gear, preparing for the confrontation that awaits him.

Raj: (to himself) "Almost there. This ends today."

The elevator reaches the top floor, the doors sliding open with a soft chime. Raj steps out, his movements controlled and deliberate. He knows he's walking into a lion's den, but he's ready for whatever comes his way.

The scene cuts between Raj's focused advance and the tense preparations of Vishwank and his men. The stage is set for an explosive showdown, each side poised for the battle to come.

As Raj moves down the hallway, he encounters the first wave of Vishwank's men. The fight is intense, with Raj dispatching them with a combination of skill and brute force. The hallway becomes a battleground, littered with fallen bodies.

Meanwhile, Vishwank watches from a control room, his anger barely contained.

Vishwank Roy: (to his men) "Hold your positions. Don't let him through."

Ibrahim: (calmly) "Stay focused, Vishwank. Remember the plan."

Raj continues his relentless advance, each step bringing him closer to the final confrontation with Vishwank Roy. The tension builds, the anticipation almost palpable.

mc dont know sahoo plot

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